Hacker News with Generative AI: Nutrition

Emulsifiers Make Food More Appealing. Do They Also Make You Sick? (wsj.com)
They keep salad dressing from separating, ice cream from dripping and muffins from hardening. Emulsifiers, used to improve the texture of food, are in all sorts of products. But there is growing concern about the potential health risks from eating them.
Short-term high-caloric diet has prolonged effects on men's brain insulin action (nature.com)
Brain insulin responsiveness is linked to long-term weight gain and unhealthy body fat distribution. Here we show that short-term overeating with calorie-rich sweet and fatty foods triggers liver fat accumulation and disrupted brain insulin action that outlasted the time-frame of its consumption in healthy weight men.
'Healthy' Vitamin B12 Levels Not Enough to Ward Off Neuro Decline (ucsf.edu)
Meeting the minimum requirement for vitamin B12, needed to make DNA, red blood cells and nerve tissue, may not actually be enough – particularly if you are older. It may even put you at risk for cognitive impairment.
Low-carb diets work. Why does American Diabetes Assoc. push insulin? (2024) (theguardian.com)
For a glimpse into how big business influences the $4tn US healthcare system, look no further than the world’s most powerful diabetes advocacy and research non-profit, the American Diabetes Association (ADA).
Gut microbiota functions:metabolism of nutrients and other food components(2017) (nlm.nih.gov)
The diverse microbial community that inhabits the human gut has an extensive metabolic repertoire that is distinct from, but complements the activity of mammalian enzymes in the liver and gut mucosa and includes functions essential for host digestion.
Daily omega-3 fatty acids may help human organs stay young (medicalxpress.com)
Consuming one gram of omega-3 per day may slow down the rate of biological aging in humans, according to an analysis of data from a clinical trial involving over 700 older adults over a three-year period.
Can Dieting Lead to Long-Term Weight Loss? (nytimes.com)
Dieting has long been viewed as the path to smaller bodies and better health. Stick to the right diet, the $75 billion U.S. weight loss industry may have you think, and you, too, can lose weight and keep it off.
The Mediterranean diet is a lie (politico.eu)
It’s the most famous diet in the world.
Omega-3s Can Slow Down Aging Process (news.uzh.ch)
A daily intake of one gram of omega-3s can slow down biological aging by up to four months, according to an analysis of clinical data from the international DO-HEALTH study led by the University of Zurich. For the first time, epigenetic clocks were used to measure the aging process.
Why the WHO has recommended switching to a healthier salt alternative (theconversation.com)
This week the World Health Organization (WHO) released new guidelines recommending people switch the regular salt they use at home for substitutes containing less sodium.
An omega-3 dose a day could slow ageing process, 'healthspan' trial finds (theguardian.com)
A daily dose of omega-3 oils may slow the ageing process, according to a major clinical trial of interventions that aim to extend humans’ healthspan – the number of years spent in good health before a decline in old age.
Adding iodine to salt played a role in cognitive improvements: research (2013) (discovermagazine.com)
Iodized salt is so commonplace in the U.S. today that you may never have given the additive a second thought. But new research finds that humble iodine has played a substantial role in cognitive improvements seen across the American population in the 20th century.
Diet and cancer: What we know and what we don't (dietdoctor.com)
Humans have been attempting to link diet and health since the dawn of time, or at least the dawn of written records.
Doctors worry that iodine deficiency – a problem from the past – is coming back (apnews.com)
Doctors worry that iodine deficiency — a dietary problem from the past — is coming back
Higher potassium intake at dinner linked to fewer sleep disturbances – study (nutraingredients-asia.com)
A Japanese study underscores the potential of higher potassium intake, particularly at dinner time, in relation to improved sleep.
Drinking green tea linked to fewer white matter lesions in brains of olderAdults (medicalxpress.com)
Research led by the Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences has reported a significant connection between higher green tea consumption and fewer cerebral white matter lesions in older adults without dementia.
What I Learned (and Unlearned) Reading 10 Books on Nutrition (scotthyoung.com)
As I write this, I’m in the final stretch of the fourth month of my Foundations project.
Lead and cadmium found in muscle-building protein powders (cleanlabelproject.org)
Study finds unexpected benefit to plant-based diet (independent.co.uk)
Swapping out meat and dairy can do more than just help animals and the planet, according to a new study that shows a vegan diet can transform your gut and metabolism.
Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular disease attributable to sugar beverages (nature.com)
The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) is associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). However, an updated and comprehensive assessment of the global burden attributable to SSBs remains scarce.
Ultra-Processed Diets Cause Excess Calorie Intake, Weight Gain, Inpatient Trial (nlm.nih.gov)
We investigated whether ultra-processed foods affect energy intake in 20 weight-stable adults, aged (mean±SE) 31.2±1.6 y and BMI=27±1.5 kg/m2.
Chemical reactions deplete nutrients in plant-based drinks (phys.org)
Over the last decade, the global market for plant-based beverages has seen remarkable growth, with oat, almond, soy and rice drinks emerging as popular alternatives to cow's milk in coffee and oatmeal during this time.
Show HN: Log each meal with a photo to track your diet and monitor your weight (apple.com)
Introducing SnapFood (AKA MealSnap) – the smartest way to track and log your meals, snacks and drinks.
The natural chemicals that could give you a healthy heart and low blood pressure (theguardian.com)
There’s a new buzzword in town when it comes to health: polyphenols.
As obesity skyrockets, Dietary Guidelines go from pro-vegetable to anti-meat (uncertaintyprinciples.substack.com)
As obesity rates skyrocket, Dietary Guidelines go from being pro-vegetable to anti-meat. How'd that happen?
Fatty acid amides present in Camembert cheese improved cognitive decline (sciencedirect.com)
Camembert cheese improved the cognitive decline induced by a high-fat diet.
Why eating less slows ageing: this molecule is key (nature.com)
A naturally occurring compound involved in digestion lengthens lifespan in flies and makes old mice more youthful.
The USDA Say It's Time to Replace Meat with Beans (foodandwine.com)
Beans and legumes aren’t go-to foods for many Americans, but a panel of top dietitians is hoping to change that. A new report from an advisory committee to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) suggests tweaking the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to recommend that people have at least 2.5 cups of beans and lentils a week.
Is Protein Powder a Scam? (nytimes.com)
Most people don’t need to consume this supplement, experts say, but it can be useful in certain situations.
Dietary fructose enhances tumour growth (nature.com)
Fructose consumption has increased considerably over the past five decades, largely due to the widespread use of high-fructose corn syrup as a sweetener1.