Hacker News with Generative AI: Research

Higher potassium intake at dinner linked to fewer sleep disturbances – study (nutraingredients-asia.com)
A Japanese study underscores the potential of higher potassium intake, particularly at dinner time, in relation to improved sleep.
Dr. TVAM – Inverse Rendering for Tomographic Volumetric Additive Manufacturing (github.com/rgl-epfl)
Dr.TVAM is an inverse rendering framework for tomographic volumetric additive manufacturing.
Good readers have distinct brain anatomy, research reveals (psypost.org)
The number of people who read for fun appears to be steadily dropping. Fifty percent of UK adults say they don’t read regularly (up from 42% in 2015) and almost one in four young people aged 16-24 say they’ve never been readers, according to research by The Reading Agency.
Comment on 2015 mRNA paper suggests data re-used in different contexts (pubpeer.com)
Genetics, not shared envs, drives parent-child similarities in intelligence (psypost.org)
How much of your cognitive ability is shaped by your genetic inheritance compared to the environment you grow up in? A new study published in Research in Social Stratification and Mobility suggests that the transmission of cognitive ability from parents to children is primarily driven by genetics, with little influence from shared environmental factors like family resources. The findings challenge traditional assumptions in social mobility research that often attribute these correlations primarily to socio-economic status.
Air pollution and brain damage: what the science says (nature.com)
Epidemiological studies have linked dirty air to dementia and other brain disorders. Now researchers are trying to determine how pollutants do their damage, and how much harm they cause.
Retractions caused by honest mistakes are extremely stressful, say researchers (nature.com)
Most researchers whose papers are retracted owing to an honest mistake find the ordeal stressful, according to a survey of almost 100 authors1.
MatterGen: A new paradigm of materials design with generative AI (microsoft.com)
Materials innovation is one of the key drivers of major technological breakthroughs.
I have made the decision to disband Hindenburg Research (hindenburgresearch.com)
As I’ve shared with family, friends and our team since late last year, I have made the decision to disband Hindenburg Research.
NDEA: A new intelligence science lab founded by François Chollet and Mike Knoop (ndea.com)
Ndea is building frontier AI systems that blend intuitive pattern recognition and formal reasoning into a unified architecture.
How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love Lynn's National IQ Estimates (astralcodexten.com)
Richard Lynn was a scientist who infamously tried to estimate the average IQ of every country. Typical of his results is this paper, which ranged from 60 (Malawi) to 108 (Singapore).
OpenAI's AI reasoning model 'thinks' in Chinese sometimes, no one knows why (techcrunch.com)
Shortly after OpenAI released o1, its first “reasoning” AI model, people began noting a curious phenomenon. The model would sometimes begin “thinking” in Chinese, Persian, or some other language — even when asked a question in English.
MathReader: Text-to-Speech for Mathematical Documents [pdf] (arxiv.org)
TTS (Text-to-Speech) document reader from Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, and OpenAI have been serviced worldwide. They provide relatively good TTS results for general plain text, but sometimes skip contents or provide unsatisfactory results for mathematical expressions.
Study shows how households can cut energy costs (news.mit.edu)
An experiment in Amsterdam suggests providing better information to people can help move them out of “energy poverty.”
Diffusion training from scratch on a micro-budget (github.com/SonyResearch)
This repository provides a minimalistic implementation of our approach to training large-scale diffusion models from scratch on an extremely low budget.
Detrimental Decibels: A Study of Noise Levels in Vancouver's SkyTrain System (2022) (library.ubc.ca)
Backdooring Your Backdoors – Another $20 Domain, More Governments (watchtowr.com)
After the excitement of our .MOBI research, we were left twiddling our thumbs. As you may recall, in 2024, we demonstrated the impact of an unregistered domain when we subverted the TLS/SSL CA process for verifying domain ownership to give ourselves the ability to issue valid and trusted TLS/SSL certificates for any .MOBI domain.
Flynn Effect (wikipedia.org)
The Flynn effect is the substantial and long-sustained increase in both fluid and crystallized intelligence test scores that were measured in many parts of the world over the 20th century, named after researcher James Flynn (1934–2020). [1][2]
Is Consciousness Research the Next Big Quantum Use Case? (thequantuminsider.com)
The once shiny, exciting use cases for quantum technology may turn out to be pretty mundane if a small, but courageous band of researchers proves their theories correct.
Nearly all binary searches and mergesorts are broken (2006) (research.google)
I remember vividly Jon Bentley's first Algorithms lecture at CMU, where he asked all of us incoming Ph.D. students to write a binary search, and then dissected one of our implementations in front of the class.
Scientists drill 2 miles down pull 1.2M-year-old ice core from Antarctic (apnews.com)
An international team of scientists announced Thursday they’ve successfully drilled one of the oldest ice cores yet, penetrating nearly 2 miles (2.8 kilometers) to Antarctic bedrock to reach ice they say is at least 1.2 million years old.
Learning how to think with Meta Chain-of-Thought (arxiv.org)
We propose a novel framework, Meta Chain-of-Thought (Meta-CoT), which extends traditional Chain-of-Thought (CoT) by explicitly modeling the underlying reasoning required to arrive at a particular CoT.
Who Can Understand the Proof? A Window on Formalized Mathematics (stephenwolfram.com)
For more than a century people had wondered how simple the axioms of logic (Boolean algebra) could be. On January 29, 2000, I found the answer—and made the surprising discovery that they could be about twice as simple as anyone knew. (I also showed that what I found was the simplest possible.)
Research Finds Vaccines Are Not Behind the Rise in Autism. So What Is? (nytimes.com)
There is no one factor that causes autism — or explains its growing prevalence. Researchers are seeking explanations for the surge. Here are some possibilities.
Wikipedia searches reveal differing styles of curiosity (scientificamerican.com)
Mapping explorers of Wikipedia rabbit holes revealed three different styles of human inquisitiveness: the “busybody,” the “hunter” and the “dancer”
WorstFit: Unveiling Hidden Transformers in Windows ANSI (orange.tw)
The research unveils a new attack surface in Windows by exploiting Best-Fit, an internal charset conversion feature. Through our work, we successfully transformed this feature into several practical attacks, including Path Traversal, Argument Injection, and even RCE, affecting numerous well-known applications! Given that the root cause spans compiler behavior, C/C++ runtime and developer’s mistakes, we also discussed the challenges of pushing fixes within the open-source ecosystem. Get the latest update and slides on our website!🔥 → https://worst.fit/
Backdooring Your Backdoors – Another $20 Domain, More Governments (watchtowr.com)
After the excitement of our .MOBI research, we were left twiddling our thumbs. As you may recall, in 2024, we demonstrated the impact of an unregistered domain when we subverted the TLS/SSL CA process for verifying domain ownership to give ourselves the ability to issue valid and trusted TLS/SSL certificates for any .MOBI domain.
Morning coffee may protect the heart better (eurekalert.org)
People who drink coffee in the morning have a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and a lower overall mortality risk compared to all-day coffee drinkers, according to research published in the European Heart Journal [1] today (Wednesday).
Backdooring your backdoors – Another $20 domain, more governments (watchtowr.com)
After the excitement of our .MOBI research, we were left twiddling our thumbs. As you may recall, in 2024, we demonstrated the impact of an unregistered domain when we subverted the TLS/SSL CA process for verifying domain ownership to give ourselves the ability to issue valid and trusted TLS/SSL certificates for any .MOBI domain.
Ultra-Processed Diets Cause Excess Calorie Intake, Weight Gain, Inpatient Trial (nlm.nih.gov)
We investigated whether ultra-processed foods affect energy intake in 20 weight-stable adults, aged (mean±SE) 31.2±1.6 y and BMI=27±1.5 kg/m2.