Hacker News with Generative AI: PhD

Ask HN: PhDs/students, how do you come up with viable problems/solutions? (ycombinator.com)
While I do have the support of advisor, and in general know the bigger research direction, coming up with a relevant doable+innovative research problem is still somewhat upon me and hard. I wanted to read on other researchers' perspective on how they do it, what works and what doesn't. Thanks!
PhD terminated after 6 years with excellent work: retaliation from Prof, TUDelft [video] (youtube.com)
My PhD advisor rewrote himself in bash (2010) (might.net)
The hardest part of advising Ph.D. students is teaching them how to write.
The toll of PhDs on mental health: data reveal stark effects (nature.com)
A study of Swedish PhD candidates has shown the vast toll that doctoral studies can take on mental health.
Ask HN: How to manage a PhD project? (ycombinator.com)
The unexpected poetry of PhD acknowledgements (anu.edu.au)
How I turned seemingly 'failed' experiments into a successful PhD (science.org)