Hacker News with Generative AI: Advice

What to Learn (2021) (danluu.com)
It's common to see people advocate for learning skills that they have or using processes that they use.
A few words about indie app business (charliemonroe.net)
A while ago, someone asked me for advice about starting an indie app business. So I’d given it some thought and wrote back a few points – and I thought it would be a good idea to put it out here for anyone else who’s thinking about doing this. Let’s start from the beginning.
Ask HN: My father passed away. How do deal with the grief? (ycombinator.com)
It has been one month since he passed and i have been continuously crying. I am writing this with tears in my eye.
Ask HN: Advice for someone who stagnated in their career. Help (ycombinator.com)
But I haven't been able to get in the door anywhere new (corporate, consulting, or funded startup) and I can't figure out why. At this point I don't know who wants to hire someone like me.
Ask HN: What's your app idea that you don't have the time or motivation to build (ycombinator.com)
I suddenly have some time on my hands and would like to use some of that time to write some code and learn some of this new fangled tech that all the cool kids are talking about.
Ask HN: Ways to progress career wise as SWE? (ycombinator.com)
I work as a software engineer and make an Ok salary (market salary). However, it seems like I'm stuck at my level.
Show HN: Make your YC application stand out (Spring 2025 edition) (ycscore.com)
Don't let stupid mistakes kill your YC Spring 2025 dreams. Get partner-informed scoring and feedback for your application.
Converge (YC S23) will review your YC application before you submit (ycombinator.com)
Converge (YC S23) will review your YC application before you submit
You are asking the wrong question; 3D print business advice [video] (youtube.com)
Advice for a friend who wants to start a blog (henrikkarlsson.xyz)
I talked to a friend who wants to start a blog, and she pulled a few thoughts from me:
Reflections on 1 Year of (Trying to) Become Successful on YouTube (chaserensberger.com)
In 2024, my friend and I started making YouTube videos. This article is just some housekeeping I’m doing to keep track of progress for this channel. I hope that some people find it valuable. I offer some advice in this article, but everything should be taken with a grain of salt, as we are not (hopefully yet) a successful channel. If you’re interested in getting in touch, there is contact information at the end of the article.
21-year-old in debt after failed businesses, seeking advice (ycombinator.com)
I am 21, 10k in debt the result of previous failed business attempts and bad financial management
A letter to open-source maintainers (xuanwo.io)
Here is a letter to all friends who are or aspire to be open-source maintainers. I have repeated many of these core ideas in various places. I believe it’s better to write them in a letter so that I don’t have to repeat myself again. This letter includes everything I want to share with NEW open-source maintainers. I hope all of them can find happiness and thrive in the open-source community.
Ask HN: What SOM Makes Startups Attractive to VCs? (ycombinator.com)
How to grow professional relationships (tej.as)
Over my career, I’ve had the opportunity to get to know some of the world’s most incredible builders. This same career has also seen quite a significant amount of gatekeeping: various (m|b)illionaire boys clubs and cliques have made it quite clear that they’d prefer to keep their world small and exclusive, and that there’s no room at their table.
Contradictions in photography advice (medium.com)
The third law of photodynamics: For every piece of loudly-spoken advice, there is a piece of equal and opposite counter-advice.
A career-ending mistake (bitfieldconsulting.com)
You came for the schadenfreude, but you’ll stay for the thought-provoking advice
Ask HN: Best Resources for a New Dad? (ycombinator.com)
I recently became a dad and only now I realize how difficult it is to gather the right information about anything related to the baby (from breast feeding, feeding issues, sleep, etc - to potential depression and hormone issues for the mother, etc).<p>I am so surprised that in 2024 there still isn't a good consensus on things that are best to raise a child.<p>For the parents out here: can you please provide as much help as you can to a
Ask HN: How to deal with a serious mental health breakdown? (ycombinator.com)
I am dealing with a delicate problem concerning my housemate who has recently had a very serious mental health breakdown.
Think first about what problem this is solving and for whom (2021) (letterstoanewdeveloper.com)
Before you write any code, think first about what problem this is solving and for whom.
Ask HN: Where to start when creating a programming language? (ycombinator.com)
I've been a programmer for more than 5 years and during that time I've already developed a few small things, but now I want to start understanding in depth what a programming language is and how it works, but I don't even know where to start. If anyone can help me, I'd really appreciate it.
Guide to applying to YC – from a founder who was accepted on the third try (notion.site)
Ask HN: What are things you wish you knew about hiring engineers? (mazeg.io)
Work with a long-term tech partner who will fully take care of your software product development, allowing you to focus on whatever you are best at: strategy, fundraising and sales
Cofounder Mode: My tactical guide to finding a cofounder (repromptai.com)
I spent 9 months and almost 100 “cofounder dates” finding my cofounder. It took way more time and effort than I was expecting. Since then, I’ve helped friends run a tight process to find their cofounder. Here’s the tactical guide I wish I had when I started.
Writing Advice Is a Lie (commonreader.co.uk)
So many people read writing advice. It’s everywhere. The woods are full of it. Even here on Substack, half the Literature leaderboard is essentially self-help and writing advice.
Only Use Old Computers (lukesmith.xyz)
If there is a single point of advice I can offer novice computer users, it is stop using modern computers.
I encourage you to write a blog (ounapuu.ee)
It’s been over 4 years since my first post on this blog.
Has my mobile security advice changed? (shkspr.mobi)
A decade ago, I appeared on the 361 Podcast to give my advice about mobile security.
Ask HN: To those making 200k+ how did you get there? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: To those making 200k+, how did you get there?
What I tell people new to on-call (ntietz.com)
The first time I went on call as a software engineer, it was exciting—and ultimately traumatic.