Hacker News with Generative AI: Learning

Show HN: Opennote – Personalized Learning, Perfected (opennote.me)
We've built our custom models, Feynman and Turing, to effectively teach and learn from you. Spend time learning and building a strong understanding of your material, not just writing down answers.
Lessons from building a small-scale AI application (thelis.org)
ChatGPT heralded a seismic shift in software, and one that I felt compelled to understand. So, over the past year, I’ve been building an AI assistant for my past-CEO-self as a pedagogical exercise. It answers questions, gets status reports, and summarizes what’s going on. Reflecting on what I know now, here are my takeaways over the past year.
Ask HN: Websites / Apps that aren't a waste of time? (ycombinator.com)
With X, formerly Twitter, going the way it has, I find myself lacking spaces on the internet to scroll and learn things at the same time (besides this one.)
Build a Database in 3000 Lines with 0 Dependencies (build-your-own.org)
I’ve built a small database in 3000 lines from scratch in Go to learn the core ideas of databases. It’s not that complicated if you approach it in a certain way.
What I Learned (and Unlearned) Reading 10 Books on Nutrition (scotthyoung.com)
As I write this, I’m in the final stretch of the fourth month of my Foundations project.
Take the pedals off the bike (fortressofdoors.com)
Apparently if you want to teach kids how to ride a bike you're supposed to take the pedals off first, and now my mind will never be the same again.
Coyote Time: What Games Can Teach Us About Forgiveness in Learning (blogs.bsu.edu)
Video games often strike a balance between challenging players and forgiving them for not being perfect. How might forgiveness in games lead us to new insights about learning design?
How do non-software engineers feel upon reflection, about their degrees? (ycombinator.com)
To set the scene: I wanted to build my own devboard for my own projects. I'm sat here looking at my screen after having opened KiCAD with some of the documentation for an STM32H7 MCU. It dawns on me that I have absolutely zero clue of what I am looking at and have no idea where to start beyond watching youtube. Here I am now writing this.
Ask HN: If I want to compose my own music, how can I get started? (ycombinator.com)
I'm a programmer, but I've decided I want to make music. Very specific genres of music:
Show HN: TubePen – My attempt to get more out of YouTube learning (tubepen.com)
Learning Synths (ableton.com)
Your browser does not support this site. Please try using a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, or Opera.
Show HN: Struggle with CSS Flexbox? This Playground Is for You (yoavsbg.github.io)
Experiment with different flex properties to understand how they affect layout. Adjust the controls below to see changes in real-time and copy the generated CSS code.
How Not to Learn Rust (dystroy.org)
I've seen too many good programmers struggle learning Rust, or even give up.
Show HN: Learn Japanese Kanji, no silly mnemonics (kanjideck.com)
Kanjideck is a no-shortcuts deck for learning Japanese Kanji with the super-power of spaced repetition to study smarter, not harder.
$250 remaining of L&D budget – what to spend on? (ycombinator.com)
Currently learning basic SQL (for free on Code Academy), already have a Coursera subscription for business courses. Interested in different forms of learning (MOOCs don't really engage me that well).<p>My background is in finance and I would like to learn more about product development and strategy.
Want to Remember Everything You Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm (2008) (wired.com)
Piotr Wozniak's quest for anonymity has been successful. Nobody along this string of little beach resorts recognizes him as the inventor of a technique to turn people into geniuses.
Ask HN: Which courses/classes are you excited about in 2025? (ycombinator.com)
I'm thinking of signing up for one of David's courses: https://www.dabeaz.com/courses.html. I've heard they're intense and very well done.
Numbers Are Leaves (christo.sh)
Over Christmas I set out to teach myself axiomatic set theory. Specifically, I wanted to teach myself Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of Choice or ZFC.
Introductions to new subjects by great people (syllabi.directory)
This is a starter collection of syllabi compiled by experts, aimed at helping you get quickly oriented to their area of expertise.
C++ is an absolute blast (learncodethehardway.com)
I want you to ask yourself an honest question. When was the last time you actually had fun in programming?
Ask HN: What are you reading/learning/working on over the holiday break? (ycombinator.com)
This time of the year many people take time off to spend time with family and have extra free time to work on their own stuff (Python was famously created as a Christmas break project), so I’m curious how you’ll be using this extra time?
Ask HN: What you are planning to learn in 2025 for your career and why? (ycombinator.com)
What you are planning (or continue) to learn?<p>why and how do you think this will impact your career?
Why Books Donʼt Work (andymatuschak.org)
Books are easy to take for granted. Not any specific book, I mean: the form of a book. Paper or pixels—it hardly matters. Words in lines on pages in chapters. And at least for non-fiction books, one implied assumption at the foundation: people absorb knowledge by reading sentences. This last idea so invisibly defines the medium that it’s hard not to take for granted, which is a shame because, as we’ll see, it’s quite mistaken.
Show HN: Practice actual work conversations (with LLM based feedback) (prep.coach)
Prep Coach helps you sharpen your real-world skills by walking you through prompts and pointing out what you're doing well, and what could be improved.
Ask HN: What Vim habits did you need to unlearn? (ycombinator.com)
If you don't use Vim, know that it has probably the steepest learning curve of any text editor (or at least non-IDE editors) and many users pick up habits along the way they need to unlearn.
Show HN: Socratify: Learn by Debating – critical thinking coach (socratify.com)
Learn and debate interesting ideas every day5 min dialogues with an AI coach
Show HN: 31Memorize–Free vocab builder with FSRS-5 spaced repetition (31memorize.com)
Targeted learning for every GRE section, powered by neuroscience. Join Beta
Show HN: A simple web game to help learn chords and basic progressions (yottanami.com)
Learn and practice piano chords and common chord progressions in both major and minor keys!
1,600 days of a failed hobby data science project (lellep.xyz)
⭐ I spent >1,600 days working on a data science project that then failed because I lost interest. This article is to cope with the failure and maybe help you (and me) to finish successful data science projects by summarising a few learnings into a checklist, see below.
The Need to Grind Concrete Examples Before Jumping Up a Level of Abstraction (justinmath.com)
What a lot of math learners fail to understand is that grinding through concrete examples imbues you with intuition that you will not get if you jump directly to studying the most abstract ideas.