Hacker News with Generative AI: Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition can allow for infinite recall (2022) (efavdb.com)
My friend Andrew is an advocate of the “spaced repetition” technique for memorization of a great many facts [1]. The ideas behind this are two-fold:
Show HN: Learn Japanese Kanji, no silly mnemonics (kanjideck.com)
Kanjideck is a no-shortcuts deck for learning Japanese Kanji with the super-power of spaced repetition to study smarter, not harder.
Implementing SM-2 in Rust (borretti.me)
I’ve been on a spaced repetition (SR) kick as of late. Mochi, the SR software I use, uses a modified version of the SuperMemo SM-2 algorithm to schedule cards. The differences are:
Show HN: 31Memorize–Free vocab builder with FSRS-5 spaced repetition (31memorize.com)
Targeted learning for every GRE section, powered by neuroscience. Join Beta
Show HN: I combined spaced repetition with emails so you can remember anything (ginkgonotes.com)
Add some notes and we'll email them to you on specific days using spaced repetition. This personalized schedule ensures you remember.
Ask HN: Why don't you use spaced repetition to learn, despite its effectiveness? (ycombinator.com)
Spaced repetition is widely regarded as an effective method for learning and retention [0]. And articles about spaced repetition often perform well here [1][2], which suggests a lot of you find it interesting. Yet, it seems like an even larger group don’t incorporate it into their learning process.
Spaced repetition is more than memorization – it's also generalization (justinmath.com)
Spaced review is not only about memorization – it’s also about generalization.
A Simple Spaced Repetition Algo (In Ugly SQL) (taylor.town)
I recently built flashcasts, which delivers spaced-repetition software via podcast feeds.
Show HN: Flowery – Vocabulary builder powered by LLM and spaced repetition (flowery.app)
Show HN: Zanki – AI powered spaced repetition to teach kids to read (zanki.app)
Show HN: I made a spaced repetition tool to master coding problems (lanki.xyz)
FSRS is one of the most accurate spaced repetition algorithms in the world (reddit.com)