Hacker News with Generative AI: Algorithms

EU asks X for internal documents about algorithms as it steps up investigation (theguardian.com)
The European Commission has asked X to hand over internal documents about its algorithms, as it steps up its investigation into whether Elon Musk’s social media platform has breached EU rules on content moderation.
Mathematics of the daily word game Waffle (arxiv.org)
We investigate the combinatorics of permutations underlying the the daily word game Waffle, and learn why some games are easy to solve while extreme games are very hard. A perfect unscrambling must have precisely 11 orbits, with at least one of length 1, on the 21 squares.
EU orders X to hand over info on recent algorithm changes (theregister.com)
The European Commission is stepping up its ongoing investigation of Elon Musk's X with a request to examine recent changes made to the platform's recommendation algorithms.
Brussels orders X to hand over documents on algorithm (ft.com)
Solving the first 100 Project Euler problems using 100 languages (github.com/jaredkrinke)
This repository tracked a misguided quest to write code in 100 different programming languages, specifically by solving the first 100 Project Euler problems, using a different--and, ideally, new to me--language for each problem.
Maze Generation: Recursive Division (2011) (jamisbuck.org)
A novel method for generating fractal-like mazes is presented, with sample code and an animation
Ask HN: Dense Tree Layout Algorithms (ycombinator.com)
I recently bought a poster which features a really beautiful rendering of a phylogenetic tree of the world's bird families (a rooted binary tree).<p>https://lynxnaturebooks.com/product/orders-and-families-of-the-birds-of-the-world-poster/<p>I am sure it was carefully designed by hand. What algorithms could automatically generate a layout like this? The graphviz layout algorithms are poorly suited to the problem because they cannot seem to avoid edge/node coincidence beyond a certain node density.
Treewidth? (ams.org)
The treewidth of a graph, a positive integer defined using a tree of sets of vertices, is central to graph structure theory and the parametrized complexity of algorithms.
Test if a number is even (wordpress.com)
You want to test if a number is even.
Nearly all binary searches and mergesorts are broken (2006) (research.google)
I remember vividly Jon Bentley's first Algorithms lecture at CMU, where he asked all of us incoming Ph.D. students to write a binary search, and then dissected one of our implementations in front of the class.
Pathfinding to a moving target in evolving terrain (holm.dog)
In this post, I'm going to describe how I used direction fields to introduce fast and dynamic pathfinding to a browser game.
Collatz's Ant and similarity of Collatz sequences (gbragafibra.github.io)
This is a brief continuation of a previous post (Repo), which introduced such visualization for collatz sequences based on Langton’s Ant.
Counting the digits of 64-bit integers (lemire.me)
Given an integer in software, you may want to know how many decimal digits it needs. For example, the integer 100 requires 3 digits, the integer 9999 requires 4 digits.
US sues six of the biggest landlords over "algorithmic pricing schemes" (arstechnica.com)
The US Justice Department today announced it filed an antitrust lawsuit against "six of the nation's largest landlords for participating in algorithmic pricing schemes that harmed renters."
DOJ Sues Six Large Landlords for Algorithmic Pricing Scheme That Harms Millions (justice.gov)
The Justice Department, together with its state co-plaintiffs, filed an amended complaint today in its antitrust lawsuit against RealPage, to sue six of the nation’s largest landlords for participating in algorithmic pricing schemes that harmed renters.
Walking Ripples (fractalkitty.com)
Over the last week I have been drawing circles along paths and then shading them with 2 colors using random numbers to determine their radii.
Ask HN: Have you ever seen a pathfinding algorithm of this type? (breathingworld.com)
Recently, after adding wolves, I set the wolves' field of view to be wider than that of rabbits and conducted tests, during which I confirmed that the A* algorithm was not performing well.
Optimizing uint64_t Digit Counting: A Method that Beats Lemire's by up to 143% (github.com/RealTimeChris)
Minimum bipartite matching via Riemann optimization (2023) (ocramz.github.io)
Some time ago I ran into two separate instances of the same combinatorial optimization problem in the span of a few days, and decided to read up a little on the fundamentals. The two applications were object tracking in videos, and peak alignment in chromatography data.
XORShift for Magic Bitboards (strydr.net)
Devlog 0x1. This edition covers my implementation of a pseudo random number generator using the XORSHIFT32 algorithm.
The Recursive Book of Recursion (inventwithpython.com)
Recursion, and recursive algorithms, have a reputation for being intimidating. They're seen as an advanced computer science topic often brought up in coding interviews. Moreover, coders often perceive the use of a recursive algorithm as a sophisticated solution that only true programmers can produce. But there's nothing magical about recursion. Its fearsome reputation is more a product of poor teaching than of the complexity of recursion itself.
Visually Compare Retry Algorithms (compareretries.com)
Compare linear, exponential, and capped exponential backoff strategies with configurable jitter
Static search trees: faster than binary search (curiouscoding.nl)
In this post, we will implement a static search tree (S+ tree) for high-throughput searching of sorted data, as introduced on Algorithmica.
Show HN: A search engine that values depth over popularity (graphthem.com)
A search engine that values depth over popularity
Want to Remember Everything You Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm (2008) (wired.com)
Piotr Wozniak's quest for anonymity has been successful. Nobody along this string of little beach resorts recognizes him as the inventor of a technique to turn people into geniuses.
The CAP theorem of Clustering: Why Every Algorithm Must Sacrifice Something (codingconfessions.com)
No clustering algorithm is perfect and you must make a trade-off.
The Gambler Who Cracked the Horse-Racing Code (2018) (bloomberg.com)
Bill Benter did the impossible: He wrote an algorithm that couldn’t lose at the track. Close to a billion dollars later, he tells his story for the first time.
Sometimes I cache: implementing lock-free probabilistic caching (cloudflare.com)
HTTP caching is conceptually simple: if the response to a request is in the cache, serve it, and if not, pull it from your origin, put it in the cache, and return it.
Optimality of Frequency Moment Estimation (weizmann.ac.il)
Tokenisation Is NP-Complete (arxiv.org)
In this work, we prove the NP-completeness of two variants of tokenisation, defined as the problem of compressing a dataset to at most $\delta$ symbols by either finding a vocabulary directly (direct tokenisation), or selecting a sequence of merge operations (bottom-up tokenisation).