GCC Preparing to Set C23 "GNU23" as Default C Language Version(phoronix.com) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support for the C23 programming language standard is now considered "essentially feature-complete" with GCC 15. As such they are preparing to enable the C23 language version (using the GNU23 dialect) by default for the C language version of GCC when not otherwise specified.
Ask HN: C Language Successors(ycombinator.com) For those of you who have experimented with potential C language successors, what are pros and cons and your experiences with them? I am talking about languages like Zig, Odin, C3, Hare, V and possibly Nim and Crystal, assuming that they are considered systems programming languages.
6 points by blueredmodern 133 days ago | 10 comments
Coding without braces: An alternate C Syntax(deusinmachina.net) I recently stumbled upon an interesting piece of C language trivia that underscores how different computers were when C was first created. Specifically, C allows the use of digraphs (two letter combinations that represent a single letter) like <% and %> as alternatives of { and } and <: and :> as substitutes for [ and ]. The purpose of this was to provide an alternate syntax to support keyboards and character sets where braces and brackets were not available.
6 points by todsacerdoti 135 days ago | 2 comments
The SQLite Amalgamation(sqlite.org) Over 100 separate source files are concatenated into a single large file of C-code named "sqlite3.c" and referred to as "the amalgamation". The amalgamation contains everything an application needs to embed SQLite.