Hacker News with Generative AI: Trivia

Where is London's most central sheep? (blogspot.com)
It's time to tackle one of London's great unanswered questions.
Coding without braces: An alternate C Syntax (deusinmachina.net)
I recently stumbled upon an interesting piece of C language trivia that underscores how different computers were when C was first created. Specifically, C allows the use of digraphs (two letter combinations that represent a single letter) like <% and %> as alternatives of { and } and <: and :> as substitutes for [ and ]. The purpose of this was to provide an alternate syntax to support keyboards and character sets where braces and brackets were not available.
Show HN: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (areusmarterthanafifthgrader.com)
Who Wants to Be a Thousandaire? (2011) (damninteresting.com)