Hacker News with Generative AI: Mathematics

Mathematics of the daily word game Waffle (arxiv.org)
We investigate the combinatorics of permutations underlying the the daily word game Waffle, and learn why some games are easy to solve while extreme games are very hard. A perfect unscrambling must have precisely 11 orbits, with at least one of length 1, on the 21 squares.
The Curious History of Venn Diagrams (scientificamerican.com)
In his book The Mathematical Universe, mathematician William Dunham wrote of John Venn’s namesake legacy, the Venn diagram, “No one in the long history of mathematics ever became better known for less.”
Mathematicians discover new way for spheres to 'kiss' (quantamagazine.org)
A new proof marks the first progress in decades on important cases of the so-called kissing problem. Getting there meant doing away with traditional approaches.
Finite Field Assembly: A Language for Emulating GPUs on CPU (leetarxiv.substack.com)
FF-asm is a programming language founded on the thesis: Math is mostly invented, rarely discovered.
Treewidth? (ams.org)
The treewidth of a graph, a positive integer defined using a tree of sets of vertices, is central to graph structure theory and the parametrized complexity of algorithms.
Ingrid Daubechies awarded National Medal of Science (today.duke.edu)
Mathematician Ingrid Daubechies will receive the National Medal of Science, the highest possible recognition bestowed on scientists and engineers in the nation.
Very Wrong Math (charlespetzold.com)
The difference between misinformation and disinformation is the difference between ignorance and malice. Trolling is somewhat different, incorporating an element of provocation and narcissism. But what the hell is this?
Who Can Understand the Proof? A Window on Formalized Mathematics (stephenwolfram.com)
For more than a century people had wondered how simple the axioms of logic (Boolean algebra) could be. On January 29, 2000, I found the answer—and made the surprising discovery that they could be about twice as simple as anyone knew. (I also showed that what I found was the simplest possible.)
An Introduction to Neural Ordinary Differential Equations [pdf] (diposit.ub.edu)
Rational or not? This basic math question took decades to answer (quantamagazine.org)
It’s surprisingly difficult to prove one of the most basic properties of a number: whether it can be written as a fraction. A broad new method can help settle this ancient question.
Collatz's Ant and similarity of Collatz sequences (gbragafibra.github.io)
This is a brief continuation of a previous post (Repo), which introduced such visualization for collatz sequences based on Langton’s Ant.
Multiplicative Infinitesimals (github.com/Ericson2314)
This goes with Multiplicative Calculus, but where as that is mostly summarizing others work, this is original as far as I know, and so I split it out.
Robotics 101 at UMich: Applied numerical linear algebra as intro linear algebra (robotics.umich.edu)
Computational Linear Algebra is a pilot first-semester, first-year undergraduate course that will show how mathematics and computation are unified for reasoning about data and making discoveries about the world.
The Elements of Euclid (c82.net)
A reproduction of Oliver Byrne’s celebrated work from 1847 plus interactive diagrams, cross references, and posters designed by Nicholas Rougeux
How many real numbers exist? New proof moves closer to an answer (2021) (quantamagazine.org)
For 50 years, mathematicians have believed that the total number of real numbers is unknowable. A new proof suggests otherwise.
Dice, (De)Convolution and Generating Functions (demofox.org)
I stumbled across a very cool YouTube video today that talks about how to look for alternate ways of labeling sides of two dice to give you the same random number distribution as if you added two standard dice together.
Einsum in Depth (joelburget.com)
Mandelbrot deep zoom theory and practice (2021) (mathr.co.uk)
The complex beauty of the world's most famous fractal, the Mandelbrot set, emerges from the repeated iteration of a simple formula:
The Maxwell-Heaviside Equations Explained by the Theory of Informatons (researchgate.net)
Show HN: 2025 = sum(I^3) for I = 0..9 (ycombinator.com)
This year's number is kinda fun:<p>2025 = 0^3 + 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + 4^3 + 5^3 + 6^3 + 7^3 + 8^3 + 9^3<p>Which is equivalent to:<p>2025 = (0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9) ^ 2 = 45 ^ 2<p>Next time this will happen is 1000 years from now, in 3025. See y'all then!
One of my papers got declined today (mathstodon.xyz)
DAC: Revolutionizing LLM Accuracy in Mathematical Applications (github.com/JasonAlbertEinstien)
This repository showcases our recent research aimed at improving the accuracy of large language models (LLMs) in mathematical domains. We believe our approach has surpassed previous methods, such as chain-of-thought and graph-of-thought techniques, achieving state-of-the-art performance.
“A Course of Pure Mathematics” – G. H. Hardy (1921) [pdf] (gutenberg.org)
A Puzzle about a Calculator (aperiodical.com)
It’s now been a year since I took over the puzzle column at New Scientist and turned it into the BrainTwisters column. By way of celebration, I thought I’d write up an interesting bit of maths behind one of the puzzles, which I made a note of at the time and have been meaning to share.
Visual Algebra (math.clemson.edu)
Category Theory Illustrated (abuseofnotation.github.io)
Discover the beauty of mathematics through the lens of category theory with this unique exploration that goes beyond problem-solving. In this book, you’ll find a refreshing perspective on math as an art form, a language, and a way of thinking that unifies diverse fields of knowledge. Delve into the fascinating world of sets, groups, types, and partial orders, and explore the deep connections between these concepts.
Penrose Mazes (2020) (justinpombrio.net)
Mazes are typically constructed on regular grids: square, triangular, hexagonal, etc. But what if you generate a maze on top of a Penrose tiling, which is guaranteed to be irregular? (It is an aperiodic tiling.) The resulting mazes have a very characteristic appearance: they are filled with circles and stars, but the tiling they are built on guarentees they never repeat exactly.
Machine-Assisted Proof [pdf] (ams.org)
Mathematician Reveals New Enigmas for Time Travelers (discovermagazine.com)
First, the good news for time travelers. Physicists have long recognized that nothing in the laws of physics specifically forbids time travel.
Invariants: Computation and Applications (arxiv.org)
Invariants withstand transformations and, therefore, represent the essence of objects or phenomena.