Hacker News with Generative AI: Computer Graphics

The Matrix: Infinite-Horizon World Generation with Real-Time Interaction (thematrix1999.github.io)
How close are we to realizing the vision of The Matrix (1999), where AI crafts a fully immersive, interactive world, blurring the line between reality and illusion? Imagine a limitless digital universe, created in real-time with visuals that rival reality itself. This project is a pioneering step toward that vision—a first glimpse into humanity’s own "Matrix."
AAA – Analytical Anti-Aliasing (frost.kiwi)
Today’s journey is Anti-Aliasing and the destination is Analytical Anti-Aliasing. Getting rid of rasterization jaggies is an art-form with decades upon decades of maths, creative techniques and non-stop innovation. With so many years of research and development, there are many flavors.
End-to-End Tour of Text Layout/Rendering (2015) (blogspot.com)
I’ve found that there is a fair amount of confusion regarding how text rendering actually ends up working. In particular, it seems that the design of the system in general often goes unnoticed.
Turn a JPEG into a Warzone (jason1610.github.io)
Pixel Attack
Nvidia presents Llama-Mesh: Generating 3D Mesh with Llama 3.1 8B (nvidia.com)
This work explores expanding the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) pretrained on text to generate 3D meshes within a unified model.
Implementing Order-Independent Transparency (osor.io)
The reasoning for wanting Order-Independent Transparency comes from Order-Dependent Transparency being the way transparency rendering ends up being implemented in most computer graphics scenarios, and certainly in the majority of real-time rendering contexts.
Moore Curve Voronoi Animation (bleuje.com)
Number of Holes 32 Move Speed Factor 8
URAvatar: Universal Relightable Gaussian Codec Avatars (junxuan-li.github.io)
In this work, we present URAvatar, a new approach to creating photorealistic and relightable head avatars using a phone scan with unknown illumination.
BC7 optimal solid-color blocks (wordpress.com)
That’s right, it’s another texture compression blog post! I’ll keep it short. By “solid-color block”, I mean a 4×4 block of pixels that all have the same color. ASTC has a dedicated encoding for these (“void-extent blocks”), BC7 does not. Therefore we have an 8-bit RGBA input color and want to figure out how to best encode that color with the encoding options we have.
Implementing a Tiny CPU Rasterizer (lisyarus.github.io)
This is a tutorial series on implementing a basic CPU rasterization engine in C++ from scratch.
Sorting for Rendering (linebender.org)
Many rendering algorithms (including a proposed sparse strip technique for path rendering, and also Gaussian Splatting) rely on sorting. Because the GPU has a different architecture to the CPU, programs running on the GPU have different performance characteristics, and this changes which sorting algorithms are optimal for a particular context. In particular, sorting algorithms that exploit parallelism tend to be more suited to the GPU.
Crafting Painterly Shaders (maximeheckel.com)
Writing a shader that can reproduce the look and feel of aquarelle, watercolor, or gouache to obtain a more painterly output for my WebGL scenes has always been a long-term goal of mine.
Amanatides and Woo's fast voxel traversal (m4xc.dev)
In this article we will dive deep into Amanatides and Woo's fast voxel traversal algorithm. Designed for, however not limited to, ray tracing voxel grids.
Fundamentals of Radiance Cascades (m4xc.dev)
Blender Conference 2024: a render engine for curved space-time [video] (youtube.com)
Brush – A new compatible Gaussian splatting engine (github.com/ArthurBrussee)
Brush is a 3D reconstruction engine using Gaussian splatting, aiming to be highly portable, flexible and fast.
The best darn grid shader yet (2023) (medium.com)
For as long as I’ve been writing shaders, there’s been one specific shader I’ve always tried to write. And I’ve always failed at it for reason I could never fully understand. I’d wait a few years and try again with my new level of knowledge, get closer, and fail again. That goal?
John Nickolls "ultimately willed CUDA into existence" (twitter.com)
Short films by Lillian F. Schwartz (1927-2024) (lillian.com)
Lillian Schwartz, resident artist and consultant at Bell Laboratories (New Jersey), 1969-2002. During the 70s and 80s Schwartz developed a catalogue of visionary techniques for the use of the computer system by artists.
Mesh Shaders – The Future of Rendering [video] (youtube.com)
Transforming Colors with Matrices (lisyarus.github.io)
There's one trick we use at work, and now I'm using in my current medieval village building game project, which apparently isn't as well-known as I thought: transforming colors using matrices, interpreting colors as 3D RGB or 4D RGBA vectors. In this article I'll try to explain how it works and which operations on colors can be represented this way.
Let's talk about animation quality (theorangeduck.com)
Attending both CVPR and SIGGRAPH this year it was interesting to observe and discuss the difference between how vision and graphics researchers approach the field of animation. There was a sense from some researchers that the reviews from the graphics communities like SIGGRAPH could be too tough, and rejected papers based on petty irrelevant issues like shadow quality.
Building Real-Time Global Illumination: Part 1 (jason.today)
Over the last six months or so (at time of writing), a group of folks have been working hard on a new technique that enables real-time global illumination on consumer hardware, without the standard compromises. It's called Radiance Cascades. A fast, noiseless approach to global illumination.
FFT-based ocean-wave rendering, implemented in Godot (github.com/2Retr0)
An open ocean rendering experiment in the Godot Engine utilizing the inverse Fourier transform of directional ocean-wave spectra for wave generation. A concise set of parameters is exposed, allowing for scriptable, real-time modification of wave properties to emulate a wide-variety of ocean-wave environments.
Gaussian Frosting: Editable complex radiance fields with real-time rendering (anttwo.github.io)
We propose Gaussian Frosting–or Frosting, for short–, a novel mesh-based representation for high-quality rendering and editing of complex 3D effects in real-time.
Free-form floor plan design using differentiable Voronoi diagram (github.com/nobuyuki83)
Designing floor plans is difficult because various constraints must be satisfied by the layouts of the internal walls.
Mitosis in the Gray-Scott model: writing shader-based chemical simulations (pierre-couy.dev)
The Gray Scott Model of Reaction Diffusion is an interesting instance of emergence. By simulating a small chemical system that involves only a few components and reactions, complex and mesmerizing patterns appear.
WonderWorld: Interactive 3D Scene Generation from a Single Image (kovenyu.com)
We present WonderWorld, a novel framework for interactive 3D scene generation that enables users to interactively specify scene contents and layout and see the created scenes in low latency.
Max Headroom and the World of Pseudo-CGI (2013) (cartoonbrew.com)
I’ve come across people who believe that Max Headroom, the Channel 4 character from the Eighties (pictured at top), was a genuine piece of computer animation. But although he was conceived by the animators Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel (of Cucumber Films fame) Max himself was portrayed by actor Matt Frewer, placed into latex makeup and a shiny costume and set amidst a range of technological tricks.
Dynamic Viewpoint Symbols (imagico.de)
Two years ago i showed a new design concept for rendering trees in maps. This used a combination of hand designed components with automatic geometry processing to depict different types of trees of different sizes in a way the symbols naturally overlap in a well readable way when the trees are close to each other.