Hacker News with Generative AI: Computer Graphics

Maze Generation: Recursive Division (2011) (jamisbuck.org)
A novel method for generating fractal-like mazes is presented, with sample code and an animation
Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation (pbr-book.org)
Photorealistic computer graphics are ubiquitous in today's world, widely used in movies and video games as well as product design and architecture.
From ASCII to ASIC: Porting donut.c to a tiny slice of silicon (a1k0n.net)
For many years after coming up with donut.c, I wondered in the back of my mind if it could be simplified somehow, like maybe there was a way to raytrace a donut with a small chunk of code. In October 2023, I tweeted a dumb random epiphany where I figured out another way to do it which requires no memory, no sines or cosines, no square roots, no divisions, and technically, not even any multiplications.
B800 Text (shikadi.net)
B800 Text is a text-mode screen dump, and under x86 real mode (such as used by DOS) can be copied byte for byte into video memory starting at B800:0000, causing the data to appear on the screen when the video card is in text mode.
Nvidia Blackwell GeForce RTX 50 Series Opens New World of AI Computer Graphics (nvidia.com)
CES—NVIDIA today unveiled the most advanced consumer GPUs for gamers, creators and developers — the GeForce RTX™ 50 Series Desktop and Laptop GPUs.
How to draw an outline in a video game (ameye.dev)
Rendering outlines is a technique that is often used in games either for aesthetic reasons or for supporting gameplay by using it for highlights and selections around an object.
The Invention of Battlezone (2022) (ieee.org)
Three-dimensional displays first appeared on computer screens in the 1960s, and very large machines could manipulate those images in real time, but it was not until 1980 that a video-game player could maneuver at will through an imaginary landscape, wreaking havoc until brought to an untimely end by enemy tanks.
VoxelSpace: Terrain rendering algorithm in less than 20 lines of code (2020) (github.com/s-macke)
Let us go back to the year 1992. The CPUs were 1000 times slower than today and the acceleration via a GPU was unknown or unaffordable. 3D games were calculated exclusively on the CPU and the rendering engine rendered filled polygons with a single color.
Ray Tracing in One Weekend (raytracing.github.io)
I’ve taught many graphics classes over the years. Often I do them in ray tracing, because you are forced to write all the code, but you can still get cool images with no API. I decided to adapt my course notes into a how-to, to get you to a cool program as quickly as possible. It will not be a full-featured ray tracer, but it does have the indirect lighting which has made ray tracing a staple in movies.
Sub-pixel distance transform (2023) (acko.net)
This page includes diagrams in WebGPU, which has limited browser support. For the full experience, use Chrome on Windows or Mac, or a developer build on other platforms.
Show HN: I've made a Monte-Carlo raytracer for glTF scenes in WebGPU (github.com/lisyarus)
This is a GPU "software" raytracer (i.e. using manual ray-scene intersections and not RTX) written using the WebGPU API. It expects a single glTF scene as input. It supports flat-colored and textured materials with albedo, normal, and material maps. It doesn't support refraction (yet).
CRT Simulation in a GPU Shader, Looks Better Than Black Frame Insertion (blurbusters.com)
Who Is this for? CRT Enthusiasts, software & hardware developers, emulator authors, all of who wish to reduce display motion blur of 60 years of legacy 60fps 60Hz content with softer flicker than BFI.
Infinigen: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation (github.com/princeton-vl)
Infinigen: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
Lou's Pseudo 3D Page (2013) (extentofthejam.com)
Now that every system can produce graphics consisting of a zillion polygons on the fly, why would you want to do a road the old way? Aren't polygons the exact same thing, only better? Well, no. It's true that polygons lead to less distortion, but it is the warping in these old engines that give the surreal, exhillerating sense of speed found in many pre-polygon games.
Building Real-Time Global Illumination: Part 1 (jason.today)
Global illumination is about how light interacts with surfaces. When you turn a light on in your room at night, it's not a small glowing orb. It spreads to the walls, the floor, and the ceiling, breathing life into the room. Desks, doors, and objects cast shadows, softening as they stretch away.
The XOR Texture (2004) (lodev.org)
The XOR texture is a very easy to generate texture that looks fine.
Visualizing 6D Mesh Parallelism (main-horse.github.io)
This is a companion longpost for a fun project I’ve yet to finish. In here, I show the reader how I personally visualize the collective communications involved in a simple 2⁶ 6D parallel mesh:
Introduction to Rotation for Computer Graphics (mauriciopoppe.com)
The basics of rotation in 2d and 3d for computer graphics with a focus on 3d rotation about cardinal axes and 3d rotation with quaternions.
GPU Programming Glossary (modal.com)
Bitbanging 1D Reversible Automata (richiejp.com)
I created a demo for the GFXPrim library. It implements and displays a nearest-neighbor, one-dimensional, binary cell automata. Additionally it implements a reversible automata, which is almost identical except for a small change to make it reversible. The automata is displayed over time in two dimensions, time travels from top to bottom. Although in the reversible case time could be played backwards.
Geometry clipmaps: simple terrain rendering with level of detail (2017) (mikejsavage.co.uk)
Geometry clipmaps are a neat rendering technique for drawing huge terrains in real-time.
2D Signed Distance Functions (iquilezles.org)
Computer Graphics Archaeology: The HP 9845C Demo (2013) (socks-studio.com)
The Hp 9845C , introduced in 1981, was the top-of-the-line model of the 9845 series, it was the very first HP computer supporting color and it was capable of tremendous computer graphics.
Fitting Cubic Bézier Curves (raphlinus.github.io)
Cubic Béziers are by far the most common curve representation, used both for design and rendering. One of the fundamental problems when working with curves is curve fitting, or determining the Bézier that’s closest to some source curve.
Coding Adventure: Rendering Fluids [video] (youtube.com)
Dissecting M8trix (tilde.town)
m8trix by HellMood is one of my favorite demos. It packs a pretty cool Matrix-style effect in only 8 bytes:
The Matrix: Infinite-Horizon World Generation with Real-Time Interaction (thematrix1999.github.io)
How close are we to realizing the vision of The Matrix (1999), where AI crafts a fully immersive, interactive world, blurring the line between reality and illusion? Imagine a limitless digital universe, created in real-time with visuals that rival reality itself. This project is a pioneering step toward that vision—a first glimpse into humanity’s own "Matrix."
AAA – Analytical Anti-Aliasing (frost.kiwi)
Today’s journey is Anti-Aliasing and the destination is Analytical Anti-Aliasing. Getting rid of rasterization jaggies is an art-form with decades upon decades of maths, creative techniques and non-stop innovation. With so many years of research and development, there are many flavors.
End-to-End Tour of Text Layout/Rendering (2015) (blogspot.com)
I’ve found that there is a fair amount of confusion regarding how text rendering actually ends up working. In particular, it seems that the design of the system in general often goes unnoticed.
Turn a JPEG into a Warzone (jason1610.github.io)
Pixel Attack