Hacker News with Generative AI: WebGL

WebGL Fluid Simulation (paveldogreat.github.io)
Try Fluid Simulation app!
How to Code a Shader Based Reveal Effect with React Three Fiber and GLSL (tympanus.net)
After coming across various types of image reveal effects on X created by some peers, I decided to give it a try and create my own. The idea was to practice R3F and shader techniques while making something that could be easily reused in other projects.
Show HN: A Marble Madness-inspired WebGL game we built for Netlify (netlify.com)
Crafting Painterly Shaders (maximeheckel.com)
Writing a shader that can reproduce the look and feel of aquarelle, watercolor, or gouache to obtain a more painterly output for my WebGL scenes has always been a long-term goal of mine.
Show HN: Repaint – a WebGL based website builder (repaint.com)
WebGL visual programming editor cables.gl is now open source (cables.gl)
WebGL Interactive Fractal Explorer (github.com/ath92)
Show HN: A simple 2D fluid and gravity simulation with WASM and WebGL (aestuans.github.io)
Keep Out – WebGL Game (playkeepout.com)
GPU compute in the browser at the speed of native: WebGPU marching cubes (willusher.io)
Show HN: Volume rendering 3D data in Three.js and GLSL (github.com/SuboptimalEng)
Newcar – A modern animation engine based on Canvaskit(Skia+WebAssembly+WebGL) (github.com/dromara)