Hacker News with Generative AI: Game Development

Forth Dialect for Game Development, Targeting Lua (github.com/zeroflag)
Agentic AI companions created with a game engine in the browser [video] (youtube.com)
League of Legends data scraping the hard and tedious way for fun (maknee.github.io)
League of Legends is one of the world’s most popular competitive games, with millions of players generating vast amounts of gameplay data daily. Basic match statistics are available, but accessing moment-by-moment gameplay data is near impossible. This article demonstrates how to create a high-fidelity dataset by reverse engineering the game engine, capturing information such as precise player positions to ability usage timings and damage calculations.
Ask HN: What's the best implementation of Conway's Game of Life? (ycombinator.com)
Anyone else, like me, at one point try to implement Conway's Game of Life? If you have, what is the best implementation you've found?
Postmortem: The singular design of Namco's Katamari Damacy (2004) (gamedeveloper.com)
In Katamari Damacy, the player controls a little lime green colored Prince, 5cm (approximately 2 inches) tall. The Prince's father, the King of All Cosmos, accidentally destroyed all the stars in the universe, so it is now the Prince's job to roll up katamaris in order to re-create the night sky. The game then progresses based on this very weird story.
Craftax: (Crafter and NetHack) RL Environment in Jax (github.com/MichaelTMatthews)
Craftax is an RL environment written entirely in JAX. Craftax reimplements and significantly extends the game mechanics of Crafter, taking inspiration from roguelike games such as NetHack.
Collection of one-file C/C++ libraries with no dependencies, primarily for games (github.com/RandyGaul)
Various single-file cross-platform C/C++ headers implementing self-contained libraries.
Gravitron: Gravity is your only weapon (jaredforsyth.com)
Ask HN: Who Uses SDKs for Unity/Unreal/Godot? (ycombinator.com)
My co-founder and I have been working on SDK generators for application APIs, and we recently discovered that SDKs also exist in the game dev world.
Three-nanite: Unreal Nanite in Three.js (github.com/AIFanatic)
An attempt at reproducing unreal nanite in threejs
Procedural Hydrology: Dynamic lake and river simulation (2020) (nickmcd.me)
In Art, Engineering, Game, Procedural Generation
Balatro: How a Solo Developer Sold more than 1M Copies in One Month (brothers-in-gaming.com)
We looked at Balatro's pre-launch campaign, its successful launch strategy, and discuss what the near future holds for one of the most...
PlayCanvas React: Easy, Declarative 3D for React Developers (playcanvas.com)
Today we're proud to announce the release of PlayCanvas React, a new declarative way to build 3D content using React.
Bouncing Beholder, my winning JS1K entry (2012) (marijnhaverbeke.nl)
My winning JS1K entry---a JavaScript platform game that fits in 1024 bytes.
Nvidia open-source nanite: continuous level of detail (LOD) mesh library (github.com/nvpro-samples)
nv_cluster_lod_builder is a continuous level of detail (LOD) mesh library.
Humble Book Bundle Game Programming by Pearson (humblebundle.com)
The Humble community has contributed over $264,000,000 to charity since 2010, making an amazing difference to causes all over the world.
Keep 'em (not) separated: detecting discontinuities in grid graphs (holm.dog)
In this post, I'm going to describe how I efficiently detected enclosed spaces in my browser game's map.
Show HN: Ldump – serialize any Lua data (github.com/girvel)
ldump is a flexible serializer, able to serialize any data, starting with circular references, tables as keys, functions with upvalues, metatables and ending with coroutines, threads and userdata (by defining how they should be serialized). It outputs valid Lua code that recreates the original object, doing the deserialization through load(data)(). It aims for functionality and flexibility instead of speed and size, allowing full serialization of complex data, such as video game saves.
Hacker News for Gamedev (gamedev.city)
Show HN: 1M+ animated GPU sprites in JavaScript (phaser.io)
Based purely on the title this may sound like another beta of Phaser v4, but under the hood this is a truly exciting release! Yes, Beta 5 mostly focuses on fixing issues that surfaced in Beta 4, but it also introduces the final piece of the Phaser Beam jigsaw: The brand new Sprite GPU Layer Game Object.
Dev snapshot: Godot 4.4 beta 2 (godotengine.org)
We’ve been keeping busy these past two weeks squashing the bugs that cropped up in 4.4 beta 1. Despite how much the previous snapshot added, it bears repeating that we have entered the 4.4 feature freeze, so our energy has been focused on addressing any new regressions or the aforementioned bugs. We’re still aiming for a release sometime next month, but that all depends on how effectively new bugs get reported during this period.
Classic Duck Hunt game made in JavaScript and Kaplay (itch.io)
I wanted to remake the classic Duck Hunt game in JavaScript using the KAPLAY library. So here is Duck Hunter, a Duck Hunt-like.
Dead Games (garry.net)
You know when people spend 2 years making games and when they release, they don't sell anything, so they stop selling it and throw it all in then bin..What happens to all those sounds and models and animations they made? Do they just go in the bin?
Reviving a Dead Audio Format: The Return of ZZM (nicole.express)
Long-time readers will know that my first video game love was the text-mode video game slash creation studio ZZT. One feature of this game is the ability to play simple music through the PC speaker, and back in the day, I remember that the format “ZZM” existed, so you could enjoy the square wave tunes outside of the games.
Beyond All Reason – open-source RTS game built on top of the Recoil RTS Engine (github.com/beyond-all-reason)
Open source RTS game built on top of the Recoil RTS Engine
New survey reports one in 10 game developers have lost their jobs in 2024 (theverge.com)
One in 10 game developers lost their job in 2024. That’s according to the results of the annual Game Developers Conference state of the video game survey.
I made a multiplayer shooter game in Lisp, here is my journey (ertu.dev)
Developing a multiplayer third-person shooter game as a solo developer is a journey filled with challenges and rewards.
I wrote a commercial game in C in 2025 (cowleyforniastudios.com)
For the last few years we’ve been working on a train management game, Iron Roads, which we released to Early Access today. Somewhat atypically for a game releasing in 2025, Iron Roads is written in pure C, not C++, pure C99. As a choice it has had its ups and downs, which I wanted to share in this post.
Castle Game Engine: Web target – big progress, first 3 demos to try (castle-engine.io)
We are proud to present the first 3 working applications developed with Castle Game Engine for the web! Check them out — just open the links below, in any web browser (Firefox, Chrome…), on desktop or mobile!
Rule-Based Programming in Interactive Fiction (eblong.com)
As I write this, Inform 7 is approaching its third birthday. I7 is a tool for creating interactive fiction (text adventure games). Like all the most powerful IF development tools, I7 is a programming language -- a powerful and peculiar one.