Hacker News with Generative AI: Systems Design

Systems Ideas That Sound Good but Almost Never Work – "Let's Just " (learningbyshipping.com)
Some engineering patterns that sound good but almost never work as intended
A Liveness Example in TLA+ (surfingcomplexity.blog)
If you’ve ever sat at a stop light that was just stuck on red, where there was clearly a problem with the light where it wasn’t ever switching green, you’ve encountered a liveness problem with a system.
Build systems, not heroes (vitonsky.net)
Enterprise programming is the management of system complexity. The main goals of most enterprise projects are to minimize bugs, ensure scalability, and release as soon as possible. These goals are unreachable in projects where people rely on individual skills rather than on a system-based approach.
Systems Design for Advanced Beginners (robertheaton.com)
You’ve started yet another company with your good friend, Steve Steveington. It’s an online marketplace where people can buy and sell things and where no one asks too many questions. It’s basically a rip-off of Craigslist, but with Steve’s name instead of Craig’s.
Ask HN: AOSA books as "systems design" reference? (ycombinator.com)