Hacker News with Generative AI: CSS

Functions in CSS? (css-tricks.com)
A much-needed disclaimer: You (kinda) can use functions now! I know, it isn’t the most pleasant feeling to finish reading about a new feature just for the author to say “And we’ll hopefully see it in a couple of years”. Luckily, right now you can use an (incomplete) version of CSS functions in Chrome Canary behind an experimental flag, although who knows when we’ll get to use them in a production environment.
CSS Custom Functions are coming (bram.us)
Chrome is currently prototyping CSS Functions, which is very exciting!
Knowing CSS is mastery to front end development (helloanselm.com)
There are countless articles why developers should not focus on Frameworks too much and instead learn to understand the underlying languages. But I think rarely we can find good reasons except that Frameworks come and go. To me, the main reason is different: You won’t be a master at frontend development if you don’t understand underlying mechanisms of a language.
CSS-zero: opinionated CSS starter kit for your "nobuild" application (github.com/lazaronixon)
An opinionated CSS starter kit for your "nobuild" application.
BritCSS: Fixes CSS to use non-American English (github.com/DeclanChidlow)
Fixes CSS to use non-bastardised spellings.
The difference between zoom and scale (css-tip.com)
Do you know the zoom property? It works the same way as a scale transformation but unlike scale, it affects the page layout. In other words, the page layout is recalculated considering the new dimension of the scaled element.
Oklch in CSS: why we moved from RGB and HSL (2024) (evilmartians.com)
The new CSS Color 4 specification has added the new oklch() notation for declaring colors. In this post, we explain why this is important for design systems and color palettes.
Show HN: I've built personal site in plain HTML/CSS, withouth React/Next.js BS (sergeycooper.com)
Hi! 👋 I'm Sergey
Anchoreum: A game for learning CSS anchor positioning (anchoreum.com)
The exhibit's grand opening was a rousing success. Anchoreum is now considered to be the finest anchor museum in the world!
CSS Hell (csshell.com)
CSS Snippets Every Front-End Developer Should Know in 2025 (nerdy.dev)
2025; I think every front-end developer should know how to enable page transitions, transition a <dialog>, popover, and <details>, animate light n' dark gradient text, type safe their CSS system, and add springy easing to animation.
From Table Layouts to Tailwind: The Evolution of Front-End Styling (1995–2025) (gmfoster.com)
In the rapidly changing world of front-end development, few areas have evolved as dramatically as CSS and web styling.
Don't Animate Height (granola.ai)
Our app was mysteriously using 60% CPU and 25% GPU on my M2 MacBook. It turned out this was due to a tiny CSS animation!
CSS Experiments (cri.dev)
The following Codepen’s are quite old (mostly done in 2012/2013 when I was super into CSS and getting started with programming), but are super cool.
Inverted radius shape with hover effect (css-tip.com)
Combining the inverted radius shape with modern CSS to create a fancy reveal animation. Hover the image to reveal the text.
Show HN: Tailcolors, a TailwindCSS Color Palette (tailcolors.com)
click to copy tailwindcss colors   //   share tailcolors.com ↗
Show HN: Apple-like smooth corners for Tailwind CSS (github.com/gtokman)
Adjusts a rounded corner to create a continuous curve. Inspired by Rob.
Tufte CSS (uhoreg.ca)
Tufte CSS provides tools to style web articles using the ideas demonstrated by Edward Tufte’s books and handouts.
CSS-zero: An opinionated CSS starter kit for your Ruby on Rails applicatio (github.com/lazaronixon)
An opinionated CSS starter kit for your "nobuild" application.
Show HN: Cs16.css – CSS library based on Counter Strike 1.6 UI (samke.me)
CSS library based on Counter Strike 1.6 UI.
Tailwind CSS v4.0 (tailwindcss.com)
Holy shit it's actually done — we just tagged Tailwind CSS v4.0.
Show HN: Puck 0.18 adds drag-and-drop for CSS grid and Flexbox (github.com/measuredco)
Puck 0.18 introduces a new drag-and-drop engine with native support for CSS grid and flexbox, enabling you to embed a design-in-browser experience directly within your React application or page builder.
Designing for the web ought to mean making HTML and CSS (2019) (signalvnoise.com)
During the dotcom boom back in the late 90s, I did a bunch of Photoshop-cut jobs. You know, where a designer throws a PSD file over the wall to an HTML monkey to slice and dice. It was miserable.
Rewriting my website in plain HTML and CSS (vijayp.dev)
This week, I decided to rewrite my website using plain HTML and CSS.
CSSWind: Bloat-Free Component Styling (xeiaso.net)
What you need when even HTMX is too much.
A couple CSS tricks for HTML Dialog elements (cassidoo.co)
I recently was messing around with the HTML <dialog> element. It’s really handy for native dialogs without a ton of JavaScript.
Running Animations Without Keyframes (css-tip.com)
Using the new @starting-style you can create animations without using @keyframes. It's not a replacement for the classic way to create animations but it can be a useful CSS trick in some situations.
Cascading Spy Sheets: Exploiting the Complexity of Modern CSS for Fingerprinting (cispa.de)
In an attempt to combat user tracking, both privacy-aware browsers (e.g., Tor) and email applications usually disable JavaScript. This effectively closes a major angle for user fingerprinting. However, recent findings hint at the potential for privacy leakage through selected Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) features. Nevertheless, the full fingerprinting potential of CSS remains unknown, and it is unclear if attacks apply to more restrictive settings such as email.
Grid by Example (gridbyexample.com)
This site is a collection of examples, video and other information to help you learn CSS Grid Layout. Developed and maintained by Rachel Andrew.
Show HN: Struggle with CSS Flexbox? This Playground Is for You (yoavsbg.github.io)
Experiment with different flex properties to understand how they affect layout. Adjust the controls below to see changes in real-time and copy the generated CSS code.