Hacker News with Generative AI: Front-End Development

How React, Vue, and Angular Work – Core Principles in One File (github.com)
Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Panic at the SPA (hai.haus)
Can’t we just get a good wheel?
React Folder Structure in 5 Steps (robinwieruch.de)
Organizing large React applications into folders and files is a topic that often sparks strong opinions.
Show HN: Brisa Framework – Unifying server and client using the Web Platform (brisa.build)
Build web applications with speed and simplicity
Building a robust frontend using progressive enhancement (gov.uk)
For users to experience a quality service it must be built in a robust way.
Hire HTML and CSS People (robinrendle.com)
Every problem at every company I’ve ever worked at eventually boils down to “please dear god can we just hire people who know how to write HTML and CSS.”
Show HN: WebJSX – A tiny Web Components and JSX library (webjsx.org)
A minimal library for building web applications with Web Components and JSX.
Show HN: World's most performant web table (multicore, DOM-based) (github.com/gabrielpetersson)
A multithreaded web table, capable of running 120fps while sorting/filtering/scrolling simultaneously
Facet: WebComponents Defined in HTML (github.com/kgscialdone)
Server-First Web Components with DSD, Htmx, and Islands (tympanus.net)
Alpine: A Lightweight JavaScript Framework for Minimalist Front End Development (github.com/alpinejs)
Show HN: Uisual – Free Tailwind CSS Components and Templates (No JavaScript) (uisual.com)
CSS Grid Areas (ishadeed.com)
HMPL – template language for displaying UI from server to client (github.com/hmpl-lang)
Show HN: Simple HTML and TailwindCSS element/section generator (staticninja.site)
Show HN: Orbit – A CSS radial UI composer framework (zumerlab.github.io)
Ask HN: Front-end bait and switch? (ycombinator.com)
Trunk: Build, bundle and ship your Rust WASM application to the web (trunkrs.dev)
Show HN: A JavaScript UI library for imperative JSX (npmjs.com)
An Introduction to CSS-Doodle (yuanchuan.github.io)
Htmx: Simplicity in an Age of Complicated Solutions (erikheemskerk.nl)
Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need a Framework for That (smashingmagazine.com)
Ballerina: Functional programming framework for front end web development (github.com/giuseppemag)
Show HN: Open-source no-code front-end for any headless CMS (github.com/webstudio-is)
Facebook just updated its relationship status with Web Components (mux.com)
How to style React applications while the world burns around us (2020) (herbcaudill.com)
A Response to "Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web?" (2021) (htmx.org)
A useful front-end confetti animation library (github.com/catdad)
A feature-rich front-end drag-and-drop component library (github.com/atlassian)
Show HN: LangCSS – An AI Assistant for Tailwind (langcss.com)