Hacker News with Generative AI: User Interface

Customizable HTML Select (chrome.com)
Styling form controls like the <select> element has been reported as a top developer pain point for years, and we've been working on a solution.
Ask HN: Can we get a HN background color (dark mode) (ycombinator.com)
Hi there, loving the ability to change my topbar pink, but I also would love to browse my favorite website late at night without the bright flashes.
Why is there a screen that says "It is now safe to turn off your computer"? (2016) (microsoft.com)
I don’t know whose idea it was, but Windows 95 added a screen that appeared when you shut down Windows.
OmniParser V2 – A simple screen parsing tool towards pure vision based GUI agent (github.com/microsoft)
OmniParser is a comprehensive method for parsing user interface screenshots into structured and easy-to-understand elements, which significantly enhances the ability of GPT-4V to generate actions that can be accurately grounded in the corresponding regions of the interface.
Designing Bloomberg Terminal color accessibility (bloomberg.com)
We often think we see user interfaces the same way as everyone else. However, for users with color vision deficiencies, certain color combinations can have detrimental effects on their use of the Bloomberg Terminal.
Flappy Bird game inside the browser favicon (mewtru.com)
Show HN: Gemini Cursor – A Multimodal AI Cursor for Your Desktop (Open Source) (github.com/13point5)
A second AI cursor 🖱️ for your desktop that can see your screen, hear you speak, and talk to you.
Show HN: Seen – Virtual list rendering with 1M+ notes (vercel.app)
Show HN: FlashSpace – fast, open-source, macOS Spaces replacement (github.com/wojciech-kulik)
FlashSpace is a blazingly-fast virtual workspace manager for macOS, designed to enhance and replace native macOS Spaces. No more waiting for macOS animations.
Show HN: HN as TikTok, welcome to HN hell (hnhell.com)
Where Poka-Yoke and Cybernetics Meet: Users determine the purpose of any device (syscoi.com)
Today I’m looking at design from a cybernetics viewpoint. My inspirations come from cybernetics and design theorists Ross Ashby, Stafford Beer, Klaus Krippendorff, Paul Pangaro, and Ranulph Glanville. I was curious about how the interface of a device conveys the message to the user on how to interact with it. For example, if you see a button, you are invited to press it. In a similar vein, if you see a dial, you know to twist it.
A Rich Neighbor Named Xerox (1983) (folklore.org)
When Steve Jobs recruited Microsoft to be the first third party applications software developer for the Macintosh, he was already concerned that they might try to copy our ideas into a PC-based user interface.
Windows dark mode has been embarrassingly incomplete for nearly a decade (windowscentral.com)
Tell HN: You can enable "Show Dead" in your profile settings (ycombinator.com)
Posts that are marked "dead" will not be shown to you by default. You can enable a setting in your profile to show dead posts.
Show HN: I re-designed interface for HN (unlace.app)
Gnome 48 Switches over to "Adwaita Sans" as Default Font (phoronix.com)
As another last minute change for GNOME 48 ahead of its feature freeze this weekend, the default font of the GNOME desktop has changed.
A mouseless tale: trying for a keyboard-driven desktop (lwn.net)
The computer mouse is a wonderful invention, but for the past few months I've been working to use mine as little as possible for productivity and ergonomic reasons.
Any Key (wikipedia.org)
In computing, "Press any key to continue" (or a similar text) was a historically used prompt to the user when it was necessary to pause processing.
Mathesar – an intutive spreadsheet-like interface to Postgres data (github.com/mathesar-foundation)
Mathesar is an open source application that makes working with PostgreSQL databases both simple and powerful.
Why Gnome 2 Continues to Win the Desktop Popularity Contest (2019) (fossforce.com)
Eight years after the Gnome 2 desktop was replaced by Gnome 3, the older desktop environment remains one of the most used interfaces on desktop Linux.
Windows 7 boots slower if you set a solid background color (microsoft.com)
If this article does not answer your question, click this button to pose your question to other community members at Microsoft Community:
Ask HN: Why doesn't Microsoft bring Clippy back instead of Copilot? (ycombinator.com)
The Copilot icon is confusing and doesn’t convey anything. I only discovered it was Copilot when I clicked on it out of curiosity.<p>Clippy, on the other hand, is very charismatic.<p>They are focusing in enterprise customers?
Show HN: Apple-like smooth corners for Tailwind CSS (github.com/gtokman)
Adjusts a rounded corner to create a continuous curve. Inspired by Rob.
Show HN: Turn Figma into working apps without coding (Designer –> Production) (builder.io)
If you’ve ever turned Figma designs into a functional application, you know just how complex that process can be.
Please don't force dark mode (iamvishnu.com)
Please don’t force dark mode on your users.
Debugging C++ is a UI nightmare (core-explorer.github.io)
If you are a maintainer or developer of a debugger, don’t be offended, I’m not talking about you or your product.
SRCL: Open-source React project to build web apps with terminal aesthetics (sacred.computer)
SRCL is an open-source React component and style repository that helps you build web applications, desktop applications, and static websites with terminal aesthetics.
Ask HN: Google forcibly enabled Gemini in our Corp Org. How to disable? (ycombinator.com)
Google is playing strong arm tactics trying to get ahead of their competition. Our users logged in yesterday to see Gemini enabled in Gmail.
AWS Management Console supports simultaneous sign-in for multiple AWS accounts (amazon.com)
Today, AWS announces multi-session support, which enables AWS customers to access multiple AWS accounts simultaneously in the AWS Console.
Pixels Per Degree (qasimk.io)
Use a screen's size and resolution combined with your viewing distance (from your eyes to the screen) to calculate the Pixels Per Degree (PPD).