Hacker News with Generative AI: Human-Computer Interaction

Like It or Not, AI Is Learning How to Manipulate You (venturebeat.com)
I reminisce because in 1980 a skilled human could observe these AI agents, decode their unique personalities and use those insights to outsmart them. Now, 45 years later, the tides are about to turn. Like it or not, AI agents will soon be deployed that are tasked with decoding your personality so they can use those insights to optimally influence you.
Apple Robot Research (apple.com)
Nonverbal behaviors such as posture, gestures, and gaze are essential for conveying internal states, both consciously and unconsciously, in human interaction.
Where Poka-Yoke and Cybernetics Meet: Users determine the purpose of any device (syscoi.com)
Today I’m looking at design from a cybernetics viewpoint. My inspirations come from cybernetics and design theorists Ross Ashby, Stafford Beer, Klaus Krippendorff, Paul Pangaro, and Ranulph Glanville. I was curious about how the interface of a device conveys the message to the user on how to interact with it. For example, if you see a button, you are invited to press it. In a similar vein, if you see a dial, you know to twist it.
AI slop, suspicion, and writing back (benjamincongdon.me)
The impetus for this post was my recent realization that I’ve developed an involuntary reflex for spotting AI-generated content. The tells are subtle now, but (sadly? tellingly?) this sort of content is seemingly everywhere now once you start looking.
She Is in Love with ChatGPT (nytimes.com)
Keyboard Lets People Type So Fast It's Banned from Typing Competitions (2022) (vice.com)
The CharaChorder is a new kind of typing peripheral that promises to let people type at superhuman speeds. It’s so fast that the website Monkeytype, which lets users participate in typing challenges and maintains its own leaderboard, automatically flagged CharaChorder’s CEO as a cheater when he attempted to post his 500 WPM score on the its leaderboards.
In the age of AI, captchas are mostly a burden to humans (ghacks.net)
Captchas were invented in the early 2000s to tackle an issue on the Internet: bots.
Show HN: Demo of my web game about social persuasion (talktomehuman.com)
Large Language Model-Brained GUI Agents: A Survey (arxiv.org)
GUIs have long been central to human-computer interaction, providing an intuitive and visually-driven way to access and interact with digital systems.
How did you do on the AI art Turing test? (astralcodexten.com)
Last month, I challenged 11,000 people to classify fifty pictures as either human art or AI-generated images.
New haptic patch transmits complexity of touch to the skin (techxplore.com)
A Northwestern University-led team of engineers has developed a new type of wearable device that stimulates the skin to deliver various complex sensations.
For you, human. You and only you. You are not special, you are not im (gemini.google.com)
Automat: A tangible interface for virtual things (automat.org)
A tangible interface for virtual things
Ring-Based Mid-Air Gesture Typing System Using Deep Learning Word Prediction (arxiv.org)
Text entry is a critical capability for any modern computing experience, with lightweight augmented reality (AR) glasses being no exception.
Supporting Task Switching with Reinforcement Learning (dl.acm.org)
Human attention is a limited resource, but it is stressed more than ever before in history [2, 81].
Ironies of Automation (1983) (complexcognition.co.uk)
The classic aim of automation is to replace human manual control, planning and problem solving by automatic devices and computers. However, as Bibby and colleagues (1975) point out : "even highly automated systems such as electric power networks, need human beings for supervision, adjustment, maintenance, expansion and improvement.
On the design of text editors (2020) (arxiv.org)
Text editors are written by and for developers. They come with a large set of default and implicit choices in terms of layout, typography, colorization and interaction that hardly change from one editor to the other.
It's hard to write code for computers, but it's harder to write code for humans (erikbern.com)
Do All Problems Have Technical Fixes? (cacm.acm.org)
Robin K. Hill suggests we look at the underlying presumption of the technology imperative.
Ask HN: What are your use cases for o1 so far? (ycombinator.com)
Feel like there aren't a lot of use cases where o1 radically changes the reliability issue of LLMs in a way that could make human in the loop approaches less necessary.
AI as an Information Interface (zeynepevecen.dev)
Intents: The Endgame for Computing Interfaces? (http200.substack.com)
Computing interfaces are undergoing big changes. Let’s explore how we got here, what it means and why we may be approaching optimality.
Show HN: Play this game to prove your humanity against AI (vercel.app)
Are you better than a language model at predicting the next word? (joel.tools)
A different kind of keyboard (2021) (ianthehenry.com)
Ask HN: Any ideas on how to keep Human:Human Interaction on the web? (ycombinator.com)
Large language models don't behave like people, even though we expect them to (techxplore.com)
Reverse Captcha (selabs.tech)
The human typewriter, or why optimizing for typing is short-sighted (felixk15.github.io)
The problem of 'model collapse': how a lack of human data limits AI progress (ft.com)