Hacker News with Generative AI: Storytelling

A luminous, brave, and unputdownable article about blurbs (countercraft.substack.com)
Blurbs. Can’t live with them, can’t live a luminous tour-de-force life of tender-hearted lyricism and soul-nourishing honesty without them.
How to Prepare Your Next RPG Campaign Instantly (rpgtabletops.com)
The Door Problem (2014) (lizengland.com)
"So what does a game designer do? Are you an artist? Do you design characters and write the story? Or no, wait, you’re a programmer?"
SCQA: What is it, how does it work, and how can it help me? (analytic-storytelling.com)
SCQA is a framework for structuring information. Using this framework, you can structure your message in a clear, attractive and narrative way. The SCQA framework is used in business, policy and science, among others.
Stories I Refuse to Believe (tedunangst.com)
The internet is filled with stories that purport to teach us a valuable lesson or something about how the world works, and they’re really important because they really happened.
Stories from the Internet (dbrgn.ch)
A collection of internet folklore.
Browser Adaptation (bradwoods.io)
Stories are often adapted from their original medium to a different one. An example of this is J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, which began as a trilogy of books before being adapted to films by Peter Jackson. Due to its constant evolution, the web browser has emerged as a new medium for storytelling. This note explores the opportunity the browser offers.
A Pixel Parable (olano.dev)
“How would you like to work on video games?”
The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant (nickbostrom.com)
Once upon a time, the planet was tyrannized by a giant dragon.
The Christmas story of one tube station's 'Mind the Gap' voice (2019) (theguardian.com)
If you happen to find yourself at Embankment station on the London Underground, pay particular attention to the tannoy: the station’s “Mind the Gap” announcement is pronounced in rich, theatrical tones, a voice you won’t hear elsewhere on the network.
"Founder Mode" and the Art of Mythmaking (charity.wtf)
I’ve never been good at “hot takes”. Anyone who knows anything about marketing can tell you that the best time to share your opinion about something is when everyone is all worked up about it. Hot topics drive clicks and eyeballs and attention en masse.
Founder Mode and the Art of Mythmaking (charity.wtf)
I’ve never been good at “hot takes”. Anyone who knows anything about marketing can tell you that the best time to share your opinion about something is when everyone is all worked up about it. Hot topics drive clicks and eyeballs and attention en masse.
Eyes Wide Shut: Hidden in plain sight (boydrinksink.com)
Eyes Wide Shut, more than any other movie, gave rise to my interest in cinema as a compelling storytelling medium.
How to Tell Great Stories (julian.com)
Is it possible to turn anyone into a storyteller as good as Neil deGrasse Tyson?
Story Structure 101: Super Basic Shit (fandom.com)
Storytelling comes naturally to humans, but since we live in an unnatural world, we sometimes need a little help doing what we'd naturally do.
When machine learning tells the wrong story (jackcook.com)
In June 2022, three short weeks after my college graduation, I presented at ISCA, my first serious research conference.
When you ask ChatGPT "Tell me a story" it's always is about a girl named Elara (reddit.com)
I’m a high school English teacher. I have two major annoyances when it comes to kids doing work.
Space Adventure Laika (philome.la)
You run down the alley. You seem to be having more trouble now avoiding the garbage. You don't feel well. Maybe that fall dazed you.
The Therapist in the Machine (thebaffler.com)
Broken Bear has purple and tan fur, a placid smile, and patched up circles on his belly: one, he tells me, covers a scar from a broken heart.
The Script Creator (aeon.co)
In July 2019, I visited Siang Sawn, a small village in Chin State, western Myanmar.
Life is not a story (psyche.co)
Narratives are everywhere, and the need to construct and share them is almost inescapable. ‘A man is always a teller of tales,’ wrote Jean-Paul Sartre in his novel Nausea (1938), ‘he lives surrounded by his stories and the stories of others, he sees everything that happens to him through them; and he tries to live his own life as if he were telling a story.’
All possible plots by major authors (2020) (the-fence.com)
We praise canonical authors for their boundless imagination. Then why do all their plots feel the same?
Stay in the Gap (everythingchanges.us)
WHEN THE SAME TOPIC comes up in three sessions in the same day, I take note. In this case, it was Ira Glass’ famous “taste gap” story. If you’re unfamiliar, it’s short and worth a watch. But the gist of it is that when you start some new creative practice, you very quickly confront a gap between your taste and your ability.
Software development for the DMT headspace (smoothbrains.net)
I would hazard a guess that some readers of this blog might already be familiar with the delightful Scott Alexander story, Universal Love, Said The Cactus Person – in which the unnamed protagonist asks a couple of DMT entities to factorise a large integer:
The best long con you ever pulled (2015) (reddit.com)
Cool story bro.
Infinite zoom art turned into a game so fun (venturebeat.com)
Sarah’s Scribbles and An Infinite Story have teamed up to create a “hidden art game” that is a new kind of interactive storytelling game.
Why are stories so powerful? Insights from the psychology of memory (2017) (archive.org)
After the amazing response my last post received, I couldn’t help but think about why this idea, the idea that academic writers can learn something from fiction writers, resonated so strongly with so many people.
Show HN: Indiestories (Email Lottery) (indiestories.so)
Modelling Time Travel in Fiction (qntm.org)
If You Want People to Remember, Tell a Story (andysparks.co)