Hacker News with Generative AI: Mental Health

Inside the violent rationalist cult of the Zizians (wired.com)
I know this is unconventional, but I’m going to start by telling you the ending. Or at least, the ending as it stands today. Most of the people involved in this story wind up either dead, maimed, spending months in a mental hospital, languishing in jail, or gone underground.
Ketamine-Fueled 'Psychedelic Slumber Parties' Get Tech Execs Back on Track (wired.com)
“Ketamine is helpful for getting one out of the negative frame of mind,” Elon Musk told an interviewer last year. The unelected man currently gutting US federal programs isn’t the only one who thinks so. Ketamine, approved decades ago as a surgical anesthetic and long used as a party drug, is the off-label mental-health treatment of the moment.
Death of South Korean actor at 24 sparks discussion about internet culture (apnews.com)
South Korean actor Kim Sae-ron’s death this week has triggered an outpouring of grief and calls for changes to the way the country’s celebrities are treated in the public arena and on social media, which critics say can foster a culture of harassment.
Open source maintainers are feeling the squeeze (theregister.com)
Overworked, under pressure, and subjected to abuse – is it really worth it?
The Hidden Costs of Men's Social Isolation (scientificamerican.com)
Men are struggling—at least, that’s what many headlines suggest. Compared with women, they report having fewer and less supportive friendships. Men lag behind dramatically in achievements such as higher education attainment. Suicide rates, too, reveal a grim gender disparity: women attempt suicide more often, but men are far more likely to die by it.
Dose-dependent effects of LSD in double-blind placebo-controlled study (2020) (nature.com)
Growing interest has been seen in using lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in psychiatric research and therapy.
Rethinking mental health: The body's impact on the brain (thetransmitter.org)
Psychiatric conditions have long been regarded as issues of “mental health,” a term that inherently ties our understanding of these disorders to the brain. But the brain does not exist in a vacuum. Growing evidence over the past 10 years highlights a link between the body and what we think of as mental health.
Ask HN: What inspires you about computing? (ycombinator.com)
I am a ~30yo software developer working in the cybersecurity space who is pretty damn depressed. I'm dealing with a combination of family issues, work instability, and the fallout from exiting a 3-year relationship.
Several Psychiatric Disorders Share the Same Root Cause (sciencealert.com)
Researchers recently discovered that eight different psychiatric conditions share a common genetic basis.
Night owl behavior could hurt mental health, sleep study finds (med.stanford.edu)
Night owls, brace yourselves. A new study by Stanford Medicine researchers has found that following your natural inclination to stay awake until the early morning hours is a bad choice for your mental health.
ADHD Brains Can Defeat Impulsivity (claimingattention.substack.com)
I like myself. I wouldn’t trade my ADHD traits for anything—except one. Impulsivity.
Ketamine for Depression: How It Works (2024) [video] (yalemedicine.org)
When at least two trials of a standard anti-depression medication fail to alleviate symptoms, ketamine treatment may be an option.
25 Years Ago, Joan Didion Kept a Diary. It's About to Become Public (nytimes.com)
In December 1999, around her 65th birthday, Joan Didion started writing a journal after sessions with her psychiatrist. Over the next year or so, she kept notes about their conversations, which covered her struggles with anxiety, guilt and depression, her sometimes fraught relationship with her daughter, and her thoughts about her work and legacy.
UK betting giant's unlawful marketing kept suicidal gambler hooked (theguardian.com)
The high court found against Sky Bet after a vulnerable addict was relentlessly targeted by its marketing practices.
My therapist exposed the real reason I procrastinate (reddit.com)
For years, I thought the only way to get myself to do anything was through guilt and self-criticism. If I didn’t bully myself into working, cleaning, or exercising, nothing would happen. It was always some variation of: “If I don’t do XYZ, I’m a failure and will feel horrible.” But in my last therapy session, my therapist said something that straight-up rewired my brain.
ADHD Didn't Break Me–My Parents Did (claimingattention.substack.com)
This was the most profound realization I had after my diagnosis. It was crucial because, without it, I wouldn't have known how to live with myself.
Cozy video games can be an antidote to stress and anxiety (reuters.com)
The holiday season has wrapped up, but winter stretches on. It’s time to get cozy. Tuck under the covers, brew a warm cup of tea, and settle in with your gaming console. Don’t feel guilty, it might even be good for you.
The genetic key to bipolar disorder (med.uio.no)
In the largest study conducted to date on the genetics of bipolar disorder, researchers have identified 36 genes linked to the condition.
TikTok is 'severely damaging' young people – unlike its Chinese equivalent (businessinsider.com)
Harvard-trained expert: I have anxiety (cnbc.com)
Is budgeting just therapy but for money (milofultz.com)
If I could convince anyone to do anything in particular, it would at least include therapy and budgeting. Which seems a little wild now that I put them together.
Frequent social media use tied to higher levels of irritability (medicalxpress.com)
A survey led by researchers from the Center for Quantitative Health at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School has analyzed the association between self-reported social media use and irritability among US adults. Frequent social media use, especially among active posters, was correlated with higher levels of irritability.
Invisible Epidemic: The Loneliness Epidemic (2023) (pudding.cool)
This is a 62-year-old Hispanic male – let's call him Martin.
Ask HN: How do you prevent the impact of social media on your children? (ycombinator.com)
I don't yet have children but having grown up during the rise of social media, it's clear to me that the way it is used now by young children and teens has transformed even from when I was their age (approx 10 years ago).
Show HN: I made an app to challenge anxious thoughts with AI (resetapp.co.uk)
Reset offers a guided self therapy program to improve anxiety over 11 weeks.
The Tsunami of Burnout Few See (blogspot.com)
That's the problem with deploying play-acting as "solutions:" play-acting doesn't actually fix the problems at the source, it simply lets the problems run to failure.
Her Treatment Was Helping. That's Why Insurance Cut Off Her Coverage (propublica.org)
Moore, 32, had spent much of the past eight months in treatment for severe depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety when BCBS said it would no longer pay for the program in January.
Mental Health, Psychedelics and Life (docs.google.com)
After 18 months of intolerable torture, and after many months of consideration I have decided to end my life.
My takeaways from 12 months of therapy (cauldron.life)
Therapy had been a buzzword amongst some people I know and on the web. Honestly, I believed it to be a waste of time and money. I gave therapy a try first in 2021, but it was short-lived and not so great. In 2024, I again got curious about the mental health space and started paying more attention to the issues I was facing in my daily life.
Ask HN: How is your job search going? (ycombinator.com)
I’ve been pretty depressed trying to find a job recently, so I’m wondering how it’s going for you guys. Wanna share your success story? Or are you struggling too and need to vent? This is the place.