Hacker News with Generative AI: Gender

The Hidden Costs of Men's Social Isolation (scientificamerican.com)
Men are struggling—at least, that’s what many headlines suggest. Compared with women, they report having fewer and less supportive friendships. Men lag behind dramatically in achievements such as higher education attainment. Suicide rates, too, reveal a grim gender disparity: women attempt suicide more often, but men are far more likely to die by it.
It's not 'emotional labour', it's kin work (thefuturefeeling.substack.com)
I’ve just come back from a seasonal gathering where it was obvious – as it is obvious every year – that the women in the heterosexual couples had done a far larger amount of work than their partners.
Zuckerberg thinks workplaces need to 'man up' − why that's bad for all employees (theconversation.com)
When Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg appeared on a Jan. 10, 2025, episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” he lamented that corporate culture had become too “feminine,” suppressing its “masculine energy” and abandoning supposedly valuable traits such as aggression.
Beyond XX and XY: The Extraordinary Complexity of Sex Determination (2017) (scientificamerican.com)
Humans are socially conditioned to view sex and gender as binary attributes. From the moment we are born—or even before—we are definitively labeled “boy” or “girl.” Yet science points to a much more ambiguous reality.
The reason for the rise in male childlessness (bbc.com)
When the US vice-presidential candidate JD Vance made a comment about “childless cat ladies”, he evoked an image of educated, urbanite, career-minded women.
Trump's Executive Order Against Trans Technically Makes Every American Female (iflscience.com)
Moments after the presidential inauguration, US President Donald Trump signed several anti-scientific executive orders (EOs), such as taking the United States out of the Paris Agreement to curtail human-made climate change and withdrawing the US from the World Health Organization. He also signed an EO targeting trans and non-binary people which had the unintended consequence of making every single American female. If you will legislate with scientific words, you should know the science.
Do You Really Think We'll Have Genders in the Future? (erikmcclure.com)
Something that is very common is for people pushing the boundaries of technology (or pretending to, anyway) to hold weirdly conservative social views.
The Typical Man Disgusts the Typical Woman (betonit.ai)
Ever seen this famous OkCupid graph? The quick summary is just: “Men rate women more highly than women rate men.”
The history of sex toys and what they tell us about ancient women (rte.ie)
During a recent trip to London, I had the honour of finally visiting the Vagina Museum. This delightful museum is an inclusive space that celebrates vulvas, vaginas, and advocates for self-acceptance and equality.
Zuckerberg Says Most Companies Need More 'Masculine Energy' (bloomberg.com)
Mark Zuckerberg lamented the rise of “culturally neutered” companies that have sought to distance themselves from “masculine energy,” adding that it’s good if a culture “celebrates the aggression a bit more.”
Male and female brains are wired differently (earth.com)
Have you ever found yourself in a heated discussion with someone of the opposite sex and thought – “it’s like we’re wired differently”? Well, a recent study from the University of Cambridge suggests that male and female brains are indeed wired differently from the time of birth.
Why aren't we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping? (celestemdavis.substack.com)
“Nearly 60 percent of all college students today are women. That’s an all-time high… U.S. colleges and universities have lost about 1.5 million students in the past several years. Men accounted for 71 percent of that loss.”
Women are closing in on men when it comes to ultra-endurance events (medicalxpress.com)
Men are dominant at most athletic events but ultra-endurance sports (exercising for six hours or more) represent a unique domain where the performance gap between men and women is narrowing significantly.
Study: RTO mandates are making it harder for companies to hire (fastcompany.com)
A new study found that RTO mandates across S&P 500 companies significantly increased turnover among tech and finance workers—especially for women.
Misperception of the facial appearance that the opposite-sex desires (plos.org)
Thin and muscular have been characterised as body shape ideals for women and men, respectively, yet each sex misperceives what the other sex desires; women exaggerate the thinness that men like and men exaggerate the muscularity that women like.
U.S. women are outpacing men in college completion in every major group (pewresearch.org)
Women between the ages of 25 and 34 continue to be more likely than men in the same age group to have a bachelor’s degree. The gender gap in bachelor’s degree completion appears in every major racial or ethnic group, though the size of the gap varies widely.
Magic Circle tries to track down first female member – who posed as a man (theguardian.com)
The council meeting of the Magic Circle on 9 October 1991 was a historic occasion, marking the moment when the first cohort of women, including Debbie McGee and Fay Presto, were admitted to its previously male-only ranks of magicians.
Age-Normalized Testosterone Peaks at Series B for Male Startup Founders (twitter.com)
Study finds intense exercise may suppress appetite in healthy humans (endocrine.org)
A vigorous workout does more to suppress hunger levels in healthy adults than does moderate exercise, and females may be especially susceptible to this response, according to a small study published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society.
Why aren't we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping? (celestemdavis.substack.com)
“Nearly 60 percent of all college students today are women. That’s an all-time high… U.S. colleges and universities have lost about 1.5 million students in the past several years. Men accounted for 71 percent of that loss.”
Why aren't we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping? (celestemdavis.substack.com)
“Nearly 60 percent of all college students today are women. That’s an all-time high… U.S. colleges and universities have lost about 1.5 million students in the past several years. Men accounted for 71 percent of that loss.”
How Often Do Men Think About Rome? (astralcodexten.com)
There’s a Twitter meme on how men constantly think about the Roman Empire. Some feminist friends objected that women think about Rome a lot too. To settle the matter, I included a question about this on this year’s ACX survey, “Have you thought about the Roman Empire in the past 24 hours?” (the Byzantine Empire also counted). Here are responses from 607 cis women and 4,925 cis men:
"Stockholm Syndrome" was invented by police to discredit a female hostage (2020) (stadafa.com)
The phrase “Stockholm Syndrome” was invented by a police psychiatrist to discredit a female hostage in a 1973 bank heist who criticized the police.
Moral implications of being moderately successful computer scientist and a woman (sigops.org)
Elon Musk supports replacing democracy with government of high-status males (independent.co.uk)
Andrew Gelman: Is marriage associated with happiness for men or for women? (stat.columbia.edu)
Is marriage associated with happiness for men or for women? Or both? Or neither? (stat.columbia.edu)
Is marriage associated with happiness for men or for women? Or both? Or neither? (stat.columbia.edu)
More young men are becoming NEETs than women (fortune.com)
Women are using ChatGPT to catch men lying about their height (mashable.com)