Hacker News with Generative AI: Future

Some things to expect in 2025 (lwn.net)
We are reliably informed by the calendar that yet another year has begun.
Tokyo drift: what happens when a city stops being the future? (theguardian.com)
Tokyo remains, in the world’s imagination, a place of sophistication and wealth. But with economic revival forever distant, ‘tourism pollution’ seems the only viable plan
CES 2025 Worst in Show: Betas for a Dystopian Future (thenewstack.io)
Predictions Scorecard, 2025 January 01 (rodneybrooks.com)
This is my seventh annual update on how my dated predictions from January 1st, 2018 concerning (1) self driving cars, (2) robotics, AI , and machine learning, and (3) human space travel, have held up. I promised then to review them at the start of the year every year until 2050 (right after my 95th birthday), thirty two years in total. The idea is to hold myself accountable for those predictions. How right or wrong was I?
It's Still Easier to Imagine the End of the World Than the End of Capitalism (astralcodexten.com)
No Set Gauge has a great essay on Capital, AGI, and Human Ambition, where he argues that if humankind survives the Singularity, the likely result is a future of eternal stagnant wealth inequality.
In 2025, People Will Try Living in This Underwater Habitat (ieee.org)
The future of human habitation in the sea is taking shape in an abandoned quarry on the border of Wales and England.
Are We Multiplanetary Yet? (arewemultiplanetaryyet.com)
No 😔
It's Still Easier to Imagine the End of the World Than the End of Capitalism (astralcodexten.com)
No Set Gauge has a great essay on Capital, AGI, and Human Ambition, where he argues that if humankind survives the Singularity, the likely result is a future of eternal stagnant wealth inequality.
30 years ago Tomorrow's World predicted 2025 – how did it do? (bbc.com)
In 1995, the BBC's Tomorrow's World programme decided to predict what the world would look like 30 years later, in 2025.
What Will Happen in 2025 (avc.xyz)
I've done a lot of these January 1st look forward posts in the 20+ years I've been blogging. I've used many different approaches. I sometimes talk big themes, like I did last year. I sometimes focus on just one thing. And sometimes I just make a bunch of predictions. I am going to do the latter approach today because I feel like it and it's so much fun.
30 years ago Tomorrow's World predicted 2025 – how did it do? (bbc.co.uk)
In 1995, the BBC's Tomorrow's World programme decided to predict what the world would look like 30 years later, in 2025.
Happy New Year (ycombinator.com)
What are your predictions for 2025?
Human Civilization at critical junction:authoritarian collapse or superabundance (eurekalert.org)
A new scientific study published in the journal Foresight concludes that human civilisation is on the brink of the next ‘giant leap’ in evolution. However, progress could be thwarted by centralised far-right political projects such as the incoming Donald Trump administration.
What is your bet in 2025? (ycombinator.com)
What tech, product, or project are you betting on for 2025?
By default, capital will matter more than ever after AGI (lesswrong.com)
I've heard many people say something like "money won't matter post-AGI". This has always struck me as odd, and as most likely completely incorrect.
Is Societal Collapse Inevitable? (theguardian.com)
For someone who has examined 361 studies and 73 books on societal collapses, Danilo Brozović’s conclusion on what must happen to avoid today’s world imploding is both disarmingly simple and a daunting challenge: “We need dramatic social and technological changes.”
Permissionless. A Manifesto for the Future of Everything (permissionlessbook.com)
A Manifesto for the Future of Everything
Geoffrey Hinton shortens odds of the technology wiping out humanity within 30yrs (theguardian.com)
The British-Canadian computer scientist often touted as a “godfather” of artificial intelligence has shortened the odds of AI wiping out humanity over the next three decades, warning the pace of change in the technology is “much faster” than expected.
IBM Power – What's Next? (chipsandcheese.com)
Ask HN: Predictions for 2025? (ycombinator.com)
2024 has been a wild ride with lots of development inside and outside AI.<p>What are your predictions for this coming year?
Ask HN: 2026 Predictions (ycombinator.com)
When the future arrived, it felt ordinary (worksinprogress.co)
When the future arrived, it felt… ordinary. What happened to the glamour of tomorrow?
The world of tomorrow (worksinprogress.co)
When the future arrived, it felt… ordinary. What happened to the glamour of tomorrow?
An 83-year-old short story by Borges portends a bleak future for the internet (theconversation.com)
How will the internet evolve in the coming decades?
Silicon Valley is turning into its own worst fear (2017) (buzzfeednews.com)
This summer, Elon Musk spoke to the National Governors Association and told them that “AI is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization.”
Our Future of Abundant Intelligence (roadtoartificia.com)
In 2019 Rich Sutton, a Canadian computer scientist, wrote an essay called "The Bitter Lesson".
The tech utopia fantasy is over (avas.space)
Growing up, there was a more positive view of tech. The future looked awesome - media showing how the future could look like had amazing ideas about how tech could help us and look cool doing it. It was all about comfort, less work, personalized assistance, reducing friction and hassle, unconventional designs, improved materials. The ads were painting a bright future with glossy robots, blinking datacenters, transhumanist image of cyborg-esque humans 1; an age of knowledge and connection, productivity and ease.
The Analog Thing: Analog Computing for the Future (the-analog-thing.org)
THE ANALOG THING (THAT) is a high-quality, low-cost, open-source, and not-for-profit cutting-edge analog computer.
Self-Driving Cars will Destroy Cities (and what to do about it) [video] (youtube.com)
How to Build the Future: Sam Altman [video] (youtube.com)