Hacker News with Generative AI: Creativity

Life Without Limits: A Blind Maker's Take on 3D Printing (hackaday.com)
In the world of creation, few stories inspire as much as [Mrblindguardian], a 33-year-old who has been blind since the age of two, but refuses to let that hold him back. Using OpenSCAD and a 3D printer, [Mrblindguardian] designs and prints models independently, relying on speech software and touch to bring his ideas to life. His story, published on his website Accessible3D.io, is a call to action for makers to embrace accessibility in their designs and tools.
Headspace Is Perishable (coryzue.com)
Because headspace is perishable. And when you have it, it’s worth acting on.
Pay, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, Performance, and Creativity in Work (2014) (researchgate.net)
Show HN: I made Gyroscopic Gyro Sandwiches (transistor-man.com)
Have you ever noticed that a Gyro sandwich is only cooked on a single axis?
Send someone you appreciate an official 'Continue and Persist' Letter (ContinueAndPersist.org)
Every day, thousands of Cease and Desist letters are issued, telling people to stop what they’re doing (Looking at you, David Chang). What a bummer!
Are Algorithms Killing Creativity? (nytimes.com)
As you scroll through the internet, you’ve probably noticed the same problem Kirby Ferguson has: “Everything looks the same, sounds the same, is the same.”
Bodging GenServers Together (underjord.io)
What feels like forever ago but what was probably a year and a half I gave a talk about Lively LiveView with Membrane. Video is available for the curious. It was a stunt talk but also a talk about creativity and how Elixir let’s me plug things together and try things that feel magical. That feeling has never left me.
AI isn't unleashing imaginations, it's outsourcing them (theguardian.com)
Make It Yourself (makeityourself.org)
Across the world creative people are making high quality things of all kinds and sharing their work freely with all of humanity.
The Lines, They Are A-Changin' (bookforum.com)
YOU OPEN BOX 34, take the typescript from its folder. You can see right away that the song is pretty much finished. He’s got the first four verses locked in, save one lingering question about Ma. Should she be forty but say she’s twenty-four, or eighty claiming sixty-four? Or what if she’s twenty but wants you to think she’s sixty-four? Is that better? Nah.
The Effects of Generative AI on Design Fixation and Divergent Thinking (dl.acm.org)
Generative AI systems have been heralded as tools for augmenting human creativity and inspiring divergent thinking, though with little empirical evidence for these claims.
How to Turn Your Mistakes into Masterpieces: The Art of Happy Accidents (2023) (medium.com)
Have you ever made a mistake while painting, drawing, or sculpting and felt like giving up? Have you ever wondered how some artists can turn their errors into creative opportunities? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this blog post is for you. In this post, I will share with you some examples of happy accidents in art history, and some tips on how to embrace your own mistakes and turn them into masterpieces.
How Many Visionary Artists Are Mentally Ill? (honest-broker.com)
It’s risky to be a visionary.
Role of Deliberate Practice in the Development of Creativity (2014) (lib.utexas.edu)
Sorry Ted Chiang, humans aren't original either (theintrinsicperspective.com)
At the end of August acclaimed sci-fi author Ted Chiang published an essay “Why A.I. Isn’t Going to Make Art” in The New Yorker.
Show HN: Franzelio – Draw lines, make music, share your instrument (franzai.com)
Terence Tao: creative strategies, this aspect of LLM tools is still weak (mathstodon.xyz)
Coding Just for Fun (jairojair.com)
When was the last time you worked on something just for fun?
The Art of Finishing (bytedrum.com)
Artificial Intelligence Cheapens the Artistic Imagination (2023) (convergemedia.org)
Flower Machine (rahix.de)
The Promethean Dilemma of AI at the Intersection of Hallucination and Creativity (cacm.acm.org)
A Video Game Dynamo with Ideas Always Swirling (nytimes.com)
Arroost: Unblocking Creation with Friends (todepond.com)
The creatives pushing nail art to sculptural new lengths (cnn.com)
Creativity is made, not generated (procreate.com)
Creativity is made, not generated. Procreate statement (procreate.com)
Creativity secrets from armed robbers, fraudsters and other criminals (denisecullen.com.au)
Associative tools, thinking, and creativity: On augmenting creativity (thelastwave.substack.com)
Creativity fundamentally comes from memorization? (shwin.co)