Hacker News with Generative AI: Cognition

Learning fast and accurate absolute pitch judgment in adulthood (springer.com)
Absolute pitch (AP) refers to the ability to identify the pitch name of a tone that is presented in isolation.
Microsoft Study Finds AI Makes Human Cognition "Atrophied and Unprepared" (404media.co)
A new paper from researchers at Microsoft and Carnegie Mellon University finds that as humans increasingly rely on generative AI in their work, they use less critical thinking, which can “result in the deterioration of cognitive faculties that ought to be preserved.”
Fake thinking and real thinking (joecarlsmith.com)
“There comes a moment when the children who have been playing at burglars hush suddenly: was that a real footstep in the hall?” 
Signature moves: are we losing the ability to write by hand? (theguardian.com)
We are far more likely to use our hands to type or swipe than pick up a pen. But in the process we are in danger of losing cognitive skills, sensory experience – and a connection to history
Most self-reported aphantasics also reported weak or absent auditory imagery (nlm.nih.gov)
Auditory and visual imagery were studied in a sample of 128 participants, including 34 self-reported aphantasics.
Camembert cheese compounds improve memory and learning (psypost.org)
A recent study published in Neuroscience Research sheds light on the potential cognitive benefits of Camembert cheese.
Our brains create mental "chapters" with new event segmentation study (psypost.org)
A new study published in Current Biology sheds light on how the brain divides the continuous flow of information in our daily lives into discrete, meaningful events.
Study shows bats have acoustic cognitive maps (phys.org)
Echolocating bats have been found to possess an acoustic cognitive map of their home range, enabling them to navigate over kilometer-scale distances using echolocation alone.
Writing is not the same as thinking (greyenlightenment.com)
The reason so many people have trouble writing is that it’s fundamentally difficult. To write well you have to think clearly, and thinking clearly is hard.
Depressive Realism (wikipedia.org)
Depressive realism is the hypothesis developed by Lauren Alloy and Lyn Yvonne Abramson[1] that depressed individuals make more realistic inferences than non-depressed individuals.
Minor degree of hypohydration adversely influences cognition (2016) (nlm.nih.gov)
Because the assumption that small changes in hydration status are readily compensated by homeostatic mechanisms has been little studied, the influence of hypohydration on cognition was examined.
Controllable Fast and Slow Thinking by Learning with Randomized Reasoning Traces (arxiv.org)
In human cognition theory, human thinking is governed by two systems: the fast and intuitive System 1 and the slower but more deliberative System 2.
Do Fungi Recognize Shapes? (tohoku.ac.jp)
Can organisms without a brain still show signs of intelligence? Researchers at Tohoku University and Nagaoka College had this question in mind when conducting a study to measure the decision-making processes in fungi. While it may sound like science fiction, this level of basal cognition is possible even in fungi.
Self-experiment with L-theanine: effect on sleep and cognition (metasophi.com)
Many supplements are said to improve sleep, but how can I know if they work for my individual case if the effects are not obvious? To answer this, I ran a self-experiment with L-theanine using this platform.
Verbal Overshadowing (edge.org)
Suppose that two people witness a crime: one describes in words what they saw, while the other does not. When tested later on their memories of the event, the person who verbally described the incident will be worse at later remembering or recognizing what actually happened. This is verbal overshadowing.
Holding a Program in One's Head (2007) (paulgraham.com)
A good programmer working intensively on his own code can hold it in his mind the way a mathematician holds a problem he's working on.
Study finds grandfathers' workouts enhance grandsons' cognition in mice (psypost.org)
New research published in The Journal of Neuroscience demonstrates that the cognitive benefits of physical exercise can be transmitted transgenerationally from grandfathers to grandsons, suggesting that exercise-induced cognitive improvements may persist across multiple generations.
Sleep duration, chronotype, health and lifestyle factors affect cognition [pdf] (bmjpublichealth.bmj.com)
Sleep on it: How the brain processes many experiences, even when 'offline' (news.yale.edu)
What happens in a mind that can't 'see' mental images (quantamagazine.org)
A Man Who Thought Too Fast (2020) (newyorker.com)
Claustrum neurons projecting to the anterior cingulate restrict engagement (nature.com)
Night owls' cognitive function 'superior' to early risers, study suggests (theguardian.com)
Aphantasia: I can not picture things in my mind (theguardian.com)
Crows Can Count Out Loud New Study Shows (sciencealert.com)
Crows "count" the number of self-generated vocalizations (science.org)
Humans Who Are Not Concentrating Are Not General Intelligences (2019) (skynettoday.com)
Daniel Dennett: 'Where Am I?' (mitpress.mit.edu)
Cognition: A new antisyntax language redefining metaprogramming (nullring.xyz)
Crows Are Self-Aware Just Like Humans, and They May Be as Smart as Gorillas (popularmechanics.com)