Building a Mesh Using Spherical Embedding( When trying to build a 3D model of an object in the real world, the goal is most often to construct a connected mesh of triangles or quadrilaterals that represents that object's surface.
Quaternions and spherical trigonometry( Hamilton’s quaternion number system is a non-commutative extension of the complex numbers, consisting of numbers of the form where are real numbers, and are anti-commuting square roots of with , , . While they are non-commutative, they do keep many other properties of the complex numbers:
Gabriel's Horn( A Gabriel's horn (also called Torricelli's trumpet) is a type of geometric figure that has infinite surface area but finite volume.
The Year in Math( Landmark results in geometry and number theory marked an exciting year for mathematics, at a time when advances in artificial intelligence are starting to transform the subject’s future.
Optimality of Gerver's Sofa( We resolve the moving sofa problem by showing that Gerver's construction with 18 curve sections attains the maximum area $2.2195\cdots$.
An Aperiodic Monotile (2023)( An aperiodic monotile, sometimes called an "einstein", is a shape that tiles the plane, but never periodically. In this paper we present the first true aperiodic monotile, a shape that forces aperiodicity through geometry alone, with no additional constraints applied via matching conditions.
3D Space Can Be Tiled with Corner-Free Shapes( Tiling a space with a repeated pattern that has no gaps or overlaps (a structure known as a tessellation) is what led mathematician [Gábor Domokos] to ponder a question: how few corners can a shape have and still fully tile a space?
A binary tree of all Pythagorean triples( I sketch how the stereographic projection of the Stern–Brocot tree forms an ordered binary tree of Pythagorean triples, which can be used to compute best approximations of turn angles of points on the circle and finally trigonometric functions.
The geometry of data: the missing metric tensor and the Stein score [Part II]( I’m writing this second part of the series because I couldn’t find any formalisation of this metric tensor that naturally arises from the Stein score (especially when used with learned models), and much less blog posts or articles about it, which is surprising given its deep connection between score-based generative models, diffusion models and the geometry of the data manifold.
5 points by peter_d_sherman 108 days ago | 0 comments
2-adic numbering for binary tilings( I’ve posted quite a bit about the binary tiling of the hyperbolic plane recently, including what you get when you shrink its vertical edges, a related “nowhere-neat” tessellation, the connection to Smith charts and Escher, a method to 3-color its tiles, a half-flipped variation of the tiling, and its applications in proving that folding origami is hard. But I thought there might be room for one more post, in honor of the Wikipedia binary tiling article’s new Good Article Status.
Counterintuitive Properties of High Dimensional Space (2018)( Our geometric intuition developed in our three-dimensional world often fails us in higher dimensions. Many properties of even simple objects, such as higher dimensional analogs of cubes and spheres, are very counterintuitive. Below we discuss just a few of these properties in an attempt to convey some of the weirdness of high dimensional space.
184 points by cainxinth 132 days ago | 29 comments
An n-ball Between n-balls( There is a geometric thought experiment that is often used to demonstrate the counterintuitive shape of high-dimensional phenomena. This article is an interactive visual journey into the construct in the thought experiment, and the mathematics behind it.
Python for Inversive and Hyperbolic Geometry( The Python code available on this page is a collection of classes and support functions for visualizing inversive and hyperbolic geometry, with the hyperbolic examples utilizing the Poincaré disc model.