Hacker News with Generative AI: Coffee

MIT students decode the science behind the perfect cup (news.mit.edu)
Undergraduate class blends science, hands-on experimentation, and a love for coffee to fuel curiosity.
Morning coffee may protect the heart better (eurekalert.org)
People who drink coffee in the morning have a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and a lower overall mortality risk compared to all-day coffee drinkers, according to research published in the European Heart Journal [1] today (Wednesday).
Coffee drinkers reap health boost – but only if they do it in the morning (theguardian.com)
People who get their coffee hit in the morning reap benefits that are not seen in those who have shots later in the day, according to the first major study into the health benefits of the drink at different times.
Show HN: I designed an espresso machine and coffee grinder (velofuso.com)
Kenya and "the decline of the greatest coffee" (2021) (christopherferan.com)
During one of his “yes or no” Instagram Q&As, Scott Rao lamented the declining quality of Kenyan coffees over the last three years—a sentiment I’ve heard echoed by buyers across Europe, the US, and Australia.
Ask HN: How do you make your coffee? (ycombinator.com)
I recently bought an AeroPress and have been enjoying lighter roasts with it, something I didn't think I'd ever enjoy. Before that, I usually preferred a dark roast french press, or a Nespresso if I didn't feel like making coffee. Black, no cream or sugar.
Moderate alcohol,oily fish,cereal lower arthritis risk; tea,coffee may raise it (medicalxpress.com)
Moderate alcohol intake and eating more fruit, oily fish and cereals are linked to lower risk of rheumatoid arthritis, while tea and coffee may be linked to increased risk, new research shows.
Jazz Kissa (wikipedia.org)
Jazz kissa (Japanese: ジャズ喫茶), sometimes transliterated as jazu kissa, are cafés that specialise in the playing and appreciation of recorded jazz music.
Coffee drinking habits may greatly impact makeup of gut biome (medicalxpress.com)
A large international team of medical researchers has found that people who drink coffee regularly have much more of one type of gut bacteria than people who do not.
Coffee Plants of the World (sca.coffee)
Coffea arabica, which is indigenous to Ethiopia and some neighboring lands, first was transported out of its homeland into neighboring Yemen. From Yemen, coffee was transported around the world. The coffees that we call typicas today originated from plants that left Yemen and were taken to Java and outlying Islands, possibly by the Dutch, possibly with some transport by the mythical monk Baba Budan. The coffees we call Bourbon today stem from plants transported to Ile Bourbon with the French.
Company sues customer for reverse-engineering knockoff Keurig K-cup coffee pods (startribune.com)
In 2014, a Minnesota tech company helped a generic coffee-pod maker crack Keurig’s top-secret ink signature so its knockoff pods could work with the newest versions of the popular single-serve coffee machines.
Drinking 3 cups of coffee linked to preventing multiple diseases (studyfinds.org)
WASHINGTON — A new study suggests that your morning brew might be doing more than just perking you up — it could be protecting you from a range of serious heart conditions.
Coffee Stats – Maximize Caffeine Intake and Get to Bed at Night (github.com/Eliya-G)
This project was built to answer a question many of us have. Should I have another cup of coffee?
You are how you resist (medium.com)
If you live in Amsterdam, you’ve probably seen a coffee chain called Cafecito. Decent coffee, minimalist typographic logo, snowy-white walls, clean geometry of interior objects, perfectly lined up branded merchandise on wooden shelves. I hate it. It is less authentic than Starbucks on a train station. Cafecito is so outstandingly unremarkable that its facelessness feels to me like a personal insult.
DiyPresso: DIY Espresso Machine (diypresso.com)
Discover the world's first DIY espresso machine. With our easy to understand step-by-step manual, all you need is a screwdriver and a wrench to assemble your very own espresso maker. Dive into the process of building your own diyPresso and on the go, learn how everything works.
Starbucks' new CEO wants to make Starbucks a coffee shop again (cnn.com)
Pour over Coffee Got Good (worksinprogress.co)
Pour-over coffee has long been popular with coffee enthusiasts, but it frustrated coffee shops because it takes so long to make. That’s changing.
James Hoffman uses science to challenge Andrew Huberman's morning coffee routine [video] (youtube.com)
Starbucks replaces CEO after just 17 months, turns to Chipotle leader (cbc.ca)
Should Coffee Cost $7? (stuff.co.nz)
Is Decaffeinated Coffee Bad for You? (nytimes.com)
Which country consumes the most coffee? (cafely.com)
Workbrew (workbrew.com)
A chemist explains the chemistry behind decaf coffee (theconversation.com)
A chemist explains the chemistry behind decaf coffee (phys.org)
Genetic differences found to influence coffee drinking behaviors (psypost.org)
Coffee helped the Union in the Civil War (smithsonianmag.com)
Coffee: Never Surprise Your Customers (caseysoftware.com)
How Coffee Powered the Industrious Revolution and Modern Consumerism (thezerostate.substack.com)
Ultrasonic Coffee (theguardian.com)