Hacker News with Generative AI: Physics

Show HN: Real-time nonlinear optics simulation (JS/GLSL) (github.com/westoncb)
An interactive study of controlled nonlinear dynamics, implemented through the concrete example of coupled optical fields.
Physicists have shown that an idealized form of magnetism is heatproof (quantamagazine.org)
Sunlight melts snowflakes. Fire turns logs into soot and smoke. A hot oven will make a magnet lose its pull. Physicists know from countless examples that if you crank the temperature high enough, structures and patterns break down.
Astronomers discover neutron star with an incredibly slow six-hour spin (abc.net.au)
In our galaxy, about 13,000 light-years away, a dead star called ASKAP J1839-075 is breaking all the rules … extremely slowly.
Physicists who want to ditch dark energy (nautil.us)
The idea that mysterious stuff speeds up the acceleration of the universe could be a big mistake
We need to 'gravitise' quantum mechanics, not quantise gravity [video] (youtube.com)
Why the weak nuclear force is short range (profmattstrassler.com)
The “range” of a force is a measure of the distance across which it can easily be effective.
Time Dilation Formula / Calculator (timedilationformula.com)
Time dilation is like a magic trick that happens when you travel really fast. The faster you go, the slower time moves for you compared to people standing still on Earth!
Physicists Magnetize a Material with Light (news.mit.edu)
MIT physicists have created a new and long-lasting magnetic state in a material, using only light.
All clocks are 30 seconds late (victorpoughon.fr)
OK, this is going to sound crazy: I believe all clocks are 30 seconds late.
Relax while watching bouncing particles making connections when they get closer (tiki.li)
Particles - Code More samples
A video tour of the Standard Model (2021) (quantamagazine.org)
The Standard Model is a sweeping equation that has correctly predicted the results of virtually every experiment ever conducted, as Quanta explores in a new video.
The sham legacy of Richard Feynman [video] (youtube.com)
Origami Black Hole (xkcd.com)
Dark Energy May Not Exist: Something Stranger Might Explain the Universe (sciencealert.com)
There might not be a mysterious 'dark' force accelerating the expansion of the Universe after all. The truth could be much stranger – bubbles of space where time passes at drastically different rates.
SpaceSim (pavelsevecek.github.io)
OpenSPH is a library and graphical application used primarily for scientific simulations.
The Dome (2005) (sites.pitt.edu)
While exotic theories like quantum mechanics and general relativity violate our common expectations of causation and determinism, one routinely assumes that ordinary Newtonian mechanics will violate these expectations only in extreme circumstances if at all. That is not so. Even quite simple Newtonian systems can harbor uncaused events and ones for which the theory cannot even supply probabilities.
The Maxwell-Heaviside Equations Explained by the Theory of Informatons (researchgate.net)
Experimental evidence photon can spend negative amount of time in an atom cloud (arxiv.org)
Billionaires want you to know they could have done physics [video] (youtube.com)
Elektročas HH3 – the most accurate pendulum clock on the planet (cern.ch)
Can a pendulum clock be good to one second in 158 million years? A piece of cake...
Proved my physics professor wrong with help from my 3D printer (reddit.com)
Vindicated after 25 years! Proved my physics professor wrong with help from my P1S! (v.redd.it)
Frequency shifts do not imply quantum entanglement (2022) (benbrubaker.com)
I’ve somehow become the go-to twitter critic (jointly with Douglas Natelson, a Rice University physics professor with an excellent blog) of a recent unpublished manuscript that has generated a lot of premature press coverage. The authors of this paper claim to have demonstrated quantum entanglement between a superconducting qubit — a special kind of electrical circuit that exhibits quantum behavior — and a remarkably hardy little creature called a tardigrade.
Elektročas HH3: the most accurate pendulum clock on the planet (cern.ch)
Can a pendulum clock be good to one second in 158 million years? A piece of cake...
Plasma heating efficiency in fusion devices boosted by metal screens (phys.org)
Heating plasma to the ultra-high temperatures needed for fusion reactions requires more than turning the dial on a thermostat.
Mathematician Reveals New Enigmas for Time Travelers (discovermagazine.com)
First, the good news for time travelers. Physicists have long recognized that nothing in the laws of physics specifically forbids time travel.
What would happen if you made a planet out of fish? (james-simon.github.io)
In the fall of 2019, Ryan Roberts and I gave a talk to high schoolers at Berkeley Splash on analyzing absurd scenarios with real physics.
Neutron Stars with Less Mass Than a White Dwarf Might Exist (universetoday.com)
Most of the neutron stars we know of have a mass between 1.4 and 2.0 Suns. The upper limit makes sense, since, beyond about two solar masses, a neutron star would collapse to become a black hole. The lower limit also makes sense given the mass of white dwarfs. While neutron stars defy gravitational collapse thanks to the pressure between neutrons, white dwarfs defy gravity thanks to electron pressure.
The Dome Paradox: A Loophole in Newton's Laws (youtube.com)
Billionaires want you to know they could have done physics [video] (youtube.com)
Phugoid (wikipedia.org)
In aviation, a phugoid or fugoid (/ˈfjuːɡɔɪd/ ⓘ) is an aircraft motion in which the vehicle pitches up and climbs, and then pitches down and descends, accompanied by speeding up and slowing down as it goes "downhill" and "uphill".