Hacker News with Generative AI: Universe

Astronomers discover 'Quipu', the single largest structure in the known universe (livescience.com)
Cosmologists Try a New Way to Measure the Shape of the Universe (quantamagazine.org)
Is the universe flat and infinite, or something more complex? We can’t say for sure, but a new search strategy is mapping out the subtle signals that could reveal if the universe has a shape.
Alien Truth (paulgraham.com)
If there were intelligent beings elsewhere in the universe, they'd share certain truths in common with us.
Dark Energy May Not Exist: Something Stranger Might Explain the Universe (sciencealert.com)
There might not be a mysterious 'dark' force accelerating the expansion of the Universe after all. The truth could be much stranger – bubbles of space where time passes at drastically different rates.
A chart that shows everything that has ever existed (economist.com)
Some 13.8bn years ago, the universe came into existence in the Big Bang.
First section of Euclid space telescope's map of the universe revealed (theguardian.com)
The first chunk of what will be the largest 3D map of the universe ever made has been revealed, putting 14 million galaxies – not to mention tens of millions of stars in our own Milky Way – on show in incredible detail.
Study: Dark matter doesn't exist, the universe is 27B years old (earth.com)
Do we live in a shell universe? (phys.org)
The universe might not be as you think.
The universe had a secret life before the Big Bang, new study hints (livescience.com)
New Horizons Measurements Shed New Light on the Darkness of the Universe (hubblesite.org)
The Elegant Universe: 25th Anniversary Edition (math.columbia.edu)
The search for the biggest shape in the universe [video] (youtube.com)
The Higgs particle could have ended the universe by now – Why are we still here? (studyfinds.org)
A plot of all objects in the universe (2023) (kottke.org)
We Know What Turned on the Lights at the Dawn of Time (sciencealert.com)
Tiny bright objects discovered at dawn of universe baffle scientists (phys.org)
Scientists wonder if shape of the universe is like a doughnut (theguardian.com)
Physicists now question the fate of the Universe (bigthink.com)
Three of the oldest stars in the universe found circling the Milky Way (news.mit.edu)
Collapsing Sheets of Spacetime Could Explain Dark Matter and Why Universe 'Hums' (scientificamerican.com)
We live in a cosmic void so empty that it breaks the laws of cosmology (newscientist.com)