Hacker News with Generative AI: Stars

Can life emerge around a white dwarf? (centauri-dreams.org)
My curiosity about white dwarfs continues to be piqued by the occasional journal article, like a recent study from Caldon Whyte and colleagues reviewing the possibilities for living worlds around such stars.
The first close-up picture of a star outside our own galaxy (eso.org)
This is an image of the star WOH G64, taken by the GRAVITY instrument on the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope Interferometer (ESO’s VLTI). This is the first close-up picture of a star outside our own galaxy, the Milky Way. The star is located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, over 160 000 light-years away. The bright oval at the centre of this image is a dusty cocoon that enshrouds the star.
First close-up image of a star outside Milky Way shows supergiant in 'cocoon' (theguardian.com)
A star cloaked in an egg-shaped cocoon has been revealed in the first detailed images of a star beyond the Milky Way.
Black Hole Destroys Star, Goes After Another, NASA Missions Find (chandra.si.edu)
A giant black hole has destroyed one star and now is using that stellar debris to pummel another star or smaller black hole.
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin discovered that stars are mostly made of hydrogen (aps.org)
Have you ever wondered why stars shine? When you gaze up at the night sky and observe the twinkling shapes, or bask in the warmth of the sun on a hot afternoon, have you pondered the source of that light and heat? To start figuring it out, your first instinct might be to explore what a star is made of. However, doing so is hard, because stars are really *really* far away. Even our nearest star, the sun, is still really far away. Also, in the event you were able to travel through space and get close enough to touch a star, your spaceship would melt from the extreme heat (note: this is not an ideal situation for doing science).
Newly discovered star moves fast enough to escape the Milky Way galaxy (cnn.com)
A23a (wikipedia.org)
Quark Stars (wordpress.com)
Astronomers Urge to Turn Telescopes to "Seemingly Impossible" Star HD 101065 (iflscience.com)
Ancient Star Seen Zooming Through Space at 600 Kilometers per Second (sciencealert.com)
Black holes may be a theoretical type of star called a 'gravastar' (livescience.com)
Helium Flash (wikipedia.org)
Dyson Sphere Candidates from Gaia DR3, 2MASS, and Wise (academic.oup.com)
Three of the oldest stars in the universe found circling the Milky Way (news.mit.edu)
Beautiful nebula, violent history: Clash of stars solves stellar mystery (phys.org)