Hacker News with Generative AI: Theoretical Physics

We need to 'gravitise' quantum mechanics, not quantise gravity [video] (youtube.com)
Black Hole Cosmology (wikipedia.org)
A black hole cosmology (also called Schwarzschild cosmology or black hole cosmological model) is a cosmological model in which the observable universe is the interior of a black hole.
The Shape That Could Replace Space-Time –- Maybe [Amplituhedron] [video] (youtube.com)
The Crisis in String Theory Is Worse Than You Think (math.columbia.edu)
Curt Jaimungal has a piece out, an interview with Lenny Susskind, with the title The Crisis in String Theory is Worse Than You Think…. Some of what Susskind has to say is the same as in his recent podcast with Lawrence Krauss (discussed here). These days, Susskind sometimes sounds like Peter Woit:
Thought experiments that fray the fabric of space-time (quantamagazine.org)
An editorially independent publication supported by the Simons Foundation.
Physicists: Tachyons can be reconciled with the special theory of relativity (phys.org)
There are no particles, there are only fields (2012) (arxiv.org)
Black holes may be a theoretical type of star called a 'gravastar' (livescience.com)
The S-matrix is the oracle physicists turn to in times of crisis (quantamagazine.org)
Proof of geometric Langlands conjecture so complex almost no one can explain it (newscientist.com)
False Vacuum (wikipedia.org)
Quantum mechanics is the operating system other physical theories run on (2007) (scottaaronson.com)