Hacker News with Generative AI: Microscopy

Segment Anything for Microscopy (nature.com)
Accurate segmentation of objects in microscopy images remains a bottleneck for many researchers despite the number of tools developed for this purpose.
3D-printed open source optical microscope for low-cost histological imaging (biorxiv.org)
We present the manufacture and characterisation of a fully 3D printed, low-cost optical microscope using both a 3D printed chassis and 3D printed illumination and imaging optics.
3D-printed microscope in <3 hours – costs $60, lenses, camera, and Raspberry Pi (tomshardware.com)
Fantastic Planet: The Microscopy Album of Marinus Pieter Filbri (1887–88) (publicdomainreview.org)
Toward the beginning of this album of photographs belonging to Marinus Pieter Filbri, there is a series of shots of the phases of the moon; closing it out, a glimpse through the gauze of an insect’s wing, magnified eighty times its normal size. Intentionally or not, this juxtaposition draws a visual parallel between the unimaginable scale of celestial objects and the invisibly small realm of the microscopic, as if to suggest that both, in the end, are equally alien.
Nikon Small World Microscopy Winners (2024) (nikonsmallworld.com)
Positioning single atoms with a scanning tunnelling microscope (1990) (nature.com)
SINCE its invention in the early 1980s by Binnig and Rohrer1,2, the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) has provided images of surfaces and adsorbed atoms and molecules with unprecedented resolution.
How to Make an STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscope) [video] (youtube.com)
Scientists Film 'Giant' Mimivirus in Action (tus.ac.jp)
For the first time, we can see footage of a 'giant' virus as it infects a cell
Show HN: CNC Microscopy for Fun (anfractuosity.com)
I wanted to build a CNC microscope using off the shelf parts in order to attempt image fairly large objects such leaves, CD-ROMs etc. to reveal detail that can’t be seen with the naked eye.
Diatom Arrangements (trebeljahr.com)
This post is a bit of an odd one: it's a collection of images of diatom arrangements. Diatoms are single-celled algae that have a glass shell, that refracts light in beautiful colors if viewed under a microscope. They are a common subject for microscopy because of their unique shapes.
Image Is the Highest Resolution We've Ever Seen Atoms: ScienceAlert (sciencealert.com)
Thousands of papers misidentify microscopes, in possible sign of misconduct (retractionwatch.com)
Thousands of papers misidentify microscopes, in possible sign of misconduct (retractionwatch.com)
Neutral beam microscopy using magnetic beam spin encoding (nature.com)
New computational microscopy technique provides direct route to crisp images (phys.org)
Subwavelength imaging using a solid-immersion diffractive optical processor (springeropen.com)
Tiny beauty: how I make scientific art from behind the microscope (nature.com)
Microscopic heart vessels imaged in super-resolution for first time (imperial.ac.uk)