Hacker News with Generative AI: Imaging

Why Recursion Pharmaceuticals abandoned cell painting for brightfield imaging (owlposting.com)
At this point, you’d be hard pressed to not have heard of Recursion Pharmaceuticals.
Can we make a camera see behind walls? [video] (youtube.com)
Smaller Satellite Images (marksblogg.com)
In 2009, Skybox Imaging was founded. They built and launched two satellites before being acquired by Google in 2014. Google went on to launch another five satellites before selling the firm to Planet Labs in 2017.
Functional ultrasound through the skull (vercel.app)
Functional ultrasound imaging (fUSI) is an awesome new technology for imaging brain activity.
Design of a Novel Microlens Array and Imaging System for Light Fields (mdpi.com)
To address these issues, we proposed a novel four-focal-square microlens and light field system.
X-Rays Image Transistors in 3D (ieee.org)
Subwavelength imaging using a solid-immersion diffractive optical processor (springeropen.com)
Raw flux streams and obscure formats: Further work around imaging 5.25-inch flo (cam.ac.uk)