Hacker News with Generative AI: Medical Technology

Printable molecule-selective nanoparticles enable wearable biosensor mass prod (phys.org)
The future of medicine may very well lie in the personalization of health care—knowing exactly what an individual needs and then delivering just the right mix of nutrients, metabolites, and medications, if necessary, to stabilize and improve their condition.
Parkinsons patient "feels cured" with new adaptive deep brain stimulation device (bbc.com)
A man fitted with a pioneering, computer-controlled brain implant to tackle his Parkinson's disease says it works so well he is sometimes able to forget he has the condition.
Building a T1D smartwatch for my son from scratch (andrewchilds.com)
My 9 y.o. son has Type 1 diabetes, which basically means his pancreas is on manual (hard) mode 24x7.
The ultra-fast cancer treatments which could replace conventional radiotherapy (bbc.com)
A pioneering new treatment promises to tackle a wider range of cancers, with fewer side-effects than conventional radiotherapy. It also takes less than a second.
3D-printed open source optical microscope for low-cost histological imaging (biorxiv.org)
We present the manufacture and characterisation of a fully 3D printed, low-cost optical microscope using both a 3D printed chassis and 3D printed illumination and imaging optics.
Parkinson's tremors disappear with machine that sends heat waves to the brain (sun-sentinel.com)
Delray Medical Center cut the ribbon on its newest high-tech machine last week that targets brain areas to treat movement disorders such as essential tremor and tremor-dominant Parkinson’s disease.
Researchers design wearable tech that can sense glucose levels more accurately (uwaterloo.ca)
Waterloo researchers design wearable tech that can sense glucose levels for diabetics more accurately than ever before
No-hole surgery: no keyhole, yet surgeons can now still operate under your skin (2023) (nibib.nih.gov)
What if a clinician could 3D print something through your skin, constructing an implant or replacement organ underneath layers of tissue? The world of medicine would be transformed: a host of surgical procedures, which come with a variety of risks, could be performed without ever lifting a scalpel.
Paralysed man communicates first words in months using brain implant (2022) (independent.co.uk)
A completely paralysed man, who was left unable to communicate for months after losing the ability to even move his eyes, has used a brain implant to ask his caregivers for a beer.
First ever fluoride-containing bioglass toothpaste wins FDA approval (nature.com)
British-developed BioMin F is to be available in the USA, known in the US as Dr.Collins BioMin Restore Plus.
Scientists develop coral-inspired material to revolutionise bone repair (swansea.ac.uk)
Researchers at Swansea University have developed a revolutionary bone graft substitute inspired by coral which not only promotes faster healing but dissolves naturally in the body after the repair is complete.
Brain stimulation helps partially paralyzed patients walk again (newatlas.com)
Two patients with spinal injuries have seen improvements in their ability to walk again, thanks to deep brain stimulation (DBS).
AggiesBCI – brain-controlled wheelchair converts thoughts to real-world movement (yusiali.com)
A brain-controlled wheelchair that converts thoughts to real-world movement
A.I. Chatbots Defeated Doctors at Diagnosing Illness (nytimes.com)
In an experiment, doctors who were given ChatGPT to diagnose illness did only slightly better than doctors who did not. But the chatbot alone outperformed all the doctors.
Defibrillation devices save lives using 1k times less electricity (phys.org)
In a paper published in Chaos, researchers from Sergio Arboleda University in Bogotá, Colombia, and the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta used an electrophysiological computer model of the heart's electrical circuits to examine the effect of the applied voltage field in multiple fibrillation-defibrillation scenarios.
Brain stimulation at home helps to treat depression (nature.com)
A device that delivers a small electrical current to the brain has beneficial effects in cases of depression that doesn't respond to drugs or therapy.
Low-cost, portable device can detect colorectal and prostate cancer in an hour (medicalxpress.com)
Researchers at The University of Texas at El Paso have created a portable device that can detect colorectal and prostate cancer more cheaply and quickly than prevailing methods.
Functional ultrasound through the skull (vercel.app)
Functional ultrasound imaging (fUSI) is an awesome new technology for imaging brain activity.
'Smart' insulin prevents diabetic highs – and deadly lows (nature.com)
Scientists have designed a new form of insulin that can automatically switch itself on and off depending on glucose levels in the blood. In animals, this ‘smart’ insulin1 reduced high blood-sugar concentrations effectively while preventing levels from dropping too low.
AI-powered transcription tool used in hospitals invents things no one ever said (scrippsnews.com)
Tech behemoth OpenAI has touted its artificial intelligence-powered transcription tool Whisper as having near “human level robustness and accuracy.”
Artificial Wombs Could Transform Neonatal Care and Revolutionize Parenthood (gilmorehealth.com)
The idea of creating an artificial womb—technology that mimics the protective environment of a natural uterus—has moved from the realm of science fiction to serious medical research.
Device could deliver bedside blood test results in an hour (colorado.edu)
CU Boulder researchers hope to change that with a new handheld, sound-based diagnostic system able to deliver precise results in an hour with a mere finger prick of blood.
Why Surgeons Are Wearing the Apple Vision Pro in Operating Rooms (time.com)
Twenty-four years ago, the surgeon Santiago Horgan performed the first robotically assisted gastric-bypass surgery in the world, a major medical breakthrough. Now Horgan is working with a new tool that he argues could be even more transformative in operating rooms: the Apple Vision Pro.
GLP-1 pills are coming, and they could revolutionize weight-loss treatment (cnn.com)
ADHD headband treats symptoms in 20 minutes per day (newatlas.com)
An innovative start-up is out to change how attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is managed, bypassing the traditional route of medication to instead use non-invasive light electrical brain stimulation delivered by a headband worn for just 20 minutes a day.
Neuralink Received Breakthrough Device Designation from the FDA for Blindsight (twitter.com)
Light-based technique shows 90% accuracy in early prostate cancer detection (medicalxpress.com)
Injectable heart stimulator for emergency situations (lunduniversity.lu.se)
Smart mask for exhaled breath condensate harvesting and analysis (science.org)
The scalpel: From flint to zirconium-coated steel (2018) (facs.org)