Hacker News with Generative AI: Bioengineering

Knitted microtissue can accelerate healing (news.mit.edu)
Treating severe or chronic injury to soft tissues such as skin and muscle is a challenge in health care.
DARPA exploring growing bio structures of "unprecedented size" in microgravity (sam.gov)
Bacteria in Polymers Form Cables That Grow into Living Gels (caltech.edu)
Scientists at Caltech and Princeton University have discovered that bacterial cells growing in a solution of polymers, such as mucus, form long cables that buckle and twist on each other, building a kind of "living Jell-O."
Cyborg cockroaches can now be mass-produced in a robotic factory (scmp.com)
Researchers have taken the concept of cyborg insects to the next level – automated mass production that could turn out cybernetically controlled bugs every 68 seconds, a technology that may prove useful in search-and-rescue operations or factory inspections.
Lignin discovery could help turn trees into affordable green chemicals (phys.org)
Trees are the most abundant natural resource living on Earth's land masses, and North Carolina State University scientists and engineers are making headway in finding ways to use them as sustainable, environmentally benign alternatives to producing industrial chemicals from petroleum.
Robot controlled by a king oyster mushroom blends living organisms and machines (cnn.com)
Smart mask for exhaled breath condensate harvesting and analysis (science.org)
'smart' insulin that responds to changing blood sugar levels in real time (theguardian.com)
Maglev titanium heart now whirs inside the chest of a live patient (newatlas.com)
Heart transplant breakthrough as human receives titanium heart for first time (the-express.com)
Maglev titanium heart inside the chest of a live patient (newatlas.com)
Bridge RNAs direct programmable recombination of target and donor DNA (nature.com)
An ingestible device to record gastric electrophysiological activity (medicalxpress.com)
Mouth-based touchpad enables people living with paralysis to use computers (news.mit.edu)
Their bionic eyes are now obsolete and unsupported (2022) (ieee.org)
Motile Living Biobots Self-Construct from Human Somatic Progenitor Seed Cells (wiley.com)
MIT scientists learn how to control muscles with light (news.mit.edu)