Hacker News with Generative AI: MIT

My Time at MIT (blogspot.com)
Twenty years ago, in 2004-2005, I spent a year at MIT’s Computer Science department as a postdoc working with Professor Nancy Lynch.
MIT students decode the science behind the perfect cup (news.mit.edu)
Undergraduate class blends science, hands-on experimentation, and a love for coffee to fuel curiosity.
MIT study explains why laws are written in an incomprehensible style (news.mit.edu)
Legal documents are notoriously difficult to understand, even for lawyers. This raises the question: Why are these documents written in a style that makes them so impenetrable?
MIT Aluminum Bicycle Project 1974 (2016) (sheldonbrown.com)
In 1974, Professor Shawn Buckley ran an M.I.T. Independent Activities Period course where participants, including Marc Rosenbaum and Harriet Fell, got to build their own bicycle frames.
MIT researchers develop an efficient way to train more reliable AI agents (news.mit.edu)
To boost the reliability of reinforcement learning models for complex tasks with variability, MIT researchers have introduced a more efficient algorithm for training them.
Undergraduates with family income below $200k will be tuition-free at MIT (news.mit.edu)
Undergraduates with family income below $200,000 can expect to attend MIT tuition-free starting next fall, thanks to newly expanded financial aid. Eighty percent of American households meet this income threshold.
Mathematics for Computer Science [pdf] (csail.mit.edu)
My search for the mysterious missing secretary who shaped chatbot history (theconversation.com)
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Distinctive Collections archive is quiet while the blizzard blows outside. Silence seems to be accumulating with the falling snow. I am the only researcher in the archive, but there is a voice that I am straining to hear.
Liquid debuts non-transformer AI models and they're already state-of-the-art (venturebeat.com)
Liquid AI, a startup co-founded by former researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), has announced the debut of its first multimodal AI models: the “Liquid Foundation Models (LFMs).”
A wobble from Mars could be sign of dark matter, MIT study finds (news.mit.edu)
In a new study, MIT physicists propose that if most of the dark matter in the universe is made up of microscopic primordial black holes — an idea first proposed in the 1970s — then these gravitational dwarfs should zoom through our solar system at least once per decade.
This is MIT and yes, we have bananas (technologyreview.com)
MIT's first freshman class since affirmative-action ban is less diverse (bbc.com)
At MIT, Black/Latino Enrollment Drops Sharply After Affirmative Action Ban (nytimes.com)
MIT leaders describe the experience of not renewing Elsevier contract (sparcopen.org)
MIT researchers use large language models to flag problems in complex systems (news.mit.edu)
MIT: The Missing Semester of Your CS Education (csail.mit.edu)
All the Data on Earth Can Fit in a Cup of DNA in MIT's Jurassic Park Project (xatakaon.com)
Arvind has died (news.mit.edu)
Street-Fighting Mathematics (2008) (ocw.mit.edu)
New material developed by MIT researchers able to block out sound (masslive.com)
MIT scientists learn how to control muscles with light (news.mit.edu)
The Stanford Startup and the MIT Startup (2013) (blogspot.com)
MIT students stole $25M in seconds by exploiting ETH blockchain bug, DOJ says (arstechnica.com)
MIT-educated brothers allegedly stole $25M in crypto in just 12 seconds (nypost.com)
MIT students stole $25M in seconds by exploiting ETH blockchain bug, DOJ says (arstechnica.com)
A Slower Speed of Light (2012) (gamelab.mit.edu)
Dr Jay Bhattacharya Lecture at MIT (youtube.com)