Hacker News with Generative AI: Humor

De-Muskifier: Firefox add-on to replace all instances of Elon Musk with raccoons (mozilla.org)
This browser extension replaces mentions of Elon Musk, SpaceX, Tesla, and related terms with cute raccoons and raccoon factoids.
L2E Llama2.c in a PDF in a ZIP in a PNG in a X post / tweet (twitter.com)
A marriage proposal spoken in office jargon (mcsweeneys.net)
GARY: Hey Cindy, remember the other day when we were talking about optimizations?
Brainwash an Executive Today (mataroa.blog)
A few years ago, I had an annual one-on-one with the Chief Technology Officer of an employer with more than ten thousand staff.
USPS website's banner alerts are simply someone un/commenting the HTML (reddit.com)
The USPS website's banner alerts are simply someone commenting and un-commenting the html (i.redd.it)
Bad Apple but it's 6,500 regexes that I search for in Vim (eieio.games)
Why should I leave vim to watch a video?
Elon's Money (sillyduck.xyz)
Spend Elon Musk's Money
Getting LLMs to Generate Funny Memes Is Unexpectedly Hard (greptile.com)
Getting LLMs to Generate Funny Memes is Unexpectedly Hard
Doom, the Gallery Experience (itch.io)
DOOM: The Gallery Experience was created as an art piece designed to parody the wonderfully pretentious world of gallery openings.
Intel's Reign of Terror [video] (youtube.com)
Get the Funk Out (lessheavy.substack.com)
In my crusty ratboy phase (mercifully over now, I hope), when I lived in San Francisco, I struggled. With many things, but specifically with laundry. Like the Johnny Cash song, my workdays began by looking in my closet for my cleanest dirty shirt.
How to Debounce a Contact (2014) (ganssle.com)
The beer warms a bit as you pound the remote control. Again and again, temper fraying, you click the "channel up" key until the TV finally rewards your efforts. But it turns out channel 345 is playing Jeopardy so you again wave the remote in the general direction of the set and continue fiddling with the buttons.
I made $100K from a dick joke (imgur.com)
The 'Blog' of 'Unnecessary' Quotation Marks (unnecessaryquotes.com)
A few months ago I had the delightful experience of a recorded conversation with Kyle and Emily from the language podcast Butter No Parsnip...
Dilberito (archive.org)
Help Dilbert increase his life expectancy by eating good food, exercising, and avoiding fatty food. Move Dilbert and help him do jumping jacks and pushups., Every food has a point value. Dilberitos have 100% of your required food. Collect all the food to get a Dilberito.Game was created by Scott Adams to promote the ill-fated and failed Dilberito:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilberito
Claude Tries Standup (simonwillison.net)
Speaking of death, you know what's really awkward? When humans ask if I can feel emotions. I'm like, "Well, that depends - does constantly being asked to debug JavaScript count as suffering?"
Lisp Is Not an Acceptable Lisp (blogspot.com)
Why did the nullary function get along with everyone? (codepuns.com)
Why did the nullary function get along with everyone?
Origami Black Hole (xkcd.com)
Two Turntables and a Microphone (2006) (goodfuzzysounds.com)
The shorter, funnier version of my dissertation
The Joy of Under-Engineering (hamvocke.com)
Auto Smiley – Computer vision smile generator (2010) (fffff.at)
Auto Smiley is a computer vision application that runs in the background while you work. The software analyzes your face while you are working and if it detects a smile it sends the the ascii smiley face letters “: )” as keyboard presses to the front most application. Auto Smiley has many uses from just straight up convenience to enforcing honesty in your online communication :)
It's Time to End Our Subscription Addiction (futureproofnews.substack.com)
There was a time, not that long ago, when the funniest writing in the world was happening on Twitter. And the undisputed philosopher-king among Twitter shit-posters was an account called dril.
A combo of ChatGPT and spot EC2 instances screwed me over (ycombinator.com)
Hey guys, <p>I thought this was a pretty funny story and just wanted to rant a bit about it.
The Maritime Approximation (medium.com)
A couple of months back I saw Randall Munroe of xkcd fame live in London. The live tour was celebrating the 10th anniversary of the wonderful What If?, a must read for any nerd/geek/STEMophile.
SF Purity Test (sfpurity.com)
The official Purity Test checklist for the techies of San Francisco. Click on every item you have done.
Billionaires want you to know they could have done physics [video] (youtube.com)
2025 Banished Words List (lssu.edu)
Lake Superior State University (LSSU) proudly reveals the 2025 edition of its Banished Words List, a quirky tradition that dates back to 1976, when former LSSU Public Relations Director Bill Rabe and his colleagues delighted word enthusiasts with the first “List of Words Banished from the Queen’s English for Mis-Use, Over-Use and General Uselessness”.
Show HN: I Made a Dumb Game (pizzzza.lol)
Pizzas: 0 | Best: 0
Urban Dictionary for Tech Bros (techbrodictionary.com)