Hacker News with Generative AI: Personal Projects

28h Days: year 1 update (sidhion.com)
It’s been a little over a year since I started living 28h days .
How do non-software engineers feel upon reflection, about their degrees? (ycombinator.com)
To set the scene: I wanted to build my own devboard for my own projects. I'm sat here looking at my screen after having opened KiCAD with some of the documentation for an STM32H7 MCU. It dawns on me that I have absolutely zero clue of what I am looking at and have no idea where to start beyond watching youtube. Here I am now writing this.
Republishing my Simpsons fan site, twenty years later (bingeclock.com)
© 2014-2025 Bingeclock, Inc.
My approach to running a link blog (simonwillison.net)
I started running a basic link blog on this domain back in November 2003—publishing links (which I called “blogmarks”) with a title, URL, short snippet of commentary and a “via” link where appropriate.
My approach to running a link blog (simonwillison.net)
I started running a basic link blog on this domain back in November 2003—publishing links (which I called “blogmarks”) with a title, URL, short snippet of commentary and a “via” link where appropriate.
For four years, I photographed, indexed and classified my entire house (katalog-barbaraiweins.com)
As a neurotic collector, collecting, ordering, categorizing and exhibiting things have always given me immense pleasure.
Libsearch: Simple index-free full-text search for JavaScript (github.com/thesephist)
Simple, index-free text search for JavaScript, used across my personal projects like YC Vibe Check, linus.zone/entr, and my personal productivity software. Read the annotated source to understand how it works under the hood.
I automated my job application process (daviddodda.com)
Look, I'll be honest - job hunting sucks.
Ask HN: What are you reading/learning/working on over the holiday break? (ycombinator.com)
This time of the year many people take time off to spend time with family and have extra free time to work on their own stuff (Python was famously created as a Christmas break project), so I’m curious how you’ll be using this extra time?
Kid Pix: The Early Years (red-green-blue.com)
Ben: Dad, what have you been doing upstairs? Dad: Writing a short history of Kid Pix. Ben: Do you really think anyone is going to want to read that?
For the Love of God, Make Your Own Website (aftermath.site)
The internet sucks now--but it doesn't have to.
1,600 days of a failed hobby data science project (lellep.xyz)
⭐ I spent >1,600 days working on a data science project that then failed because I lost interest. This article is to cope with the failure and maybe help you (and me) to finish successful data science projects by summarising a few learnings into a checklist, see below.
My site just passed 1000 views. I feel great. (ycombinator.com)
Today I woke up. Checked my analytics in Clarity. I could not believe it.<p>I am a pokemon fan. I really liked plaing the new Pokemon Sleep. So i made tool for it called online pokemon sleep grader or calculator.<p>=> pokemonsleepgrader.com<p>So My lil side/fun project website has crossed 1000+ view.<p>I felt very empowered & wanted this to share with everyone.<p>Major traffic is also coming straight from USA.<p>I cant attach screenshot here. It would be great if I could.
Codenames App, or my biggest project so far (boardgamegeek.com)
Ask HN: What's your most interesting automation? (ycombinator.com)
What's the most interesting personal or work automation you've created? What language is it written in?
Training myself to run farther with Strava's API and an IoT dog feeder of M&Ms (mayer.cool)
I bought an IOT dog food dispenser, filled it with M&Ms, and made a script checks the Strava API to see if I ran a sufficient distance. If I did, I got a reward like the good boy I was.
A Year of WordHopper – Modern DOS Game Development Retrospective (kokoscript.com)
At the start of 2023, I decided to set a resolution for myself: release a game project. Didn't matter how big or small, it had to be something.
Show HN: Myphotos.site – Make a gallery website from Google Photos (myphotos.site)
No coding or design skills needed.
I made a vanity VNC server (and I'm not the only one) (ache.one)
VNC is a well-known protocol for remote desktop sharing. This blog post is the story of a web project that led to the creation of a "vainity" VNC.
My Dream Thermostat (leontrolski.github.io)
Is this too much to ask?
Lush: My favorite small programming language (wordpress.com)
I meant to write about this when I started my blog in 2009. Eventually Lush kind of faded out of my consciousness, as it was a lot easier to get work doing stuff in R or Matlab or whatever. The guy who was maintaining the code moved on to other things. The guys who wrote most of the code were getting famous because of the German Traffic Sign results. I moved on to other things.
Ask HN: What projects are you going to work on if no need to work? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: What projects are you going to work on if no need to work?
Ask HN: What have you built this year that you are proud of? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: What have you built this year that you are proud of?
Building LawStar – a year long indie hacking journey (mackey.substack.com)
Hi, I’m James (in some circles better known as Mackey). In my career, I am a software engineer that likes working in startups. I regularly write about the things that I am working on, but this is my first time posting publicly.
Gregglogger (sonnet.io)
A few weeks back I felt bored and somewhat nihilistic, so naturally I went where people go to when they want to scream into the void. This time the void didn't gaze back at me, but served me this:
Libobscura (dorotac.eu)
Let me formally introduce you to my most recent overly-ambitious experiment: *libobscura*.
Ask HN: Which blog platform is suitable for personal blogging? (ycombinator.com)
Hello everyone. I'm looking for a blogging platform for my personal blog. I don't want something self-hosted, just a simple and affordable platform. Which platforms do you recommend?
MomBoard: E-ink display for a parent with amnesia (miksovsky.com)
Today marks two years since I first set up an e-ink display in my mom’s apartment to help her live on her own with amnesia. The display has worked extremely well during those two years, so I’m sharing the basic set-up in case others find it useful for similar situations.
Magic Paper (A Retrospective) (mattneary.com)
Last year, I quit my job to work on a project of my own.
I Wonder (daringfireball.net)