Hacker News with Generative AI: Opinions

Strong Opinions on URL Design (vale.rocks)
I came to realise the other day that, for reasons unbeknownst to me, I have very strong opinions on URL structures.
Peter Thiel's Apocalypse Dreams (thenerdreich.com)
Peter Thiel seeks ecstatic revelation in a very odd Financial Times op-ed.
Advertising Is a Cancer on Society (2019) (zlydach.pl)
I frequently say that advertising is a cancer on modern society.
Software development topics I've changed my mind on (chriskiehl.com)
Four years ago I posted about the same topic. A kind email reminded me its time for another check in.
TILs Are Junk Food (antonz.org)
I have a very low opinion of public TILs ("Today I Learned"). You probably guessed that from the title. Here is my reasoning.
"Founder Mode" and the Art of Mythmaking (charity.wtf)
I’ve never been good at “hot takes”. Anyone who knows anything about marketing can tell you that the best time to share your opinion about something is when everyone is all worked up about it. Hot topics drive clicks and eyeballs and attention en masse.
I was wrong about GraphQL (wundergraph.com)
I've been building GraphQL tools and writing about the technology since 2018. Over the years, I've shared my thoughts on various aspects of GraphQL. From best practices to controversial opinions—I've covered a lot of ground.
Yet Another List of Random Opinions on Writing Readable Code and Other Rants (lucavall.in)
After more than a decade of writing software, I've read lots of opinions on how to write good software. Everyone loves to throw around rules and principles, so I'll do it too. Writing readable code is about making life easier for the people who have to deal with it later - not about flexing your cleverness or following trends that sound smart on social networks.
Leaving Amazon (2023) (lbrito.ca)
I’d like to preface this by stating that Amazon is obviously a huge company, and my opinions are just that, one person’s opinions. There will probably be some people that share my frustrations while others have had a completely different experience.
Learning not to trust the All-In podcast (passingtime.substack.com)
My coworker and I enjoy having debates about whether the American economy is in the express lane to collapse or cruising in the good times (I’m really fun at parties). For the two-and-a-half years I’ve worked at my current company, one of us has been a bull while the other has been a bear. I’ll let you guess which one is me.
"Podcasts are just screensavers for your mind." (surrealtist) [video] (youtube.com)
How I Experience Web Today (2021) (how-i-experience-web-today.com)
Example Domain. This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in literature without prior coordination or asking for ...
I Didn't Believe That AI Is the Future of Coding. I Was Right [video] (youtube.com)
Jeremy Clarkson Says All Modern Cars 'Are Shit' (jalopnik.com)
Throughout his decades as an automotive journalist, Jeremy Clarkson has been known for his often controversial takes on cars. Well, he’s got another one: modern cars are “all shit now.”
Software development topics I've changed my mind on after 6 years in industry (chriskiehl.com)
Things I now believe, which past me would've squabbled with:
"Engineers don't use AWS because it's good" (twitter.com)
Figma Is Not Forever (medium.com)
Why I bet on DSPy (isaacbmiller.com)
Ask HN: Changing my mind about JavaScript (ycombinator.com)
We Should Stop Using JavaScript According to Douglas Crockford (2023) (reddit.com)
DHH: Make Software Simple Again (shiftmag.dev)
Ask HN: Thoughts on Tcl as a Language in 2024? (ycombinator.com)
My programming beliefs as of July 2024 (evanhahn.com)
Video: Linux sucks 2024 (Bryan Lunduke) [video] (youtube.com)
Htmx Sucks (htmx.org)
Why I Retired from the Tech Crusades (world.hey.com)
I'm Bearish OpenAI (stovetop.substack.com)
Why I'm Betting on Dart (dillonnys.com)
Marc Andreessen Is a Maniac (gizmodo.com)
Ask HN: I can no longer like React, do you? (ycombinator.com)