Hacker News with Generative AI: Personal Experience

The Los Angeles wildfires are self-inflicted (wordpress.com)
I don’t ordinarily write about events “in the moment” but for this I will make an exception, as I was personally affected. Caveats aside, my family and I are safe, we evacuated for several days, and due to heroic efforts by professional firefighters and psychotically brave neighbors, my house and most of my neighborhood escaped destruction. We were the lucky ones – by far.
Tell HN: I'm a programmer who bought a typewriter (ycombinator.com)
I have been programming for the last 7 years professionally. I like computers from my early age. My father bought me Sinclair ZX Spectrum+ when I was in the first grade. Since then, computers were part of my life, significantly. I stare at my screen almost whole day. One day there was some voice in me saying "Buy a typewriter". I listened to the voice and bought Smith Corona Silent from 1946.
Do It in Jeans First (gkogan.co)
It was six months after my trek through the cloud forests of Peru when I learned I'm not supposed to hike in jeans.
My takeaways from 12 months of therapy (cauldron.life)
Therapy had been a buzzword amongst some people I know and on the web. Honestly, I believed it to be a waste of time and money. I gave therapy a try first in 2021, but it was short-lived and not so great. In 2024, I again got curious about the mental health space and started paying more attention to the issues I was facing in my daily life.
I think I may be putting my schizophrenia into remission (feelingbuggy.com)
About 4 months ago I started my journey with the ketogenic diet to improve the symptoms resulting from suffering from schizophrenia since I was young. For my surprise my focus and clarity of mind improved, my energy levels throughout the day increased a lot and on top of that I lost 30kg (66 pounds). See Finding Hope After Decades of Struggle.
I Stopped Using OpenBSD (dataswamp.org)
Last month, I decided to leave the OpenBSD team as I have not been using OpenBSD myself for a while. A lot of people asked me why I stopped using OpenBSD, although I have been advocating it for a while. Let me share my thoughts.
I Stopped Using OpenBSD (dataswamp.org)
Last month, I decided to leave the OpenBSD team as I have not been using OpenBSD myself for a while. A lot of people asked me why I stopped using OpenBSD, although I have been advocating it for a while. Let me share my thoughts.
Leaving Amazon (2023) (lbrito.ca)
I’d like to preface this by stating that Amazon is obviously a huge company, and my opinions are just that, one person’s opinions. There will probably be some people that share my frustrations while others have had a completely different experience.
Blogging Through the Decades (dtrace.org)
Over the summer, I hit an anniversary of sorts: I’ve been blogging for two decades (!).
Buddhist Retreat: Why I gave up on finding my religion (2003) (slate.com)
For a 2,500-year-old religion, Buddhism seems remarkably compatible with our scientifically oriented culture, which may explain its surging popularity here in America.
What I learned from 130 hours in a Waymo (mattbell.us)
Over the last year I’ve spent over 130 hours in a Waymo.  I have used it for my daily commute for much of that year, and I also generally favor it for personal use whenever the wait times are not too long.  It’s a revolution in personal transit, and not just for technological reasons.  Here’s what I’ve learned.
Looking for a Job Is Tough (kaplich.me)
Since the beginning of September, I’ve been searching for a job after being laid off from my previous role at the end of June.
Ask HN: How to deal with a serious mental health breakdown? (ycombinator.com)
I am dealing with a delicate problem concerning my housemate who has recently had a very serious mental health breakdown.
Things I learned from my own cancer – Cory Doctorow (pluralistic.net)
I've got cancer but it's probably (almost certainly, really) okay. Within a very short period I will no longer have cancer (at least for now). This is the best kind of cancer to have – the kind that is caught early and treated easily – but I've learned a few things on the way that I want to share with you.
Recovering from a kidney donation (sjer.red)
I donated my kidney to a stranger on October 30th. I’m writing this to share my experience and hopefully to encourage others to donate, too. It’s not very exciting which is the point — donating a kidney is something that any (healthy) person can do without major risk or long-term consequence.
ADHD Productivity Report 2024 – Personal (futile) journey of (no) improvement (0xff.nu)
After realizing and being able to label the issues I was personally experiencing as ADHD, I finally knew which information and resources to seek out, which have allowed me to make quite a few adjustments to how I operate and organize myself and my day-to-day.
What I learned from 3 years of running Windows 11 on "unsupported" PCs (arstechnica.com)
When your old PC goes over the Windows 10 update cliff, can Windows 11 save it?
I got dysentery so you don’t have to (eukaryotewritesblog.com)
This summer, I participated in a human challenge trial at the University of Maryland. I spent the days just prior to my 30th birthday sick with shigellosis.
Keeping Teeth Healthy (kokorobot.ca)
As an adult I am embarrassed to say that I learned very late how to care for my teeth. It is difficult to admit this publicly, but I am sharing my experience so that others like me won't repeat my mistakes.
Bridge to Nowhere (depth-first.com)
On March 24, 2023 I was laying in a hospital bed for the first time in my life. I'd just been told that a team was being assembled for my upcoming brain surgery. I don't remember being asked if I wanted one. Rather, I was told that I would have one and that it would happen soon.
Ask HN: Going to oncology (just for adjuvant chemo) how to prepare mentally? (ycombinator.com)
I had an orchidectomy due to a non-seminoma. Because of the histopathology results, just to be safe I'm going to have 1 round of adjuvant chemo (BEP regimen) in 10 days.
12 Months of Mandarin (isaak.net)
Estimates for achieving intermediate fluency in Mandarin Chinese range up to spending years and around 4000 total hours (2,200h classroom hours, 1,800 outside). I did it in 1500 hours total and less than a year.
Seven things I wish I would not hear as an autist (superdurszlak.dev)
Among all the health conditions, diseases, disabilities and neuro-developmental challenges, it seems that Autism Spectrum Disorder is notorious for giving everybody a solid headache, no matter how they came to interact with it - as researchers, diagnosticians, autists ourselves or people who just are there around us as our family members, partners, friends or acquaintances.
Brutal Startup Failure (ycombinator.com)
My first (vc backed) startep failed after three years.
What Michael Pollan Learned from Quitting Caffeine [video] for 3 Months (youtube.com)
Hi-Tech Bifocals Improved My Eyesight but Made Me Look Like a Dork (gizmodo.com)
There comes a time in some adults’ lives when they have to grab a pair of bifocals to do some light bedtime reading.
What was the most intriguing question you were asked during an interview? (ycombinator.com)
I left Russia and moved to Florida. These were the 5 biggest culture shocks (msn.com)
What I Learned Working for Mark Zuckerberg (noahkagan.com)
Postmortem of my 9 year journey at Google (tinystruggles.com)