Hacker News with Generative AI: Buddhism

Introduction to Buddhism (fsi.stanford.edu)
Buddhism, one of the major world religions, began in India around the sixth century, B.C.E. The teachings of Buddhism spread throughout Central and Southeast Asia, through China, Korea, and Japan. Today, there are Buddhists all over the world.
Buddhist Retreat: Why I gave up on finding my religion (2003) (slate.com)
For a 2,500-year-old religion, Buddhism seems remarkably compatible with our scientifically oriented culture, which may explain its surging popularity here in America.
The Diamond Sutra, the oldest dated printed book (2016) (smithsonianmag.com)
An Introduction to Meditation – By a Theravada Buddhist Monk [video] (youtube.com)
Greco-Buddhist art (wikipedia.org)
How to do the jhanas (nadia.xyz)