Ask HN: Moving a not-for-profit web app off AWS( I'm developing an app to help foreign Buddhist monks in Thailand learn Thai and Pali languages. The app incorporates LLMs for interactive learning, and I'm experimenting with spaced repetition techniques within chatbot interfaces and for long-form text memorization.
19 points by motownphilly 125 days ago | 0 comments
If the Django Software Foundation had $1M( A couple weeks ago I gave a talk at DjangoCon US about the finances of the Django Software Foundation. I wanted to give folks a high-level understanding of our current financial situation, and then imagine a world where we had a substantially-larger budget.
Things I've learned serving on the board of the Python Software Foundation( Two years ago I was elected to the board of directors for the Python Software Foundation—the PSF. I recently returned from the annual PSF board retreat (this one was in Lisbon, Portugal) and this feels like a good opportunity to write up some of the things I’ve learned along the way.