A job platform for developers by developers (built by an experienced developer)(devjobs.work) We’re solving the issues that make job searching frustrating — irrelevant results, unclear salaries, and outdated hiring practices.Join us and make finding your next role easier.Recruiters/Employers: Partner with us to post your roles with clear salaries, remote policies, and the right details to connect with top developer talent. Let’s fix job searching together!
29 points by PointedResponse 52 days ago | 95 comments
Show HN: Job Simlarity (vector similarity graphs, WhoIsHiring/JSON Resume)(jsonresume.org) An interactive visualization of the tech job market, powered by data from HN "Who's Hiring" threads and the JSON Resume Registry. Each node represents a job category, with edges connecting similar roles. The size of each node indicates the number of job listings in that category.
128 points by nemanja_codes 74 days ago | 63 comments
Looking for a Job Is Tough(kaplich.me) Since the beginning of September, I’ve been searching for a job after being laid off from my previous role at the end of June.
184 points by skaplich 100 days ago | 275 comments
Ask HN: How is the job search going?(ycombinator.com) Out of work since August. I have submitted many resumes. I have to work remotely, so that might be against me, but I have never seen this kind of job market. In the past I would have 40 offers by this point with the number of applications I have submitted. My wife is pointing out that many jobs these days may be scams.