Hacker News with Generative AI: Crowdsourcing

AWS will pay devs to verify Rust standard library (devclass.com)
AWS, in collaboration with the Rust Foundation, is crowdsourcing an effort to verify the Rust standard library, by setting out a series of challenges for devs and offering financial rewards for solutions.
Wigle.net: All the networks, found by everyone (wigle.net)
All the networks. Found by Everyone.
FRED: New Zealand open-access and crowdsource database of fossil records (fred.org.nz)
FRED is a computer database for the New Zealand Fossil Record File (FRF) which is a recording scheme for fossil localities in NZ and nearby regions.
MapRoulette: the micro-tasking tool for OpenStreetMap (maproulette.org)
Show HN: AI-mediated debates that pay you to prove people wrong (credos.ai)
Ask HN: What is the best financial advice someone has ever given you? (ycombinator.com)
Real-time AI using scalable non-expert crowdsourcing in colorectal surgery (nature.com)
Show HN: OSS Gallery – Crowdsourced list of the best open-source projects (oss.gallery)
App Scout Park lets users in Sweden tip off wrongly parked cars to earn money (euronews.com)