Hacker News with Generative AI: Personal Finance

Ask HN: What country would you like to relocate to and why? (ycombinator.com)
We hear about people wanting to move to a different country because of economic reasons or political reasons regularly. If you had your wish, where would you move to?
Ask HN: Who has settled disputes in court, and won economically? (ycombinator.com)
This means your legal fees and opportunity costs were outweighed by a reasonable person's valuation of what you gained.
Letters from BBC Television Licensing (bbctvlicence.com)
From the beginning of 2006, I decided not to renew my television licence. I found that my television viewing consisted almost entirely of tapes of old programmes purchased off Ebay, and that my watching of broadcast television was less than an hour a week. I therefore decided to stop watching broadcast television, and I today spend the £169.50 saved from the TV licence fee on video tapes and DVDs.
Don't Be Frupid (selix.net)
Frugality is a virtue. The art of doing more with less, making sharp trade-offs, and keeping waste at bay so the good stuff – innovation, growth, maybe even a little joy – has room to thrive.
My First Month Selling Commercial Use Software Licenses (lgug2z.com)
I made $901.49 in my first month selling commercial use software licenses.
A woman who lives without money: 'I feel more secure than when I was earning' (theguardian.com)
Ten years ago, Jo Nemeth quit her job and closed her bank account. Today, she’s more committed than ever to her moneyless life
Show HN: Masterkey – A TurboTax-like platform for self-service home buying (trymasterkey.com)
Save $12,400 and Buy Your Home with Confidence using Masterkey's AI-powered platform
Ask HN: If I am so smart, why I am not rich? (ycombinator.com)
I grew up very modestly, borderline poverty. None of my extended family/friend went to college, I was the first one to graduate from college later in life.
Is budgeting just therapy but for money (milofultz.com)
If I could convince anyone to do anything in particular, it would at least include therapy and budgeting. Which seems a little wild now that I put them together.
You vs. a Billionaire: An Interactive Perspective on Wealth (budgetflow.cc)
The wealth of the super rich is often discussed in abstract terms which are hard to grasp, but today we'll explore it in a way that makes it more tangible and personal.
What I wish I knew before I quit my job (michaeldrogalis.substack.com)
Before I quit my job at Confluent, I was worried about taking the plunge.
Buh Bye Spotify (darko.audio)
The first order of business for 2025 was to cancel my Spotify Premium subscription.
Ask HN: Spending Tracking Tools (ycombinator.com)
I’m trying to figure out a budgeting system that works for me.
I am rich and have no idea what to do (vinay.sh)
Life has been a haze this last year. After selling my company, I find myself in the totally un-relatable position of never having to work again.
How and Why I Stopped Buying New Laptops (2020) (lowtechmagazine.com)
As a freelance journalist – or an office worker if you wish – I have always believed that I should regularly buy a new laptop. But older machines offer more quality for much less money.
The oversavers: Older Americans who wish they'd worked less, vacationed more (businessinsider.com)
Some Americans "oversave" for retirement and end up sacrificing during their working years.
Show HN: I spent 4 years bootstrapping a financial planning tool to 30k MAUs (projectionlab.com)
Build Financial Plans You Love.
Show HN: AI Powered Daily Budgeting (github.com/porkybank)
Which Country Should You Move To? (whichcountrytomoveto.com)
Let's find your perfect destination, one step at a time. Answer a few questions and discover where you could thrive and build your new life abroad.
My second year without a job (shilin.ca)
Two years ago, I quit my job. I was divorced, and I had $80K on my bank account. Today, I am still without a job, still divorced, and, not surprisingly, out of money. I wish I had written about my first year of unemployment, so I can compare the regress progress. At the very least, I can do a short overview of this year, so I’ll have something to compare in the next one.
How to Live in a Collapsing Economy (youtube.com)
I don't have much money. Is it okay if I don't give to charity? (vox.com)
I want to make the world better, but donating feels out of reach.
Show HN: Double-entry accounting based personal finance app (getpaper.money)
PaperMoney enables you to track your expenses, net-worth, shared finances and investments with double-entry accounting.
Ask HN: What are your most regretted tech purchases? (ycombinator.com)
Curious what people think is their biggest tech buying regret they wished never happened.
Ask HN: How to Emigrate from EU and Where? (ycombinator.com)
EU is in a perpetual state of decline and it seems there are no solutions in sight that would change its path in the next decade.
Show HN: Free mortgage analysis tool to avoid getting screwed by closing costs (closingwtf.com)
Closing on a Mortgage? Don't get Screwed!
Ask HN: How much money do you spend each month? (ycombinator.com)
Someone got into heated argument over comment I made in my another thread when I said we survive well with $60k (post tax) for family of four.
Another burnout post (gushogg-blake.com)
I quit my last contracting gig in August with £40k in debt, no other income, and only a business idea (it failed).
Ask HN: High income salaried employees – How do you reduce your taxes? (ycombinator.com)
If you are a W2 wage earner who earn a lot of money through salary, RSUs, etc, could you please share your favorite tax saving strategies? What are some legal ways to save on tax and build wealth? Any references to articles, videos, podcasts?
The day I became a millionaire (signalvnoise.com)
I grew up lower-middle class on the outskirts of Copenhagen. Anywhere outside of Scandinavia, the socioeconomic label would probably have been ‘poor’, but Danish safety nets and support systems did their best to suspend the facts and offer better.