I am rich and have no idea what to do(vinay.sh) Life has been a haze this last year. After selling my company, I find myself in the totally un-relatable position of never having to work again.
My second year without a job(shilin.ca) Two years ago, I quit my job. I was divorced, and I had $80K on my bank account. Today, I am still without a job, still divorced, and, not surprisingly, out of money. I wish I had written about my first year of unemployment, so I can compare the regress progress. At the very least, I can do a short overview of this year, so I’ll have something to compare in the next one.
The day I became a millionaire(signalvnoise.com) I grew up lower-middle class on the outskirts of Copenhagen. Anywhere outside of Scandinavia, the socioeconomic label would probably have been ‘poor’, but Danish safety nets and support systems did their best to suspend the facts and offer better.
Anon dev makes good on $10K bet with Carmack(shaw.wtf) A few years ago I made a bet with John Carmack for $10,000. I lost the bet, which unfortunately timed with some pretty hard life experiences, so it took a little while to pay it all off, but it’s finally been settled.
I Hate VC's(ycombinator.com) I have started a number of companies. All self-funded. Some were successful and others were "experiences". My last company was almost acquired for tens of millions of dollars when the economy imploded in 2008 and the world froze.
Ask HN: How do you stay up to date without over consuming?(ycombinator.com) I feel like so much current events and information is hidden in instagram, tik tok, reddit, HN, and other forums.<p>How do you stay up to date on what’s important aka what will make you money without spending way too much time consuming noise?