Hacker News with Generative AI: Relationships

She Is in Love with ChatGPT (nytimes.com)
She Is in Love with ChatGPT (nytimes.com)
A marriage proposal spoken in office jargon (mcsweeneys.net)
GARY: Hey Cindy, remember the other day when we were talking about optimizations?
The Typical Man Disgusts the Typical Woman (betonit.ai)
Ever seen this famous OkCupid graph? The quick summary is just: “Men rate women more highly than women rate men.”
The relationship recession is going global (ft.com)
The relationship recession is going global
Ask HN: To get married, I need to send an email the shortest time possible. How? (ycombinator.com)
Why the powerful may be more likely to cheat (phys.org)
Being a captain of industry, a politician, or a celebrity won't automatically make you a cheat. But chances of infidelity are significantly higher among the more powerful, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Sex Research.
Misperception of the facial appearance that the opposite-sex desires (plos.org)
Thin and muscular have been characterised as body shape ideals for women and men, respectively, yet each sex misperceives what the other sex desires; women exaggerate the thinness that men like and men exaggerate the muscularity that women like.
Is Technology Destroying Marriage? (piratewires.com)
Companion bots — large language models designed to replicate a romantic partner — are one of the fastest growing AI products, created with the promise that they will fulfill users’ every romantic need.
Probable Predictors of Involuntary Singlehood (sciencedirect.com)
People living in contemporary post-industrial societies frequently find themselves being single without wanting so, and the current research aimed to understand the reasons why.
Show HN: A personalised word search puzzle for your special someone (wordamour.com)
Surprise your special someone with a Wordamour.
Ayfkm: Painful bureaucratic journeys of a multicultural family (ayfkm.blog)
So it has come to this. We already had the idea of starting a blog like this back in 2020, when it was becoming clear that getting married for us would have been an ordeal, but we didn’t consider it interesting or complicated enough back in the time (obviously we were wrong).
Smart Dating Assistant – AI-Powered Help for Better Matches and Conversations (ycombinator.com)
Hey hackers<p>I’ve been working on an AI-powered dating assistant designed to help improve profiles, suggest messages that get replies, and provide guidance in real-time—all based on insights from 30k+ real dating interactions. The goal? To help people level up their dating experience.
Ask HN: How to deal with a serious mental health breakdown? (ycombinator.com)
I am dealing with a delicate problem concerning my housemate who has recently had a very serious mental health breakdown.
Show HN: Tinder, but to decide what to eat (whatdinner.com)
WhatDinner makes it easy for couples to decide on a meal together.
Research shows dating apps, sites are leading to more diverse couples (phys.org)
The so-called "traditional" way of dating has changed drastically over time, especially in the last decade. While most couples used to meet through families and friends or local organizations like church, according to University of New Mexico Sociology Professor Reuben Thomas, many American couples now meet online.
Let Google decide (cupofsquid.com)
My partner and I recently moved states in order to benefit from lower rent and a more affordable living environment.
Explaining Falling Birth Rates (daviddfriedman.substack.com)
One possible explanation is changes in norms and legal rules that make mate search more difficult. An example is a norm against dating fellow employees and a stronger norm against dating someone who has authority over you or you have some authority over.
Why falling in love is wrong (thefreedomofthought.com)
By recently read an article that concurred with my thought processes on a segment of what people think is love, I wanted to give a short explanation for readers to see my point of view. Remember! Nuance is important to grasp!
Man Learns He's Being Dumped via 'Dystopian' Apple Intelligence Summary of Texts (arstechnica.com)
"No longer in a relationship; wants belongings from the apartment," Apple AI summarized.
Man learns he's being dumped via "dystopian" AI summary of texts (arstechnica.com)
"No longer in a relationship; wants belongings from the apartment," Apple AI summarized.
Confessions of a Hinge Power User (wired.com)
“It’s gonna sound wild, but I’ve probably been on close to 200 dates in the last year and a half.”
AI Companions Reduce Loneliness (arxiv.org)
Chatbots are now able to engage in sophisticated conversations with consumers in the domain of relationships, providing a potential coping solution to widescale societal loneliness.
How to build good relationships inside and outside your engineering team (eng-leadership.com)
Is marriage associated with happiness for men or for women? Or both? Or neither? (stat.columbia.edu)
Finding love: Study reveals where love lives in the brain (medicalxpress.com)
Helen Fisher, who researched the brain’s love circuitry, has died (nytimes.com)
Maybe knowing too much about others isn't so great (danfrank.ca)
When should you end a conversation? Probably sooner than you think (2021) (science.org)
Online dating apps struggle as people swear off swiping (theguardian.com)