Hacker News with Generative AI: Personal Growth

ADHD Didn't Break Me–My Parents Did (claimingattention.substack.com)
This was the most profound realization I had after my diagnosis. It was crucial because, without it, I wouldn't have known how to live with myself.
The quiet rebellion of a little life (caitlynrichardson.substack.com)
Four Years a Founder: Time (akashtandon.in)
Learnings and anecdotes from four years as a startup founder - timing matters, accept the past and good things take time.
Writing as Transformation (newyorker.com)
It seems to me that I have wanted to write for the whole of my life.
Deciding to read a book a week was the best new year resolution I ever made (theguardian.com)
Deciding to read a book a week was the best new year resolution I ever made
Ask HN: Best thing you learned in 2024? (ycombinator.com)
This year I learned how to be a father, you folks?
Ask HN: How Do You Find the Right Fit for Career Growth? (ycombinator.com)
I'm 3 years into my career as a software engineer. I became enthralled with programming while in graduate school (studying a completely different discipline) and decided to drop out to pursue a 2nd BS in computer science.
Where Does the Magic Go as We Grow Older? (2020) (medium.com)
It is hard to say when I stopped building blanket forts for my own amusement. It is even harder to pinpoint why I stopped.
Read More Books (notboring.co)
Welcome to the 232 newly Not Boring people who have joined us since last week! If you haven’t subscribed, join 234,408 smart, curious folks by subscribing here:
Ask HN: How can I grow beyond being an engineer that just completes tasks? (ycombinator.com)
I’ve been given the feedback that I do an excellent job completing the tasks I’ve been given, but that I could grow further by identifying proactively identifying issues and proposing solutions.
Learning to Learn (kevin.the.li)
When you’re starting something new, the most important thing is knowing what to learn.
Have You Wanted to Quit Social Media? (ycombinator.com)
I'm curious, have you ever wanted to quit social media?
How do you choose where to be? (ycombinator.com)
Feeling very lost. On one hand I don’t want to move out and feel like I’ve made a mistake ‘giving up’ second year of music school, on the other I’m already feeling this about exciting tech projects and jobs I’m refusing, and about being close to friends & family in the city.<p>How do you choose where to be?
Ask HN: What breakthrough helped you build and maintain better relationships? (ycombinator.com)
Pretty much just the title.<p>As a very small, but highly frequent example, I’ll invite an acquaintance to get a coffee or beer with me a few times but never have this acquaintance seemingly think of me if I’m not directly asking them to hang.<p>I can’t really figure out why. Maybe I’m a boring person? Maybe I’m abrasive? Maybe most people like to stay in a perpetual state of acquaintance-ness?<p>How do you fix something like this if you can’t diagnose what’s wrong?
All We Have in This World Is Ourselves (rxjourney.com.ng)
Earlier this week, one of my colleagues lost her father. It's really startling how much can happen within a 24-hour period. I'm not exaggerating when I say that something could happen in the next 24 hours that might drastically change your life, either positively or negatively.
I encourage you to write a blog (ounapuu.ee)
It’s been over 4 years since my first post on this blog.
Why I Write My Own Obituary Every Year (nytimes.com)
I wrote my obituary last week. I often do so once a year; it has become a kind of ritual.
A lonely man in his 30s found welcome and community at spin class (longreads.com)
It’s my first day of spin class, and I am in the darkest corner of the room.
What was the best life hack you discovered too late? (reddit.com)
What was the best life hack you discovered too late?
Ask HN: What are some essays that profoundly changed the way you think (ycombinator.com)
No specific themes here, I'm curious to read about things that changed your mind!
The work you do, the person you are (2017) (newyorker.com)
Willingness to Look Stupid (2021) (danluu.com)
Mourning and moving on: rituals for leaving a career (2014) (franceshocutt.com)
Jagora: Tap into the Power of Your Intuition (ycombinator.com)
Where at least I know I'm free (world.hey.com)
Ask HN: As you got older what have you realised? (ycombinator.com)
Principles I Find Interesting (johnnywebber.com)
Smart jerks aren't worth it (tonyalicea.dev)
Firing Myself (backintyme.substack.com)
Something happens to everyone (alexmolas.com)