Hacker News with Generative AI: Time Management

How I Ace Midterms at a Top CS School by Studying 1-3 Hours (and Skipping Class) (rohan.ga)
I have a midterm tomorrow (actually)[0] and instead of studying I decided to write this piece on exactly how I spend as little time as possible on school while achieving decent results (top ~5-10% on tests).
Show HN: I made a site to tell the time in corporate (corporate.watch)
We are 7 weeks into Q1, 2025 (week 7 of 13)
Work-Life Balance as a Manager (yusufaytas.com)
As an IC, you close your laptop at 6 PM, log off, and forget about the work unless you are oncall.  As a manager, you check Slack at 10 PM because someone might need you. Your calendar looks like there’s no time to do anything and you haven’t had an actual deep focus hour in weeks. Sounds familiar? Welcome to management, where your time is no longer yours. Or is it?
Gaining Years of Experience in a Few Months (marcgg.com)
This is a followup to what I wrote about how someone can have 5 times 1 year of experience instead of 5 years of experience. Note that some concepts and ideas will overlap as this is just a different way to look at the same question of career growth and pace of learning.
Rethinking the C Time API (oliverkwebb.github.io)
Out of all the components of C, its time API is probably the one most plagued with legacy cruft.
Speed matters (2021) (scattered-thoughts.net)
I think that one of the most important things to focus on improving is how fast you can work.
Ask HN: How to stop taking on too many projects getting burned out? (ycombinator.com)
I am currently swamped with projects. I can't point to any particular project and say "This one was to much" but all of them combined have got me totally overwhelmed.
Show HN: Daily-notes.nvim – fuzzy time journal and planning plugin (github.com/fdavies93)
An nvim plugin to enable creating periodic notes.
The missing cross-platform OS API for timers (gaultier.github.io)
Most serious programs will need to trigger some action at a delayed point in time, often repeatedly: set timeouts, clean up temporary files or entries in the database, send keep-alives, garbage-collect unused entities, etc. All while doing some work in the meantime. A blocking sleep won't cut it! For example, JavaScript has setTimeout. But how does it work under the hood? How does each OS handle that?
Show HN: I Created a Pomodoro Timer (25min.work)
Protecting your time from predators in large tech companies (seangoedecke.com)
If you’re a competent software engineer at a large tech company, your time is in very high demand.
Providing Precise Time over the Network (lwn.net)
Handling time in a networked environment is never easy.
Ask HN: How do you sleep on time? (ycombinator.com)
Hello fellow HN guys, My work mostly ends around 9 to 10:00 PM. I have this hangover of spending a few hours after dinner so it ends up me being able to sleep around 12:00PM-1:00 AM which is very late. What can I do to get to sleep early?
28h Days: year 1 update (sidhion.com)
It’s been a little over a year since I started living 28h days .
Four Years a Founder: Time (akashtandon.in)
Learnings and anecdotes from four years as a startup founder - timing matters, accept the past and good things take time.
The one-page calendar that changes how you view the year (bigthink.com)
Each year, most of us throw out our old calendar and replace it with a new one. Each month, we flip our calendar forward another page, and if we ever need to know which day-of-the-week corresponds to a particular day/month combination, we have to either calculate it ourselves or flip forward/backward to the relevant month.
Is your project on schedule? How do you know? (respectfulleadership.substack.com)
Is your project on schedule? How do you know?
10-Step Anti-Procrastination Checklist (2013) (lesswrong.com)
Despite recent strides in my productivity habits, I still catch myself procrastinating at work more often than I'd like.
Use of Logical Clocks in Databases (blogspot.com)
What did you do to save time as a startup founder? (ycombinator.com)
Curious for those startup founders out there, what did you do to save time so that you could focus on building your company?
Ask HN: How Do You Juggle Multiple Projects? (ycombinator.com)
If you have a handful of projects you're interested in, do you cycle between them in increments- power through them in sequence, or approach them some other way?
Ask HN: How do I keep up with work? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: Any working Chrome extensions that delay loading of YouTube? (ycombinator.com)
Recently I decided to limit the amount of time I waste on youtube, reddit, etc. but blocking it altogether is too restrictive (sometimes it's useful - for example for background music or some tutorials).<p>There are several chrome extensions that supposedly let you delay loading of choosen websites, but:
Parkinson's Law: It’s real, so use it (theengineeringmanager.substack.com)
Parkinson's Law states that "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."
Storing Times for Human Events (simonwillison.net)
I’ve worked on various event websites in the past, and one of the unintuitively difficult problems that inevitably comes up is the best way to store the time that an event is happening. Based on that past experience, here’s my current recommendation.
Storing Times for Human Events (simonwillison.net)
I’ve worked on various event websites in the past, and one of the unintuitively difficult problems that inevitably comes up is the best way to store the time that an event is happening. Based on that past experience, here’s my current recommendation.
When did estimates turn into deadlines? (domainanalysis.io)
Can I please return to my vacation days in early October?
Ask HN: What are your favorite tools for taming your email? (ycombinator.com)
Like many people, my inbox seems to be at a place once again where it is just too overwhelming to keep track of. Automated sorting into more folders won’t give me more time to go through it all.
Show HN: Stretch My Time Off – An Algorithm to Optimize Your Vacation Days (stretchmytimeoff.com)
In , there are 0 public holidays in 2024. Let's stretch your time off from 0 days to 0 days (how?)
Programmer Interrupted: The Cost of Interruption and Context Switching (2022) (contextkeeper.io)
Interruptions and context switching are the two most costly factors that directly impact a programmer's daily productivity. Although there is no permanent way to avoid them, there are some interesting strategies to minimize their impact.