41 points by MasterAbood 70 days ago | 10 comments
Honey's deal-hunting browser extension is accused of ripping off YouTubers(theverge.com) The PayPal Honey browser extension is, in theory, a handy way to find better deals on products while you’re shopping online. But in a video published this weekend, YouTuber MegaLag claims the extension is a “scam” and that Honey has been “stealing money from influencers, including the very ones they paid to promote their product.”
Google Is Killing uBlock Origin. No Chromium Browser Is Safe(quippd.com) We’ve been anticipating it for years,1 and it’s finally happening. Google is finally killing uBlock Origin – with a note on their web store stating that the extension will soon no longer be available because it “doesn’t follow the best practices for Chrome extensions”.2
Web scraping with your web browser: Why not?(8chananon.github.io) You can find plenty of tutorials on the Internet about the art of web scraping (for example, here and here) and the first things you will learn about are Python and Beautiful Soup. There is no tutorial on web scraping with Javascript in a web browser though you will find browser extensions that claim to do it all without any need for coding (this only works for simplistic and unprotected websites).