Hacker News with Generative AI: Electronics

Soldering Is Easy (hachyderm.io)
Getting Started with FPGAs (nandland.com)
Whether you have been toying with field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for years or are completely new to these reprogrammable devices, this book will teach you to think like an FPGA engineer and develop reliable designs with confidence.
Show HN: New service to rent and trade-in your beloved AI and FPGA boards (devboardrental.com)
Welcome to Devboardrental, your go-to source for electronic development boards and tools. Discover a wide range of products tailored for students, engineers, and hobbyists, all available for rent through our unique booking system.
Testing the Z80 Chip with a 1970s Beauty (mtsi.substack.com)
If you used a Z80 chip back in the 1980s, it almost certainly passed through a single room and its Fairchild Sentry 610 test system.
Nixie Tubes (2015) (danyk.cz)
Nixie tube is a cold cathode lamp filled with gas (typically neon with some argon at a low pressure, mercury is sometimes added for longer life). It is used for displaying numbers or other symbols.
Making Electronic Calipers (kevinlynagh.com)
Have you ever wished for a 500 Hz, millimeter-precise linear position sensing system? Well you’re in luck — all you need is some circuit board, a basic microcontroller, and a wee bit of maths!
Ask HN: How do you estimate the cost of a board? (ycombinator.com)
To keep it brief, I'm starting a new position in the cost engineering department. It seems that the electronic components division is fairly understaffed (only 1 guy can work on boards, the rest do cables), and my training supervisor intends to assign me to that division.
Build an 8-bit computer from scratch (eater.net)
The Circuit Graver, an interesting new way to fab PCBs at home (hackaday.io)
Carve PCBs at home using a machine you build!
A Craving for Calculation (technicshistory.com)
In 1965, Patrick Haggerty, president of Texas Instruments (TI), wanted to make a new bet on the future of electronics.
Practical Radio Circuits (2003) [pdf] (fracassi.net)
Why Aren't There B Batteries? (2022) (thebatterygenie.com)
The “B” battery is a type of vacuum tube battery. It is used to provide constant and positive plate voltage and is colloquially referred to as a “dry battery.” The “B” battery was a high-voltage battery commonly used for antique tube radios. It was available in various sizes and shapes, with a voltage range of 45 to 90 volts. Unfortunately, B batteries are now scarce to find, as very few vendors still sell them in some African and European countries.
Lectron System, the Arduino Precursor (lectron.info)
Since its 1966 introduction by Egger-Bahn (the well-known 9mm toy train company) in Germany, the Lectron System continues to be considered a unique and highly innovative way of teaching analog and digital electronics.  From Egger-Bahn’s English translation of their 1966-1967 catalog:
Deep dive: the instability of op-amps (lcamtuf.substack.com)
This article assumes some familiarity with signal amplification and the knowledge of basic op-amp circuits. If you need a refresher, start here.
Why are people so picky about storing li-ion batteries at 3.7v? (reddit.com)
Why are people so picky about storing liion batteries at 3.7v?
A Primer on Vintage Cassette Decks: How to Find a Good One (insheepsclothinghifi.com)
During the heyday of cassette culture, the respected home audio magazine Hi-Fi Stereo Review published one of its occasional overviews of new-model tape decks.
Taming the buck with a Type III compensator (sig7.se)
I recently designed and built my first DC/DC converter, a synchronous buck regulating some hefty DC currents. It turned out to work okay-ish (except the overvoltage crowbar), but I had a nagging feeling that it could (and should) be improved further.
A step toward fully 3D-printed active electronics (news.mit.edu)
By fabricating semiconductor-free logic gates, which can be used to perform computation, researchers hope to streamline the manufacture of electronics.
C-Motive's electrostatic motors use printed circuit boards instead of magnets (c-motive.com)
No gearbox, active cooling, or oversizing needed C-Motive’s electrostatic motors use printed circuit boards instead of magnets A proprietary dielectric fluid inside the machine enables peak performance
555 Timer Circuits (555-timer-circuits.com)
555 Timers are fun and a great way to start learning electronics
Ask HN: How do you organize your electronic components? (ycombinator.com)
Capacitors, resistors, micro-controllers, oh my!... god it's a mess. I keep finding spare parts between my toes and under pillows. "Open-Air Desk-top" storage is no longer an option.<p>What types of storage do you use? Are you subscribed to an organizational philosophy? Do you sort your resistors by resistance?<p>Please and thank you ~
Ask HN: Tips for hacking a TV? (ycombinator.com)
I've got a spare television lying around (specifically, a Samsung UN24H4500), and I thought it'd be fun to take a crack at seeing what I can do with it. The only hitch is that I've never really done any hardware hacking before, so I don't really know where to start!
Sound Lab – A Simple Analogue Synthesiser (technoblogy.com)
Sound Lab is an analogue synthesiser, consisting of six modules that can be combined in a variety of ways. It uses a single printed circuit board that doubles as the front panel and wiring, with surface-mount components and PCB-mounted controls to make the construction as easy as possible:
Shenzhen I/O: A great game to learn electronics and programming (gog.com)
AI-Powered Electronic Component Sorter (github.com/Vanguard-s)
Introducing the AI-Powered Electronic Component Classifier: The Ultimate in Intelligent Component Management.
Simulated circuit level breakdown of 1972 Atair Pong (falstad.com)
This is a simulation of the 1972 Atari game Pong at a circuit level.
Ask HN: Can you recommend a PCB designer? (ycombinator.com)
Did anyone have a good experience and can vouch for their service provider?
The First Transistor Radio (ieee.org)
The Regency TR-1 transistor radio ignited a passion for portable gadgets that continues to this day.
Diode Matrix (cca.org)
A diode matrix is an extremely low-density form of read-only memory that was used in computers in the 50s through the 70s, before EEPROMs were invented.
ESP8266 Analog Broadcast Television Interface (github.com/cnlohr)
Hook an antenna up to GPIO3/RX, tune your analog TV to Channel 3. Power the ESP on!