History of a PKMS that is 48 years old(reddit.com) Greetings all. A few people have expressed interest in the history of my PKMS that is currently 48 years old. They were curious about the software and hardware and approach I took over all of these years. (tagging u/OatmealDurkheim u/Effective_Beat_6105 u/Aeyrien ) Hopefully this is helpful and/or entertaining, and not just the musings of an old man who should spend more time yelling at the clouds. 😊
Ascending Mount FujiNet(leadedsolder.com) In case you haven’t heard of it, FujiNet is an ambitious open-source community project. Its intent is to be the only peripheral you will ever need to get for your old computer. That’s a lofty goal if ever I’ve heard one. I’ve been in and out of the project over the last few years, but I hadn’t actually gotten (or finished) any FujiNet hardware. Let’s revive my troubled CoCo1 with a cartridge that does it all.
The History of PC Audio(thejpster.org.uk) This is a brief, abridged, and possibly inaccurate history of audio on the IBM PC compatible. It's based on an exhibition I prepared for Synthesised, a special event at the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge, England.
Are retrocomputers best left on or off?(stackexchange.com) I have a machine from 1998. I believe its hard drive and RAM are all original. It powers on and loads the OS, so I have reason to believe that nothing major is corrupted. However, is it best to leave it on once it is on, or to power it down unless I'm using it?