Hacker News with Generative AI: Retrocomputing

Pocket386 Retro DOS Computer 386SX-40Mhz (tindie.com)
Pocket386 Retro DOSComputer 386SX-40 CPU DOS Computer Hand386 upgrade
. – –. e s x d o s – o R g (esxdos.org)
ESXDOS aims to be the ultimate firmware for the DivIDE/DivMMC interface.
History of a PKMS that is 48 years old (reddit.com)
Greetings all. A few people have expressed interest in the history of my PKMS that is currently 48 years old. They were curious about the software and hardware and approach I took over all of these years. (tagging u/OatmealDurkheim u/Effective_Beat_6105 u/Aeyrien ) Hopefully this is helpful and/or entertaining, and not just the musings of an old man who should spend more time yelling at the clouds. 😊
Ascending Mount FujiNet (leadedsolder.com)
In case you haven’t heard of it, FujiNet is an ambitious open-source community project. Its intent is to be the only peripheral you will ever need to get for your old computer. That’s a lofty goal if ever I’ve heard one. I’ve been in and out of the project over the last few years, but I hadn’t actually gotten (or finished) any FujiNet hardware. Let’s revive my troubled CoCo1 with a cartridge that does it all.
Knight TV Resurrection (2018) (pdp-6.net)
The Knight TV system was a terminal system made by Tom Knight that was connected to the AI KA10.
Patched AppKit in Mac OS X 10.0 to re-enable the NeXTSTEP interface style (2022) (mastodon.social)
Programming the C64 with Visual Studio Code (retrogamecoders.com)
Program the Commodore 64 in BASIC, Assembly or C using Microsoft Visual Studio Code on Mac, Windows and Linux!
Writing assembly language subroutines for Extended Color BASIC (conman.org)
The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”
One-parting some Commodore 64 utilities for fun and profit (blogspot.com)
I've got a few retrocomputing bucket list items I'm slowly working down, and a couple of them involve some little Commodore 64 games I've had kicking around on the backburner.
Testing the Z80 Chip with a 1970s Beauty (mtsi.substack.com)
If you used a Z80 chip back in the 1980s, it almost certainly passed through a single room and its Fairchild Sentry 610 test system.
Virtual Windows 3.11 Computer (pieter.com)
Welcome to my new homepage!
The History of PC Audio (thejpster.org.uk)
This is a brief, abridged, and possibly inaccurate history of audio on the IBM PC compatible. It's based on an exhibition I prepared for Synthesised, a special event at the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge, England.
Refurb weekend: the Symbolics MacIvory Lisp machine I have hated (blogspot.com)
Every collector has that machine, the machine they sunk so much time and, often, money into that they would have defenestrated it years ago except for all the aforementioned time and money.
Refurb weekend: the Symbolics MacIvory Lisp machine I have hated (blogspot.com)
Every collector has that machine, the machine they sunk so much time and, often, money into that they would have defenestrated it years ago except for all the aforementioned time and money.
Are retrocomputers best left on or off? (stackexchange.com)
I have a machine from 1998. I believe its hard drive and RAM are all original. It powers on and loads the OS, so I have reason to believe that nothing major is corrupted. However, is it best to leave it on once it is on, or to power it down unless I'm using it?
Linux/4004: booting Linux on Intel 4004 for fun, art, and no profit (dmitry.gr)
In 2012, I ran real Linux on an 8-bit microcontroller (AVR), setting a new world record for lowest-end-machine to ever run Linux.
Lessons from implementing Sokoban for the Intel 8080 (dyer.me)
For a while, I've had the urge to find a project that would give me an excuse to learn more about how computer architectures work at a low level.
CP/M forty years on – what it was, and why it still matters (2021) (kevinboone.me)
It's now 40 years since the heyday of CP/M -- the first serious attempt at an operating system for microcomputers.
Rediscovering Turbo Pascal (paoloamoroso.com)
Ask HN: Did the "killer poke" reduce Commodore PET sales? (ycombinator.com)
Why the Fascination with Retrocomputing? (kevinboone.me)
Greaseweazle: Tools for accessing a floppy drive at the raw flux level (github.com/keirf)
Modchipping a Fridge (kennedn.com)
A RP2040 based DECstation 3000 emulator that can run DECWindows (github.com/rscott2049)
"Micro Chart" CPU reference cards (6502, Z80, 8088/8086, 68000) (retrocomputingforum.com)
Preserving a floppy disk with a logic analyzer and a serial cable (chzsoft.de)
The Workstation You Wanted in 1990, in Your Pocket (hackaday.com)
A blast from the past: Disassembling DOS (2020) (softwarelitigationconsulting.com)
Yellow Pig's BBC Computer Pages (cowsarenotpurple.co.uk)
The Flexipede Revisited (chilton-computing.org.uk)